Step by step instructions of the topics listed below. My Hybrid '89 EF civic's trany has 93 GSR YS1. I ended up with the 4th and 5th gear out of 95 GSR.
Things included in the booklet:
1. LSD installation
2. Shim thickness determination
- Mainshaft shim and differential (LSD) shim determination covered by Spoon Sports
3. Hybrid Gear Combination Installation
-4th and 5th gear change explained to achieve the HYBRID gearing desired
4. Main Shaft assembly and dissasembly
5. Counter Shaft assembly and dissasembly
6. Bearing and seal installations
7. Change holder mechanism installation tricks
8. Transmission case installation tricks
9. Gear tooth count for various models of USDM and JDM trannies
The above Tech manual is based mainly on the impossible to find JDM "Civic tuning B16A&B18" book which I have had translated and also on the Helm's OEM Acura/Honda manuals which I have gone through many times... I'm also including few pages of my thoughts on the installation/overhaul process that you should watch out for.
Ordering Information
Charlie Janicki
February 22, 2003
Email: czarekj@hotmail.com