Names with a star before them, are indication that
I have received their registration
Stars following a name indicates the person attended
the 1998 El Mirage reunion.
Annie & Michael Moore (Ann Emery)
Richard Duston
(Read this
A list of those that have contacted me, and do not have e-mail access:
Hugh Dimron, Fallbrook, CA.
Graham Thompson, Torrance, CA.
John Seaborn, Boulder, CO. (e-mail address by request) Barbara (Sharpe) Keel, Victorville, CA.
Elimir Katinsky
Gus, Ken and Ross Briegleb, El Mirage, CA. Bill Wiggiams, Fallbrook, CA.
Paul Bomar
Bud Hopp, Los Angeles, CA.
Heinz Buyer
Nancy Lachina