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Amazing Spider-Man #28
WRITER:  Howard Mackie
PENCILLER:  Joe Bennett
COVER BY:  John Romita Jr.
INKER:  Sandu Florea
STORY TITLE:  Distractions
ACT 1: The story strangely begins with an unknown man leaning against a locked door, listening to a voice coming from beyond the door. "Hello? I know you are there. I can tell. Please talk to me.", says the voice." Why are you doing this to me? I’m tired...I just want to go my my life. Answer me. Why? Please!" The man sheds a few tears as he listens to the voice. "I think I’ll go crazy if you don’t. How long have I been here? Where am I? Oh, God, please...just tell me something.", says an unrecognizable woman as she reaches out to the door. "I just...want to go home." The man reaches back, as though afraid, and leaves. "Please? Hello? No...don’t go. Please." (Reviewer’s note: Could this be Mary Jane? Speculations that she is still alive have been abundant since she’s disappeared, could it be possible?)

ACT 2: A woman dressed up like a street hooker and covered with several tattoos and piercings opens the door to an astonished Peter Parker, our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, whose dropping off a broken TV. Peter looks back as he follows the lady (named Fallon by the way) into the house and one can tell he’s thinking about running away from that place as fast as he possibly can. Gargoyles-like statues, skulls, burning candles and satanic symbols are spread out through the entire house. Peter can help but wonder what goes on in there at night. As Fallon starts to flirt heavily with Peter, he clumsily makes up an excuse that he has an appointment to make and that if he didn’t that would be bad. He then suggests that they could get together some other time "in public". She then unexpectedly lifts her foot to Peter's face and points out that the anklet she has around her foot is a house arrest device so she cannot leave the premises. At that point, Peter's heard enough and decides to leave, telling Fallon that he would call her soon.

ACT 3: A short time later, Peter makes it back to his apartment building. Furious, he contemplates the idea of killing Randy, his roommate. He then stops for a second and realizes that he is not going to do anyone any good if he looses his cool. He wishes that sometimes he could just cut loose and not have to worry about his superpowers. As he ponders that thought, he looks down to the street and sees two people kissing. He smiles.

ACT 4: He enters his apartment only to find Gloria, Jill, and Randy all laughing at the thought of Peter meeting Fallon. Peter, undoubtedly upset, cannot believe that he was set up. Randy tries to explain that "it’s time to get out into the world, to start living again, to do the dating thing". Peter quickly interrupts Randy and asks Gloria and Jill if Randy had mentioned the piercings, the tattoos, the witchcraft, and the criminal record to them. They both angrily turn towards Randy as he tries to make it seem not so bad after all, pointing out that Fallon is a cute contortionist. Furious, Glory grabs Randy by the collar and drags him to another room so they can discuss the matter. Peter is left alone with Jill who apologizes for having trusted Randy to choose a girl. She admits to Peter that she thinks it's a good idea that he starts dating again. After all, it's been six months since Mary Jane has disappeared and M.J. would surely approve of Peter dating. Peter begs Jill to not talk about it. He tells her that he's not ready for it, that he needs more time. She retorts that there are many people that care for him, who want the best for him and that just want to see him happy again. They grow closer as she tells him "that there's someone out there, [...] someone who...". They both look into each other's eyes (as though about to kiss) and Peter replies that he has already met that someone and that she was taken away from him.

ACT 5: Later that night, Spider-Man patrols the New York's skies in search of people in need of assistance. Suddenly, the dulcet tones of gunshots are heard through the night. Spider-Man rushes to the scene of a gang war between rival factions of New York’s underworld. He attempts to convince Ox, Fancy Dan and Montana, the Enforcers, to put down their weaponry. Jimmy-6 interrupts Spider-Man's plea to the Enforcers and tells him to back off, that this isn't his fight. Peter realizes that despite his best intentions, Jimmy-6 could not stay clean after taking over his father's crime family. But, his better sense of responsibility tells him to help out Jimmy-6 since the latter helped him in the past. Peter notices that Jimmy's wife and son are trapped in the car, that they can't get out because of all the guns being fired around them. As he leaps to help them out, Spider-Man is caught off guard by Fancy Dan who kicks him violently. This enables Ox to throw a punch at him and Montana to almost pull his arm off with his lasso. Meanwhile, Jimmy-6 has had enough time to flee the area with his wife and son.

ACT6: The next panel shows the mysterious individual seen at the beginning of the story spitting out the liquid he was drinking when he hears that Spider-Man is down, just sitting there, staring at an old billboard while the Enforcers are getting away. Spider-Man, regains his focus and as he's about to web-sling his way to Jimmy-6 hideout, he is shot in the shoulder. At the exact same time, and that's where this gets weird, the mysterious individual grabs his arm and screams in pain, as though feeling Spider-Man's pain through his body. His bowl of lollypops drops onto the floor, shattering into millions of pieces. Spider-Man now lies on the ground, the Enforcers surrounding him. Ox asks Fancy Dan if they should kill Spider-Man. Dan replies that they are professional and that if somebody wants him dead, they have to be paid. Spider-Man cannot believe that he was beat by the Enforcers but manages to make his way to Jimmy-6 hideout, although his arm is still sore. He succeeds into penetrating the well-guarded fortress and gets to Jimmy. A nervous Jimmy shoots at Spider-Man when he hears his voice but Spider-Man's arachnid-like agility allows him to dodge the bullets and grab the gun out of Jimmy's hand. Jimmy-6 explains that one of his guys, a new kid, was trying to make a name for himself so he knocked over a high-stakes poker game. Unfortunately, it turned out that it was the wrong game, it was Wilson Fisk's game. Spidey cannot find any other word to say than "ouch". No longer has he finished explaining the situation to Spider-Man then the Enforcers come crashing through the window. Ox grabs Spider-Man by the neck and again, as seen a moment ago, the mysterious individual struggles to keep his breathing going (as if he was himself being strangled). As Spider-Man removes Ox's arms off him, the individual arms move as well, following every move Spider-Man is making. As he gets rid of Ox, Fancy Dan jumps on Spidey's back, grabbing him by the neck again. Ox tells Dan to hold Spider-Man that way so he can knock him out with a punch. Using his amazing speed and agility, Spider-Man ducks at the right time and Dan ends up taking all of Ox's punch. In a matter of time, Spidey gets rid of Ox and then moves on to Montana who lasts only a few seconds before "he’s sent to the mattress." Finally Peter convinces Jimmy not to kill the Enforcers, although Jimmy is tempted to do so.

ACT 7: A few minute later, Spidey web-slings back home only to realize that the billboard he had been staring at earlier was in fact a picture of Mary Jane that had been replaced with another one. At the same time, the mysterious individual who we saw not too long ago walks along a corridor with walls covered with Mary Jane's pictures, and finally reaches the door we saw at the start of the story. The voice heard at the start is heard again. "Hello? Are you back? Are you there? to me! Let me know that I’m still alive!" As these words are said, Mary Jane emerges from the shadow.