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PREVIOUSLY: A mysterious new Kraven is on the hunt for Spider-Man and she thinks she's discovered his true identity when she captures Peter Parker's roommate, Vin Gonzales! Jacking him up with MGH, she forces Vin into the Spider-Man costume and sends him off to try and survive a hunt in the New York City sewers. Meanwhile, Peter Parker, out a costume, borrows one of Daredevil's uniforms and goes on a hunt of his own. Tracking Vin down to the tunnels of New York City, Spidey discovers he's not the only victim of this new Kraven when he's attacked by his subterranean foe, Vermin!

REVIEW: When we left Peter Parker in the last issue, he seemed to have lost his battle against the ferocious Vermin. However, his defeat was premature, as he suddenly gets a burst of energy and retaliates forcefully against his opponent. As Peter beats on Vermin with all the strength he can muster, he wonders who could have hurt him that badly.

Realizing that the only way to find out is to simply ask Vermin, Peter subdues his adversary and webs him up to a wall. He then asks Vermin to tell him where Spider-Man is. Hissing through his clenched teeth, Vermin answers that Spidey is somewhere in the underground tunnels, "his" tunnels. Peter asks if Spidey injured him or if it was someone else. Vermin explains that it was a girl and Peter's mind flashes back to a conversation he had with Detective Palone, Vin Gonzales' boss at the NYPD, about a girl who supposedly captured Spider-Man and bought MGH from a drug dealer to boost his powers. Realizing what must be done, Peter politely asks Vermin to lead him to Spider-Man and the girl.

Meanwhile, in the sewers, Kravenette is hunting down Vin Gonzales, whom she believes is Spider-Man. Though pretty much powerless, Vin manages to trick her into following a fake trail – he doubled back – and attacks her when she least expects it. Vin underestimates her, however, as she starts beating the crap out of him. Thankfully, the cavalry arrives in the form of Peter/Daredevil, who wastes no time and attacks Kravenette. In the ensuing battle, Peter yells at Vin/Spider-Man to get out of there. Vin starts running away but Kravenette flings her bola at him, and it wraps around his neck, strangling him. As Vin tries to free himself, Peter and Kravenette continue to battle it out with deadly ferocity. Upon seeing Vin having ridden himself of the bola that was strangling him, Peter proceeds to throw a web-shooter at him, subtly "reminding" him how to use it. Vin puts it on and, after a few misses, does manage to trigger the web-shooter. Kravenette is caught in the blast of webbing and becomes ensnared in the gooey substance. Peter and Vin barely have a chance to rejoice, as Kravenette breaks free from her constrains. Realizing that his job is not done, Peter reengages Kravenette into battle. This time, however, Kravenette moves even faster than before and quickly gets the upper hand of the confrontation. As she prepares to inflict more pain on a downed Peter, Vin (as Spider-Man) whacks Kravenette on the back of the head with a lead pipe, knocking her to the ground. Both bruised and exhausted, Peter and Vin decide that they’d better make a run for it, as they don’t believe they can keep up with Kravenette. As they start to run, Peter turns around and snags Kravenette unsuspectingly with a spider-tracer, which he hopes to use to track her later. When Peter and Vin reach a certain tunnel, they run into none other than Vermin, who is feeling rather vengeful. Vermin leaps past Vin and Peter and goes straight for Kravenette, whom he starts pummelling on. For a second, Peter thinks he should help her – whoever she is – but Vin is on his last leg and he's not in the best of shape either, so he and Vin take off, leaving Kravenette to fend for herself.

Three days later at Columbia University Medical Center, Peter, Harry Osborn, Lily Hollister and Carlie Cooper visit Vin, who was hospitalized for having a concussion, three cracked ribs and massive internal bleeding, the result of his encounter with Kravenette. Vin explains that had it not been for Daredevil, he would probably have more reasons to hate Spider-Man. Harry asks if the cops had any idea what happened out there. Vin responds that they didn't and even Daredevil couldn't offer any explanations. There is good news out of all this; his suspension has been lifted and he's going to be back on duty as soon as he’s released from the hospital. He adds that nobody will believe him to be Spider-Man because of how bad he got his butt kicked. Carlie jokes that her feelings were kind of hurt that he didn't tell her his secrets. Vin responds that he'd rather go back to being thought of as a murderer than that Spider-jerk. Just then, a nurse enters the room and tells them that Vin needs to get some rest, so they must go.

Later that evening, Peter, as Spider-Man, pays a visit to Vin, feeling that he owes him an explanation. Vin isn't too happy to see him there, but Spidey shrugs it off and explains that, to protect his secret identity, he's pegged people as decoys, in case anybody gets too close to figuring out who he really is. That way, he can put them on the trail of somebody else, somebody like him – Vin. After all, he's the same built as Spidey, he lives in Manhattan and being a cop is also quite helpful. Before Spidey can say anything else, Vin punches him in the face with all the strength he can muster. Spidey admits that he deserved that. Vin tells him to shut up and goes on saying that he always thought he was a bottom-feeding lowlife dirt bag and now he knows it. Not allowing Spidey to say anything else, Vin tells him to leave...or else.

Somewhere in a large mansion, Kravenette apologizes to someone for failing to capture/kill Spider-Man. At her feet lies Vermin, unconscious and shackled up. A woman speaks up and tells Kravenette that she is just like her father, brash and overconfident, even bringing home a trophy. The woman is however displeased that Kravenette's little tricks almost brought the enemy to them. The woman adds that Kravenette is more like her father than she could ever imagine. Crushing Peter's spider-tracer, which she found attached to Kravenette, the woman says that Kravenette, whose name is revealed to be Ana is every bit "daddy's little girl". With that, it is revealed that Ana is the daughter of the original Kraven the Hunter and that her mother, Sasha, used to be married to him.

The end...for now.