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Amazing Spider-Man #49
WRITER:  J. Michael Straczynski
PENCILLER:  John Romita Jr.
COVER BY: John Romita Jr.
INKER:  Scott Hanna
STORY TITLE: Bad Connections
In last issue, Spider-Man was brought to the City of Ghana in Africa, where he defeated, with the aid of Ezekiel, the spider-wasp creature known as Shathra, who had been hunting him for a few days since emerging from the mystical dimension known as the Astral Plane.

ACT 1: We are still in Ghana, Africa. Ezekiel, arms crossed, explains to Peter the importance of expanding his mind to the possibility that his powers are perhaps connected to something bigger. Peter tries to accept it but remains skeptical about the whole deal. Ezekiel tells Peter that more curves are coming his way on the road that lies ahead; something far bigger, far stronger than both Morlun and Shathra. He tells him to be careful when the time comes and to remain open-minded. He opens the door to the hut and tells Peter to get back to New York. A limousine is waiting outside. Before leaving, Peter tells Ezekiel that he is really glad to see him alive, that he is a good guy. As the car speeds away, Ezekiel says: "I hope so Peter. I truly hope you're right. And I hope you think so still, when you find out the truth about me". This act ends with Ezekiel standing in front of the gigantic spider ruins seen in last issue.

ACT 2: Meanwhile, in the limousine, Peter sits, looking out the window. As it speeds across the land, poverty displays its sad face and Peter cannot help but to feel terrible at the horrific sight. He tells the driver to stop the car, gets out, and sits in the front with the driver telling him that it "just didn't feel right, y'know? It just...didn't feel right".

ACT 3: Mary Jane's plane is about to take off for New York City. Sitting next to her is a fairly good looking young man. He begins talking to her but pushes the conversation too far when he asks her to come have a few drinks with him once they land in New York City, adding that they could then proceed to an hotel room where "from her look, he bet she’d been there a few times herself". MJ retorts by emptying her water bottle all over him. A flight attendant approaches MJ and asks her if there is a problem. "Turbulence", she answers. "But we're still on the ground", retorts the flight attendant. "Are we? Imagine that. Still on the ground. Will wonders never cease?"

ACT 4: At the Ghana International Airport, Peter is about to check in into his flight to New York City when he suddenly decides to switch his one-way first class ticket for a coach ticket to Los Angeles, with an open-date return flight to New York. Meanwhile, Mary Jane has arrived in New York City. She takes a cab over to Peter's apartment but naturally he is not there. She meets Peter's neighbor who tells her that "he must live a great social life as he's always coming and going at all hours of the night". As she leaves, she adds: "Well if I see him, I'll tell him you were asking about him". Using a credit card, MJ picks the lock and enters Peter's apartment.

ACT 5: Peter has trouble of his own on his flight (i.e. a stinky pair of shoes) but eventually lands in Los Angeles. He heads to Mary Jane's apartment loft but the clerk denies him access to her room. He tries calling her number but the answering machine picks up. He then tries checking for messages at his apartment but his phone number has been disconnected. He then proceeds to call the phone company with whom he gets into an argument about his phone being disconnected although his bills have been paid off. Meanwhile, MJ is walking around Peter's apartment, waiting for him to show up.

ACT 6: Peter is pretty much pissed off at not being able to have access to his wife's apartment until he remembers that he has superpowers and that he is in fact Spider-Man (note the sarcasm). He takes his shirt off, wraps it around his head as a mask, and starts climbing up the wall of the apartment building. Funny moment here: as Peter climbs up the wall, a man wearing woman's underwear is looking out the window that Peter crawls over. As the two stare at each other for a few minutes, the man says "You don't say anything. I won't say anything". Peter finally reaches the balcony to MJ's apartment and of course, she is not there. He looks around the apartment for a little while, realizing at the same time that she has her own life now, a life without him. Meanwhile Mary Jane still waits for Peter at his apartment. Finally, they both decide to "let it go, to move on. It's over". They both leave each other's apartment.

ACT 7: They are now both in their respective airplane, Peter flying back to New York City, and Mary Jane flying back to Los Angeles. However, the bad weather outside causes both their airplanes to coincidently land at the Denver International Airport. Peter grabs a bite at a fast food restaurant while waiting for his plane to take off, unaware that Mary Jane is just a few meters away, reading a magazine at a newsstand; also unaware that Peter is there.

ACT 8: Finally, the weather calms down and Peter's flight is ready to leave. As Peter rushes to board his plane, he notices a small spider on top of one the waiting lounge chairs. He looks passed the spider and sees Mary Jane. Dropping his bag on the floor, he runs to see her.


"Pete? What're you"

"Can we talk?"

"I was…I have a flight".

"I don't care".

"Me either. So let's talk, Peter. Let's talk..."