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PREVIOUSLY: After Spider-Man and Daredevil take down Fracture, the question is this: has Peter Parker been outed as Spider-Man? When a mysterious female Kraven tracks Spidey down to his new apartment and attacks Pete at his part-time job, it sure looks that way. But when the life of Peter's roommate, rookie cop Vin Gonzales, begins to unravel, it's clear a case of mistaken identity is in play. Kraven gets Vin suspended from the force, wipes out his savings account, and spooks him with a hit-and-run, and then traps him and places him in her underground lair for part two of her plan.

REVIEW: The issue picks up exactly where we left off in the previous issue. The female Kraven has taken Spider-Man's mask off, revealing Vin Gonzales underneath – clearly a case of mistaken identity – though this evidently is not realized by Vin’s abductor. His face bloodied, his arms and legs chained, Vin claims he is not Spider-Man and that she's making a mistake. The female Kraven replies that he's Vin Gonzales – at that moment in time – because Spider-Man she knows would never beg for his life. She tells him to have some honour and tosses him across the sewer tunnel. Trying not to pass out, Vin continues to claim that she has the wrong guy but to no avail. Pummelling him senselessly, she says that she saw him enter his apartment and found his costume inside and it fits perfectly. Throwing him across the tunnel once again, she tells him not to insult her intelligence, or his legacy, with pathetic lies to spare his life. She also orders him not to die on her because she's not done with him. She walks up to him and founds him unconscious.

At the Parker-Gonzales apartment, Peter is beginning to worry about Vin, as he hasn't returned home yet. He wonders where he could have gone to and is afraid Vin may try to hurt himself. Realizing that he’s not much help just waiting around for Vin, Peter decides to go take a swing around the city. Reaching underneath his bed, he grabs the suitcase inside which he hides his Spider-Man costume. But when he opens the suitcase, the costume is nowhere to be found. Peter tries to remain calm but slowly starts to freak out. He surmises that Vin must have gone to the cops and is probably rounding up a posse to take him out, since Spider-Man is, after all, a wanted serial killer (supposedly). Peter realizes that he must get the heck out of the apartment before the police comes crashing through the front door. However, he needs to find something to wear to go out there and look for Vin.

Peter resolves to calling Matt Murdock, a.k.a. Daredevil to see if he can borrow his costume. Matt doesn't, however, believe Peter (who, I should point out, does not reveal his identity to Matt, other than he's Spider-Man), as he's used to getting calls like that all the time. Matt finally believes him when Peter, wearing a web-mask, shows up at his window, asking for help in person. After conversing about other things, such as the lawsuit against Spider-Man and the fact that the police think he's a serial killer, Matt agrees to lend him his Daredevil costume.

Back in the sewer tunnel, the female Kraven slaps Vin out of unconsciousness. Vin is now chained to a large pillar. The female Kraven tells Vin that she knows very little about his power and how they work so she has acquired some morphine/MGH cocktail and she’s planning to inject it into his veins to get him back into fighting condition (MGH stands for Mutant Growth Hormones and it temporarily gives normal people powers and increases the powers of people that already have powers). As she injects the cocktail into his bloodstream, hundreds of rats swarm around her and their leader, the creature known as Vermin reveals himself. Apparently, the sewers are Vermin's home and she is not supposed to be there; he wants her out. Having said that, he sends his ferocious dog after her but she kills the beast in a matter of seconds. Needless to say, Vermin is extremely angry. The two opponents prepare to battle each other.

Across town, Peter, as Daredevil, swings toward Vin's police precinct, wondering what he's going to tell Vin, once he finds him. He arrives at the precinct to have a talk with Vin's boss to find out if he's seen him. After convincing a rather difficult receptionist to let him in, he manages to talk to Detective Palone. Peter tries to beat around the bush, as he doesn't want to reveal that Vin’s roommate is Spider-Man, but he does mention that it has something to do with Spider-Man. Palone reveals that the word on the streets is that Spider-Man has been taken hostage by some woman. Apparently, this woman bought MGH off some drug dealer they arrested a few hours earlier, and according to said dealer, she is planning to use the MGH to boost Spider-Man's powers. Palone indicates that he thought it was not worth checking out but Peter think it is worth having a look into the dealer's claims.

While the female Kraven and Vermin fight each other off, Vin breaks free from his chains, thanks to the morphine/MGH cocktail flowing through his veins. Vin starts to run away but the female Kraven catches Vin using her bola. Vermin uses the opportunity to flee the scene. The female Kraven is very unhappy about the situation.

From Palone's tip, Peter – as Daredevil – heads to Pier 17 of the South Street Seaport where the drug dealer that sold the MGH to the female Kraven was arrested. Within seconds of searching for Vin, Peter is confronted by Vermin, who emerges from the shadows. The two engage into a ferocious battle. As they fight, Peter notices that Vermin is wounded, and wonders who could have done that to him.

Back in the sewer tunnel, the female Kraven explains that they are standing in Vermin's tunnels, which span miles, and which is where some of the events of "Kraven's Last Hunt" storyline took place. The female Kraven tells Vin that she intends to hunt him through those tunnels and orders him to run (she says that there is no honour in the cold-blooded kill, which is why she wants Vin to run). Vin asks her what will happen if he chooses not to run. She replies that she'll start attacking his loved ones, until he does what he's told. Defiantly, Vin threatens the female Kraven that, should she hurt anybody else, he's going to hunt her down and do things to her the real Spider-Man would never dream of doing. Having said that, he takes off running through the sewer tunnels, scared out of his mind, though he tries not to show it.

Back outside, Vermin gets the upper hand on Peter / Daredevil and manages to take a huge bite into his neck. In absolute pain, Peter passes out.

To be continued.