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Theresea Marcona -Ventrue-

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"Miss. Marcona...your floor."
"Thank you Jeeves." She says with a coy smile.

   Dressed to kill, Theresea Marcona is somewhat of an oddity in these walls. Not very many women make it up this high. The view from her corner office in the middle of downtown New York is a beautiful sight. Theresea likes the way the lights twinkle in the night...the people mulling about in the city's bousterous nightlife. Off in the distance, a couple miles away, the Statue of Liberty holds her flame high for all who pass under her wing.

   Theresea smiles as her gaze falls upon Liberty's flame. She thinks of her long ago departed....of how they had boarded the ferry from her native Italy to this new place...this place of unknown riches and hope....hope that somehow life would be better... that this new world would help solve all of the problems that life held.

    "Give me your tired, your poor.....Hah...what a joke." she says...her eyes locked on Lady Liberty. The anger in her voice rising, then slowly fading.

    "People in California fight every day to keep the illegal immigrants from coming here....people move businesses out of here to Japan, that WE have a right to. But we don't. Where were YOU when my family left Italy? You welcomed us here to this 'new world', then left us in the dirt. My family fought for all they had thanks to you..."


Miss. Marcona...there is a Brandon Fredricks here see you. I'll show him in.
" nice to see you. I take it you enjoy the view?"

"Yes's great...thank you. But I'm sure there's more to this visit than you just checking up on the scenery."

"Well ma' are correct in that. The Sabbat have taken a portion of New York...the seaport. Our shipment of goods from Italy and France have been blocked off...but luckily we still have goods coming in by leiu of the Kennedy Airport."

"Good. When did this attack start?"

"The attack on the seaport started some nights ago. The sherriff tried to quench the Sabbatt upstart, but was almost taken down in the process. They say the Sabbat are going after Lady Liberty next. If they happen to take Liberty and Ellis Island, then the whole of our sea operation will crumble."

"Brandon, I know the severity of the situation, thank you. Gather the head of the other five clans, and whomever else you know would be willing to help us. I want this problem resolved as fast as possible."

" prince."

   And as Brandon turns to leave , Theresea looks out over the water...the lights casting an eeiry glow on the Liberty statue, as Theresea plans out her next move. Like it or not, she has to defend her city, and all those under her.

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