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Amazing Spider-Man #540
WRITER:  J. Michael Straczynski
PENCILLER:  Ron Garney
INKER:  Bill Reinhold
COVER BY:  Ron Garney and Bill Reinhold
COLOR:  Matt Milla
LETTERING:  VC's Cory Petit
ASSISTANT EDITORS:  Micheal O'Connor and Daniel Ketchum
EDITOR:  Axel Alonso
PUBLISHER:  Dan Buckley
STORY TITLE:  Back in Black – Part Two of Five
When high school student Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider, he gained the proportionate strength, agility, and abilities of the arachnid. More importantly, he learned that with great power comes great responsibility.

After he had already revealed his secret identity to the United States Government per the Superhuman Registration Act, Peter found himself at odds with Tony Stark, a.k.a. Iron Man, and his registration agenda. The decision to leave Stark's side made Peter an outlaw on the run, forced into hiding in a sleazy motel with his wife, Mary Jane and his Aunt May ever since.

However, the imprisoned Kingpin of Crime, Wilson Fisk, was not going to let Peter walk away unscathed. Returning to the motel at the conclusion of the super hero civil war, Peter was met by an attempt on his life. Peter acted quickly enough to save himself and Mary Jane from harm, but the bullet meant for him instead struck Aunt May.

Frantic to save May's life, Peter rushed her to the hospital, webslinging across the city in plain sight. Not knowing how else to help her, Peter resolved to do the only thing he could: hunt down the men responsible. And he is going to do it wearing the costume that conveys the exact message he wants to send: The rules don't apply anymore. The gloves are off.

ACT 1: At County Memorial Hospital, Mary Jane watches over Aunt May, who clings to life. Her cell phone rings; it is Peter (Parker), calling for an update. MJ explains that the machines are keeping May alive and that the doctors have told her that they should prepare for the worse. Peter tries to reassure himself and MJ that she will make it through and asks if he should be there and if there is anything he can do. MJ replies that there is nothing he can do that will change her situation. The best thing he can do for May is to find out who is responsible for the whole thing and deal with them. Peter tells MJ to call him if anything changes. After ending the conversation, Peter – as Spider-Man – leaps from a building and web-slings away, vowing to inflict pain upon those responsible for the attack on his aunt.

ACT 2: Having only one lead – the names of four black-market gun dealers who sell high-end sniper scope – Spidey visits them one by one. It is not until he reaches the fourth and last person that he finally finds out what he is looking for, though it takes a bit of convincing – namely throwing the guy out the window of his high-rise penthouse apartment and then saving him from death at the last possible second. Spidey gets three names, two of which are useless to him; however, the third and final name is the name he came looking for: Jake Martino, a hit man who works freelance around the country and who picks up jobs that nobody else wants. Which can only mean one thing; his attack on Aunt May was not personal – someone hired him.

ACT 3: While a pair of cops are busy harassing a poor bum that took a pee in an alley, Spidey webs the entrance to the alley shut and proceeds to use the computer in the cop car to find the whereabouts of Jake Martino; after a few seconds, he finds an address. Minutes later, he arrives at the apartment but it is too late. Martino has cleaned the place out – he could be anywhere. As Spidey stands in the empty apartment, the landlord shows up and explains to Spidey that Martino left approximately 20 minutes earlier and that he heard him tell his cab driver to take him to the train station. After thanking the landlord, Spidey swings out the window toward the train station. As Spidey web-slings away, the landlord yells that two other men came looking for Martino a few minutes before he did. Spidey does not respond but he heard him and is not surprised about this revelation.

ACT 4: Minutes later, Spidey arrives at the train station. Wondering how he is going to locate the sniper when he does not know what he looks like, Spidey figures that the man will surely react when he sees him, which should be enough to trigger his spider-sense. After scouring the train station for a few minutes, Spidey locates him. Upon seeing Spidey, the man makes a break for it. Running through the busy train station, the man pulls an automatic weapon and starts firing at Spidey. Spidey dodges the bullets and leaps toward the man. The man pulls another gun out but Spidey whacks the gun out of his hand and breaks his arm. Infuriated, Spidey tells the man to pick his gun up so they can continue the fight. In excruciated pain, the man is unable to pick the gun up, nor does he want to. Spidey remarks that shooting an old lady (his aunt) from across the street is easy when the other side does not fight back. With that said, he smashes the man’s face into a nearby wall, smearing blood all over his face. He then throws him several feet away into a concrete column. As the man struggles to get back on his feet, Spidey grabs hold of him and tells him that he is going to kill him after he tells him who hired him. Terrified, the man is about to give up the name. Just then however, Spidey's spider-sense kicks in – warning him of danger – and before he can do anything, the sniper is riddled with bullets. Seeing a shadowy figure run away in the distance, Spidey grabs one of his spider-tracers and manages to snag the shooter with it. As the police arrives on the scene, Spidey takes his leave, only to resurface minutes later on the roof of the ambulance carrying Martino to the hospital. Spidey cannot afford to lose Martino, in case he wakes up, which is why he decides to stay with him. As the ambulance races through the city, Spidey ponders about how he came close to killing Martino for shooting Aunt May.

ACT 5: Coincidently, Martino is taken to County Memorial Hospital, the same hospital where Aunt May is currently being treated. Having switched back to his civilian clothing, Peter enters the hospital and runs into Mary Jane, who has been worried sick about him. Sobbing, MJ tells Peter that Aunt May has fallen into a coma and that life support is the only thing that stands between her and death. While Peter ponders about how much time he has left with his aunt, Jake Martino is pronounced dead. Peter reassures himself and MJ that Aunt May will pull through and that they will somehow save her. Suddenly, his spider-sense kicks in, warning him that Martino’s killer is not far from the hospital.

ACT 6: Not even bothering to suit up, Peter follows the signal of his spider-tracer and locates Martino's killer. The man in question is on the phone, talking to his employer about Martino's demise and the next steps to be carried out. Peter silently appears next to the man and webs his mouth shut before he can do anything about it. Then, he takes the phone from him and listens to the voice at the other end. Within seconds, Peter recognizes the voice and identifies it as that of Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin of Crime. Peter reveals himself as being on the other end of the line and tells Fisk that he is going to kill him (you have to read between the lines here).

To be continued.