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PREVIOUSLY: There's a new glider-goon in town and Spidey's on the case. When the DB's new owner, Dexter Bennett, offers $10,000.00 for the first photos of the appropriately-named Menace, Peter Parker's money troubles might be over...but his actual troubles are just beginning!

Along with the Superhuman Registration Act all-star Jackpot, Spider-Man hunted Menace to his hideout, when SHRA crime fighter Blue Shield crashed the scene and forced Jackpot to aid in Spider-Man's arrest. The wall-crawler escaped and battled Menace, only to receive a major beatdown.

More bad news hits when Spidey discovers why he's wanted...his spider-tracers have been popping up on dead bodies across the city...enough for the NYPD's finest Detective Quentin Palone, to accuse Spider-Man of being a serial killer. As the cops surround our web-headed wonder, the maniacal Menace makes his move at the New York City mayoral debate, with murder on his mind.

REVIEW: Surrounded by carabinering members of the NYPD Swat Team, their weapons drawn, Spider-Man has nowhere to go. To make matters worse, Spidey is webbing-less. This, he only realizes after he's thrown himself off the building in the direction of his attacker. As he freefalls toward the ground down below, he manages to disarm a handful of his opponents. Wondering how he is going to survive this ordeal, Spidey is unexpectedly rescued by none other than Jackpot. The registered super-heroine takes our friendly neighbourhood wall-crawler to a nearby rooftop, where resting is not an option, as shots ricochet around them – fired from nearby Swat choppers. Their heads between their legs, Spidey and Jackpot make a run for it. Jackpot does not understand why the cops are after Spidey, especially since the villain known as Menace has apparently just crashed the mayoral debate that was held at the Apollo Theatre in Harlem. As they continue to flee, Spidey asks Jackpot why she is not out there trying to stop Menace, as opposed to saving him. Jackpot answers that she was heading there; however, when she came across Spidey being attacked by the cops, she decided to help at the risk of losing her superhero practicing license. Jackpot comments that maybe they should just lose the cops but Spidey doesn't want to do that. He wants the cops to follow them to Harlem.

Meanwhile at the Apollo Theatre, Menace has councilwoman Lisa Parfrey in his clutches when Spider-Man and Jackpot arrive on the scene. Too busy arguing over Spidey uttering Jackpot's supposed real name in the open, neither Spidey or Jackpot are able to stop Menace as he flies by them through a hole in the ceiling, Parfrey in tow. Menace's laughter echoing through the night, Spidey wonders how they are going to chase him, since he is still out of webbing. An idea comes to him when he looks at the Swat helicopter flying above. Leaping from the building rooftop, Spidey climbs aboard the helicopter, to the utter amazement of its crew. Promising that he will give himself up as soon as he's done rescuing councilwoman Parfrey, Spidey convinces the cops on board the helicopter to chase down Menace.

Seconds later, Spidey, Jackpot, and NYPD Swat members are on Menace's trail. Spidey tells the chopper pilot to head north because, according to his glider exhaust tracking device, that's the direction Menace is heading. A few minutes later, the pilot informs Spidey and Jackpot that he has a visual of Menace, over Central Park. Spidey proceeds to ask the pilot if he's going to shoot down Menace. The pilot replies that they do not intend to shoot him, which stuns Spidey since, a few minutes earlier, they had no problem shooting at him. Turning to Jackpot, Spidey asks if she's even interested in finding out why Menace kidnapped councilwoman Parfrey. Jackpot answers that she just assumes he is doing what he's doing because that's what super-villains do. Surprised by her answer, Spidey explains that he, on the other hand, likes to know his opponent's motives. Jackpot understands his stances on the matter and asks what he’s going to do now. To her amazement, Spidey leaps out of the chopper and tells Jackpot that he’s going to go ask Menace why he's kidnapped Parfrey. Having pre-calculated his jump, Spidey drops directly on top of Menace's glider on his way down. Climbing atop the glider, Spidey jokingly tells Parfrey that he hopes she remembers him when everything is all set and done. Having said that, he nails Menace with a punch in the face, followed by a kick to the head, and then grabs hold of the councilwoman. Next, he hollers to Jackpot to catch Parfrey and throws the frightened woman towards her. While Jackpot grabs hold of Parfrey, Spidey turns his attention to Menace who, greatly ticked off, attempts to decapitate Spidey using claw-like blades sticking out of his wristbands. Spidey dodges his attack and comes back with a blow to his opponent's grotesque face.

At ground level, Jackpot drops councilwoman Parfrey off and tells her that the police will be there shortly to pick her up. Frightened of being left alone, Parfrey begs Jackpot to stay with her but Jackpot explains that she needs to go help Spider-Man. With that said, Jackpot leaps upward and lands directly on top of Menace, who loses control of the glider. This results in Spidey, Menace and Jackpot being thrown off the glider and sent plummeting toward the ground down below, while the out-of-control glider flies off erratically. Spidey lands hard on his back, knocking the wind out of him. As he struggles to catch his breath, he spots Menace's glider, which is heading straight at councilwoman Parfrey. Realizing what is about to happen, Spidey hollers at Parfrey to duck; his warning however comes too late. Councilwoman Parfrey is dead; killed instantly. Devastated, Jackpot falls to her knees, blaming herself for what happened. Menace on the other hand, blames Spidey for her death. Spidey turns to Menace and asks that he stay behind to share his thoughts with the police. Menace obviously refuses and disappears into a man-made cloud of smoke. Turning to Jackpot, Spidey tries to talk to her about what happened but she doesn't want to hear anything from him. She is visibly upset and feels responsible for Parfrey's death. To make matters worse, the cops show up to arrest a bewildered Spidey, who cannot believe they are thinking of arresting him. Though he promised to give himself up earlier, he had his fingers crossed behind his back when he made the promise so it doesn’t count. With that said, he jumps upward to flee the scene, while the cops unload their weapons at him, to no avail.

Later at the DB, Peter meets with publisher Dexter Bennett, in the hopes of selling him photographs of Menace. Unfortunately for Peter, Bennett can't pay him the full ten grand for his pictures of Menace, because there was a plethora of photographers and spectators at the mayoral debate, all of whom took pictures of Menace either with their cameras and/or cell phones. None of them, however, obtain pictures as good or dynamic as Peter’s; therefore Bennett is willing to offer him two thousand dollars for his pictures. Peter gladly accepts his new boss' offer.

A short time later in Park Slope Brooklyn, Spider-Man stops by Sara Ehret's apartment. Sara Ehret is presumably Jackpot's civilian identity. A woman with short hair answers the window upon which Spidey was tapping. She is surprised to find Spidey hanging upside down staring at her. Noticing Sara's short hair, Spidey asks if she wears a wig when she plays superhero as Jackpot. Sara is confused and doesn’t understand what Spidey is talking about. Spidey, on the other hand, tells her to stop kidding around. He thought she could use some cheering up, which is why he decided to stop by to check up on her. Again, she is perplexed, unsure about what Spidey is blabbering about. Spidey tells her not to play coy; after all, she revealed her secret identity to him. Sara replies that she does not have a secret identity. She is only Sara Ehret; nothing else. Now his turn to be confused, Spidey asks Sara if she's Jackpot. Sara seems to hesitate for a few seconds but then tells Spidey that he should really keep out of "this"; whatever it means. She then closes the curtain on him. Spidey is left wondering what the heck is going on.

To be continued.