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PREVIOUSLY: With carte blanche to send his Thunderbolts on the hunt for the accused serial killer Spider-Man, Norman Osborn's grip on New York City seems stronger than ever. But his plan to catch Spider-Man blew up in his face when Spidey used the homing technology Osborn developed to track the web-head against T-Bolt assassin Bullseye. Spidey and his foe-turned-crusader Anti-Venom (a.k.a. Eddie Brock) team up to take Osborn down. Osborn, however, has plans of his own, donning his Goblin gear and powering his own deadly poison drawn from the blood of the twisted Freak! But with New York on the brink of urban warfare, more forces than just the super-powered are heading for a final showdown at Oscorp.
REVIEW: Quite displeased with his father's very recent actions, Harry Osborn, accompanied by girlfriend Lily Hollister, shows up at Oscorp Building in Jersey City to confront him. It seems Norman Osborn was expecting his son to show up, as security guards allow Harry to enter the premises – they do not allow Lily to enter however. Minutes later, Harry storms into his father's office, yelling at him for almost killing him and Lily. Norman, in full goblin garb, answers that girlfriends are replaceable and cryptically tells Harry that he should be used to dying by now. Harry cannot believe that his father is in costume, again. He’s even more in disbelief that his father would destroy the Coffee Bean, just when he was finally making something of himself. Norman answers that he did Harry a favour. Norman thinks Harry's place is by his side, at Oscorp, where the two of them could practically be invincible and no one could stop them. Harry responds that he can think of somebody who can stop him (i.e. Spider-Man).

The story cuts to Spider-Man and Anti-Venom web-swinging toward Oscorp. Spidey must continuously remind Anti-Venom to keep his distance since his powers cut out every time Anti-Venom gets too close to him. Finally, the twosome arrive at Oscorp and decide to part ways, mainly because of Spidey's cutting out when Anti-Venom is nearby. Inside Oscorp, Norman complains that Harry is still obsessed with Spider-Man. Harry is surprised by his father's allegations but the latter informs him that he's been recording his therapy sessions for year wherein Harry spent hours whining about Norman not spending any time with him because he was too busy fighting Spider-Man. Harry cannot believe what he's hearing. Norman tells Harry that none of this has been about Spider-Man; it's been all about him (i.e. Harry). Just then, Norman gets a call from Bullseye, informing him that Spider-Man and Anti-Venom are coming for him. As Norman hangs up the phone, Harry asks him what he meant when he said that it was all about him. Norman responds that he doesn't have time for this now, as he's got to take care of some business. He prepares to don his Green Goblin mask.

In another part of the building, Spidey breaks through a large steel door. Within seconds of having passed through the opening, he gets hit by a discharge of sonic waves, courtesy of Songbird. As Spidey writhes on the ground, Radioactive Man instructs him to stand down while Songbird tells him that he's under arrest and that he should cooperate by telling them where Anti-Venom is. Also there is Scorpion-Venom who threatens Spidey into revealing the whereabouts of Anti-Venom, or else. The Thunderbolts members get the surprise of a lifetime when it is revealed that Spidey is in fact Anti-Venom in disguise. Anti-Venom quickly neutralizes Songbird and Radioactive Man and then turns his attention toward Scorpion-Venom. Webbed up to a wall and unable to free himself, or Songbird, Radioactive Man contacts Norman O. to inform him that Spider-Man is still out there somewhere. At the other end of the transmission, Norman is none too happy about the situation. Being dragged by his father, Harry does not understand how everything can be all about him – it just doesn't make sense to him. Norman instructs Harry to show up and continues dragging him. Harry notices a piece of webbing lying on the floor.

Just then, Spider-Man drops down from the ceiling, tackling Norman (the Green Goblin) to the ground. Harry is rather unappreciative of Spider-Man's involvement, despite the fact that Spidey is evidently trying to save his life. Still on the ground, Norman pushes a small button on his belt. A bookshelf is seen opening into two sections and the Goblin's glider exits through the opening. Distracted by what Norman just did, Spidey is caught off guard by his opponent. Nearby, Harry yells at the two of them that he's had enough of them, that he is sick of being caught in the middle of their battles. Dodging a blow to the head, Spidey notices the Goblin glider heading toward Harry. Spidey breaks free from the Goblin and tackles Harry out of harm's way. Unfortunately for Spidey, he is not fast enough to dodge the glider and its razor-sharp wings rip through his back. The Goblin jumps back on his glider, calling to Harry and telling him to choose a side, to claim his destiny. Tossing a bunch of pumpkin bombs toward Spidey and his own son, Norman tells Harry that he knows what he's been up to, what he’s capable of. Norman goes on saying that Harry could be so much more. Holding a half-destroyed door as a shield against the bomb, Spidey asks Harry if he knows what Norman is talking about. Harry replies that he doesn't. Norman argues that Harry knows what he means and goes on claiming that Harry's had secret meetings on rooftops and in diners, as well as conducting secret experiments. Fed up with Norman’s head games, Spidey surprises his opponent by jumping on the glider with him and forcing him to ride it straight through a half dozen walls. When the dust settles and Harry goes to look for his father (and Spider-Man), he is totally stunned to find the two of them in a large room where several individuals, Asian males and females, are strapped to vertical gurneys, unknown devices hooked into their bodies (these are the same people as the sweatshop workers discovered by Spidey while battling Menace in Amazing Spider-Man #568). Furious and horror-struck, Spider-Man has a difficult time containing his anger with Norman. In a twist of event, Norman reveals to Spidey that he's talking to the wrong Osborn and goes on saying something about human testing and the "Promethean trials", pointing to Harry. Harry mutters something about how it "wasn't suppose to". While a stunned Spidey tries to make sense of what he just heard, Norman mutters to his sound that he's finally proud of him for what he did. Ticked off, Spidey whacks Norman on the side of the head, telling him to shut up. Once again, Norman clicks on one of the buttons located on his belt. This time, however, he didn't call for his glider; he triggered a self-destruct sequence. Spidey has the choice to either drag Norman to justice or free a room full of human guinea pig. What will he do?

In another part of the building, Anti-Venom and Scorpion-Venom are engaged into a fierce battle, while Songbird and Radioactive Man watch helplessly, still webbed to the wall. When the two Thunderbolts spot Spider-Man directing people out of the building, they call out to him for help in getting free. Spidey grudgingly sets them free, despite the fact they attacked him hours earlier, though he makes it clear they are not to try and arrest him. They accept the deal. When Songbird asks what they are ought to do about Anti-Venom and Scorpio-Venom, Spidey answers that he's more pressing matter, namely getting the people Osborn was experimenting on out of the building. Having said that, they rejoin Harry and the recently freed Asian immigrant, as they flee the building, leaving Anti-Venom and Scorpion-Venom to fend for themselves.

The battle raging on, Anti-Venom tells Scorpion-Venom that all it will take is one touch to free him from the symbiote and then it'll all be over. Scorpion-Venom replies that he was thinking the exact same thing and proceeds to impale Anti-Venom in the back with his scorpion-like tail, injecting anti-Anti-Venom poison in his opponent's bloodstream. Anti-Venom falls to the ground, his suit melting away. Scorpion-Venom prepares to delivery the deathblow but the symbiote refuses to do so, preventing the Scorpion half from doing the deed, despite all his effort. It turns out that the symbiote still loves Brock (i.e. Anti-Venom), which is why it won't allow the Scorpion half to kill him. Scorpion-Venom tells Brock that he will eventually find a way past the symbiote's interference and when he does, he’s going to find him and kill him.

Outside, curious bystanders watch as the Oscorp Building comes crumbling to the ground, the result of the self-destruct sequence initiated by Norman Osborn. Ben Urich and Sally Floyd, who had been investigating Norman because of his possible involvement with Randall Crowne's sweatshop (see previous issues), join the bystanders in trying to figure out what happened. As they scan the crowd, they spot Lily Hollister, who appears to be in tears. Sally approaches Lily and starts asking questions. Lily is too distraught, however, to answer any questions (she thinks Harry died in the explosion). Just then, Harry emerges from the crowd of bystanders, calling out to her. She runs to embrace him and asks if his dad made it out of the building before it blew up. Harry responds that he's pretty certain his father did escape, as he was a few steps ahead of him the entire time. Case in point, Norman is seen watching his son from the rooftop of a nearby building. On the top of another building not far from there, Songbird tells Spider-Man that he should be leaving and explains that she's going to make up a story about him bring crushed underneath all the rubble. Radioactive Man is also onboard with the plan so Spidey decides that it is as good time as any to take his leave. He swings away into the night.

Days later, Norman Osborn, with Randall Crowne at his side, holds a press conference to explain what happened at the Oscorp Building in Jersey City. He first reveals that the spider-tracer killer was dealt a crushing blow when the building collapsed on top of him and buried him under tons of debris. He then explains that because of Spider-Man's meddling, several potential cures for hundreds of diseases have been destroyed in the explosion that tore through the building. A reporter asks Crowne if it signifies the end of the spider-tracer killer. Crowne responds in the affirmative, staking his reputation on it. Dr. Maleck, who works for Norman, calls out to his boss from behind the podium and tells him that they have found no sign of life in the building, meaning Freak is probably dead. Norman calls Maleck an idiot and tells him to think about what he just said. Maleck, who is not very smart for a doctor, realizes that Freak cannot die. Ben Urich goes on asking Norman if the rumours of unorthodox medical testing on humans at Oscorp are true. Norman responds that he has no idea what Ben is talking about and implies that the information Ben obtained from his son may have been from when he (Harry) was running the company.

A while later, Harry, Lily and Peter are rummaging through what's left of Oscorp's head office to try and locate a file and some research materials that may help clear Harry’s name (as Harry puts it anyways). Harry leaves Peter and Lily for a few minutes, as he thinks there is a storage area located near the office worth checking out. Peter wonders out loud what Harry means by "clearing his name"; Lily has no idea either. Peter mentions that he’s been getting a weird feeling about Harry lately. As he says that, he notices one lone book still standing in the bookshelf: "The Rise of the Norman Empire" (said book is the switch that opens the door to one of the Green Goblin weapons cache, as seen in Amazing Spider-Man #572). Peter goes to grab it when Lily pulls him toward her and reveals that with all that's been going on, she feels as if she’s chosen the wrong guy in Harry. She proceeds to kiss him passionately. Stunned, Peter pulls away, telling her that they are wrong to do this. The timing for Peter to have broken off the kiss is perfect, as Harry walks back into the room, having found the file he was searching for. Peter asks Harry what is so important about that particular file. Harry responds that he can't talk about it now but promises to tell him everything soon. He adds that when they do talk about it, he's going to need Peter to do something for him, as he’s the only guy he can trust in the whole world. Peter replies that Harry can count on him…always. With that, they leave the building and the reader gets a glimpse of the file Harry found. It has something to do with "Prometheus X-90".

At the F.E.A.S.T. Centre, Ben Urich realizes that his attempt to convince the Asian men and women, to come forward with some information, is an exercise in futility. As they are in the US illegally, they are afraid that talking will get them kicked out of the country. Noticing that Betty Brant is about to leave the centre, Sally Floyd catches up to her and proceeds to ask her why she is walking away from what could be the story of the century. Betty replies that she was at the centre to report on the so-called "miracles" but since that story is over – people are apparently getting sick again, relapsing at an alarming rate – she is taking her leave.

Nearby, Martin Li, director of the centre and secretly the villain known as Mr. Negative is talking to some of the Asian refugees when a small child asks if he wants to play with him. Mr. Li, seemingly ill, tells the child that he is rather tired and would perhaps play with him later if he feels better. Having noticed Li's pale complexion, Aunt May helps him up on his feet and suggests that he get some rest and she will bring him some soup. Li replies that it is a nice gesture on her part, but he would prefer some time alone. Aunt May replies that it's no trouble at all and that he more than deserves a little tending to himself. His eyes blackening – unbeknownst to Aunt May – Li tells her that he wants to be left alone. Aunt May responds that she is only trying to help, prompting a very different Martin Li to yell at her, telling her that he doesn't need her help. A stunned Aunt May is left standing there. The centre's janitor, who happens to be close by, tells Aunt May not to worry about Li, as he apparently gets like that from time to time.

Across the street from the F.E.A.S.T. Centre, in a dark alley, Eddie Brock is immersed in deep thoughts. He feels he owes the world to Martin Li, for everything he's done for him, and he wished he could go back and learn more from him; but he can't. By siding with Spider-Man, against the Thunderbolts and the government, he’s become a fugitive, a wanted man. Brock believes the city to have a sickness that preys on the fool, the infirm, and all those that are too weak to fend for themselves. Brock has been blessed with the cure. From now on, he is Anti-Venom.

The end...for now.

This issue also contains a story by Mark Waid with art by Patrick Oliffe and Serge Lapointe, which features celebrity Stephen Colbert from the Colbert Report. This story will not be reviewed, as it serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever.

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