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Getting rid of that POP noise when shutting your car stereo off

Please note that this MAY solve your "pop" noise if it is present when shutting the system off using your deck's power button. It did for me. It won't however, solve it if you get this pop while shutting the system off from ACC I position to 0 position.

Go to Radio Shack and purchase a large electrolytic capacitor. Any value from 1000 mfd up to 10,000 mfd rated for 16 volts DC or more. Ground the -ve electrode to the car's chassis. Connect the +ve electrode to the turn-on wire feeding your accessories like amps or EQ's. Then buy a diode (1N4001, or 1N4003, etc) and place it in series with the turn-on wire feeding your accessories. Just make sure to put the diode before the capacitor's +ve connection to the turn-on wire. (Thus, the diode is located between the deck and the capacitor). Tha capacitor will hold a charge and keep your amps, EQ's on for a few extra seconds and the diode will prevent the rest of your system from remaining on. This should however be done on a slightly modified turn-on wire since deck's "stock" output on that remote turn-on wire does NOT provide much amperage so you idealy want to use a relay to boost up the amperage on this turn-on wire.
As for my 2 cents on relays, I recomend one from Canadian Tire (if you're in Canada) or any GM relay for which info is also found in my car audio section.

Charlie Janicki

August, 1999