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Amazing Spider-Man #54
WRITER:  J. Michael Straczynski
PENCILLER:  John Romita Jr.
COVER BY: Terry and Rachel Dobson
INKER:  Scott Hanna
STORY TITLE: Parts and Pieces
During his last encounter with the creature known as Digger, Spider-Man had found, amongst the debris of the building in which they had last battled, a piece of wood with a green slimy substance on it, which was in fact Digger's blood.

ACT 1: The Pryce Medical Research Building. Having to deal with the possibility that Digger may strike again very soon and the fact that he would have to wait four hours before being able to examine the blood sample obtained at the battle scene, Spider-Man breaks into the above building and starts performing some tests. He finds out that the gamma radiation is actually holding the blood cells of the thirteen deceased mobsters that make up Digger. He realizes that this could be the way to somehow defeat Digger when the door to the lab he is in opens up. He quickly jumps up and sticks to the ceiling. It is a janitor. The latter does not see him immediately. When he does, he bargains with Spider-Man: in exchange for him not saying anything, he wants an autograph and a picture of Spidey signing it. Next thing you know, the janitor is selling the autograph on ebay and our hero is gone.

ACT 2: The next morning at the kitchen table, Peter explains to a very tired Mary Jane what he has discovered, which is that some kind of energy is keeping Digger together as a whole and that he must find a way to wear him out, keep after him until he runs out of juice. As he finishes his sentence, he realizes that Mary Jane has fallen asleep. He is more than ever grateful that they are back together.

ACT 3: As Spider-Man meets with Lamont to discuss the latest developments, Digger makes his way through the sewers. Later that day, Spidey pays a visit to Forelli; they have things to talk about; very important things, like getting paid for his services. Forelli's daughter, Lynne, watches through a crack in the door and is angrily muttering to herself: "So much for heroes". Spidey advises Forelli to leave his mansion because he knows that Digger is getting desperate and that he will start cutting out the middle-men and coming right to him (that is Forelli, not Spider-Man). As Spider-Man speaks, Digger is seen making his way towards the mansion. Spider-Man's spider-sense suddenly goes off, as Digger comes crashing through Lynn's upstairs bedroom window. Her scream echoes through the halls of the mansion as Spider-Man races upstairs to rescue her. He enters the room and manages to land a solid punch, which sends Digger flying. He tells Lynne to quickly get out of there, as the combat rages on. Digger is confused as to why Spider-Man is protecting Forelli after what he has done to him (to them if you count all thirteen mobsters that make him up). Spidey replies that nobody gets killed on his watch, not even a lowlife like Forelli and that Lynne has got nothing to do with this. Digger retorts that it is exactly what will make it sweet when he snaps her neck in front of him. That's when Forelli enters the room and bravely tells Digger that his quarrel is with him and no other. He confesses that it was him that gave the order for all thirteen of them to be murdered and that Lynne should be left out of this. Spider-Man tells Forelli to get going because one of them isn't leaving the room in one piece.

ACT 4: A very spectacular battle follows between Spider-Man and Digger. Having realized earlier how to defeat Digger, Spidey wastes no time and punches hard and fast until Digger pretty much starts to fall apart. His arm almost torn away from his body, dangling by a few shreds of skin, Digger does not understand what's going on. On the other hand, Spider-Man knows exactly what's happening. The gamma radiation that holds Digger together is being exhausted. Our hero launches himself at Digger and both are thrown though the broken window. They land onto the roof of a car and roll over into the street. Digger quickly kicks Spider-Man in the stomach, sending him flying away into the wall of the mansion, and he flees into the sewers. Spider-Man rapidly follows him inside. Digger is bleeding badly. Knowing that there is a chance that this may result in his death, he charges Spider-Man with all that he's got. Bystanders on the street above hear a violent explosion. Back in the sewers, as the fog clears out, Digger's remains are seen scattered and floating around.

ACT 5: The NYPD. Detective Lamont. Sipping on a cup of hot coffee, Spider-Man reassures Lamont that Digger is quite dead, when Forelli and Lynne approach them. Forelli tells Lamont that his attorney will be filing a complaint because the NYPD failed to protect his life and his properties and as a result he had to hire outside help, which demonstrates negligence and prejudicial enforcement. Lamont interrupts him: "Hey Sunshine…before you go any further, there’s something you oughta hear". A tape is played on a recording machine for all of them to hear. Forelli's voice is heard, confessing to Digger that it was him that had given the order to have him (them) murdered. Forelli does not understand how they managed to get that recording. Spider-Man pulls open the top of his shirt; he's wearing a wire. Forelli's rights are read to him and he's taken away. Refusing to accept that her father could have done such a thing, Lynne walks away with him, telling him that they will get him the best lawyers in town. When the two are gone, Spider-Man asks Lamont if the cashier's check he got paid to work as part-time bodyguard is legal. Lamont replies that the check is good, since Spider-Man hasn't done anything illegal to get it. He then asks Spidey if he needs to know anything else. Spider-Man asks Lamont which coffee was his. Not remembering which was which, both men part ways.

ACT 6: This issue ends with Peter and Mary Jane discussing how Peter managed to defeat Digger and how he could possibly defeat the Hulk if he'd ever have to fight him again. It was actually his previous encounters with the Green Goliath that provided him with the answer to defeating Digger in the first place. Peter explains that the only way to really stop the Hulk would be to kill him and he truly hopes he will never have to make such a decision. Throughout this discussion, Peter appears to be putting up some kind of a sign on the outside wall of a building. On the last page of the issue, the sign is revealed: "Future Site of the Gwen Stacy Memorial Library. Funds provided by anonymous donor."