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PREVIOUSLY: After rescuing the fragile Dr. Rabin from mysterious Mayan warriors during the storm of the century, Rabin tasks Spider-Man with saving his fellow researchers, stranded in the cold. As Rabin explains his Mayan studies (and the research that the warriors sought to impede) to officers Carlie Cooper, Vin Gonzales and Alan O'Neil, Spidey (with the help of the not-quite-on-his-rocker homeless Vern) pursues the researchers – only to cross paths with the Mayan Deity responsible for the unnatural storm. As Spidey fights off the forcible phantasm, he finds Rabin's researchers, only to discover they weren't his researchers at all – they were his sacrifices to the Deity – a fact Carlie Cooper comes to discover back at the precinct as well.

REVIEW: Spider-Man frees the female researcher from her bonds, as she explains how Dr. Rabin asked her to come into her office earlier that morning and revealed that he was responsible for the storm, that he had asked the Deity to create it. She then saw her companion Dave, who was then dead, having been killed by Rabin. Rabin said Dave was a sacrifice that he was going to offer to the Deity once it reached their dimension, and he would thus become a God-King. The female researcher continues explaining that he was taking her to a "sacred spot" to sacrifice her as well, when their truck was stopped by the Mayan warriors. Confused, Spidey wonders why Rabin sent him on a mission to rescue them if he knew where they were. As he ponders that, the roof of the truck is suddenly ripped apart by none other than the Deity who tells Spidey, calling him his priest, that he's done well by leading him to his sacrifice (i.e. the female researcher). Turning to his female companion, Spidey notices that a Mayan symbol has been inscribed on her forehead. Spidey quickly erases the symbol, telling the Deity that things are not as they seem. Offended that Spidey has defiled his sacrifice by erasing the symbol, the Deity sends the truck flying and crashing into a nearby building. Thankfully, Spidey – the female researcher in his arms – has managed to get out of the truck before it was destroyed by the Deity, and is now sitting atop a lamppost. The Deity speaks and says that he's the Lord of Death and that offending him means dying. Having said that, his body suddenly becomes translucent, light emanating from his innards. As the light diffuses, the Deity reveals that his bond to the present dimension has grown stronger, thanks to a sacrifice made by his true priest. Hearing the Deity proclaim this, Spidey realizes that Rabin must have killed someone back at the precinct.

At said police station, Carlie Cooper asks Dr. Rabin what he's doing. Rabin explains that Uayep, the five days of the Mayan calendar where a king may bond with a Wayep – a god of mischief – is almost over, and that his god needs a female sacrifice for the bonding to be complete. The Mayan warriors, however, interrupted Rabin's last ceremony, which in turn were interrupted by Spider-Man, whom Rabin sent to "rescue" the offering, knowing full well that the Deity would not appreciate Spidey’s meddling and would most likely dispose of the wall-crawler, especially as the Deity's just grown stronger from Rabin's latest sacrifice. Carlie asks Rabin if he killed all the Mayan warriors. He responds that he was only able to kill one of them; the others took their own lives. Terrified, Carlie tries to make a run for it, but Rabin grabs hold of her before she can escape. He tells her that, to bond with his god, to become "Kuhul Ajaw" – the God-King, he must sacrifice a female at the holy altar before sunrise; he will also need a shave. Struggling to break free, Carlie comments that he's not making any sense. Rabin explains that during Uayep ancient Mayans would not groom their faces so as to repel mischievous gods. He must be suitable to meet his deity; thus, he needs a shave. He is, however, getting ahead of himself; He must first prepare his sacrifice. Having said that, he uses fingerprint ink to draw a Mayan symbol on Carlie's forehead, effectively marking her as his female sacrifice.

The female researcher, whose name is finally revealed to be Mary, is told by Spider-Man to make a run for it and find a safe and warm place. As she disappears into the storm, Spidey is suddenly hit on the side of the head by the Deity's staff. As Spidey wonders where the hit came from – the Deity had not been shown moving at all – and before he can retaliate, the Deity grabs hold of his face with a firm grip. Attempting to free himself from the Deity, Spidey wonders how (again) he moved so fast. Seemingly reading Spidey's thoughts, the Deity basically says that he can move faster than time (in other words, he can move at the speed of light). With that said, the Deity sends Spidey flying into a nearby lamppost. Spidey gets back on his two feet and makes a run for it.

Back at the precinct, in the locker room, Officer Vin Gonzales tells his partner, Alan O’Neil, that he can't find Dr. Rabin anywhere. O'Neil tells Gonzales to relax, as Rabin is probably sleeping on a couch somewhere. All of a sudden, a loud rumbling noise is heard coming from the precinct's garage; O'Neil and Gonzales head over there to investigate. The pair, their guns drawn, look around the garage when, suddenly, a multi-passenger snowmobile, driven by Dr. Rabin, crushes a nearby police cruiser and almost runs them over. If not for them diving between the vehicle's tracks, they would surely be dead. The snowmobile crashes through a metal gate and speeds away. O'Neil and Gonzales start shooting back at the snowmobile but they stop when they realize that Carlie Cooper has been captured and is inside the runaway vehicle.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man has located a phone booth in the hopes of warning Carlie Cooper of Rabin's evil intentions. As he dials 911, however, he is greeted by an automated voice recording indicating that his request cannot be processed, due to the heavy volume of calls. Hanging up the phone, Spidey wonders who to call next. Then, it comes to him to call Harry Osborn to have him try to reach Carlie to warn her. Harry, however, is slightly skeptic when Spidey calls him – especially since the wall-crawler never identifies himself, which probably does not help convincing Harry of calling the police precinct to warn Carlie. The Deity fast approaching, Spidey is forced to interrupt their conversation and hang up the phone. While Spidey is pummeled by the Deity, Harry recounts to girlfriend Lily Hollister what he was just told over the telephone. He wonders if he should try and call Carlie.

Battered and bloodied, Spidey suddenly sees a vehicle approaching. It turns out that the vehicle is the multi-passenger snowmobile stolen from the fifth precinct police station by Dr. Rabin. Rabin steps out of the vehicle with Carlie Cooper, his prisoner and offering to the Deity. Rabin has but ten minutes to spare, to bond with the Deity. He is thankful to Spider-Man for saving him from the Mayan warriors, thus providing him with a second change at becoming one with the Deity. When Rabin sent Spidey out into the cold, he had hoped the Deity would kill him; their current situation, however, is just as good. Rabin tells Spidey to accept his fate and watch as he completes his sacrifice; as there is no one left to help him. A voice is heard telling Rabin that he shouldn't be too sure about that. Rabin turns around and comes face-to-face with Vern and a legion of his homeless buddies, all of which are holding Molotov cocktails in their hands. Rabin laughs at them and instructs the Deity to kill them all. The Deity, however, is frozen in place, unable to move. The homeless men all have unshaven faces, just like the ancient Mayans would have during Uayep; therefore any mischievous gods are repelled, which is why the Deity is currently not attacking them. Vern and his associates light up their Molotov cocktails and throw them at the Deity, who bursts into flames. Grabbing hold of web cartridges, Spidey tosses them into the raging inferno that the Deity has become. The intense heat causes the cartridges to explode, covering the Deity in the sticky goop. Nearby, Rabin is readying himself to sacrifice Carlie Cooper. With the Deity temporarily out of the way, Spidey stops Rabin and starts beating the snot out of him. Bleeding profusely and severely beaten up, Rabin calls for the Deity to help him. The Deity, however, is unable to help. The sun is rising and, as the last sacrifice was not performed in time for the Deity to bond with Rabin, the Deity disappears, telling Rabin to wait for him until the next alignment of the stars. Lamenting the lost opportunity, Rabin is knocked unconscious by a very exasperated Spider-Man.

A few days later, things have begun to get back to normal. Carlie Cooper and fellow officers Gonzales and O’Neil are knee deep in paperwork for the next week and the good news is that Carlie has apparently found an apartment for Peter (Parker). As Peter's alter ego, Spider-Man, was too busy battling the Deity and Dr. Rabin to take pictures, he has nothing to show to Dexter Bennett, except a really bad cold. He therefore collects zero dollars for his efforts, or lack thereof. So, that leaves him with twenty dollars to eat for the whole week. However, when he encounters homeless Vern begging for money on the busy New York streets, he decides to give him his only twenty dollars as a thank you, from Spider-Man, for helping him defeat the Deity.

To be continued.