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REVIEW: Jackpot has died. The female super hero was helping Spider-Man investigate some illegal drug trading when her heart suddenly gave up, the result of injecting herself with mutant growth hormones to gain abilities. That was not the way Alana Jobson had planned to die. She first got into the hero biz because of Spider-Man. She was no more than twelve years old when she first encountered Spider-Man after he saved her and her father from a lowlife crook that was trying to rob them. While most girls that age were obsessing over boys, she developed a crush on the webspinner. But all that was a cover-up for her sexual orientation, though that never panned out the way she had hoped. So she went on to college and became a social worker so as to help people in need. She tried helping drug addicts and alcoholics, but the stress of helping them, in a city where no one else cares, led her to start drinking. She thought she could keep it together and overcome that disease, but she couldn't. One night, she drank and drove her car. Had she not been pulled over by the cops, she could have killed someone. She subsequently lost her license, her job and her purpose in life. Things changed, however, the day she met Sarah Ehret.

Alana fell in love with Sarah – though she never had the guts to tell her that – and the two immediately struck a friendship. One day, as Alana was out for a walk, she came across a Spider-Man – Jackpot team-up. As she watched the two heroes join together to stop a robbery in process, she made the shocking discovery that Jackpot was none other than her friend Sarah. Right there and then, she tried to corner Sarah but she fled. Eventually, Sarah sat her down and told her the truth about her abilities and how she registered with the government when the Super Human Registration Act was passed. Sarah also told Alana how much she hated the super hero life and how she wished she could live a normal life. In return for Sarah's honesty, trust and friendship, Alana lied and told Sarah that she too had powers but was too scared to register or tell anyone. Shortly thereafter, Alana convinced Sarah to sell her the Jackpot identity. Since Alana was technically powerless, she started buying mutant growth hormones, but then came amphetamines, steroids and human growth hormones. Her first day on the job as Jackpot came pretty quick after that and soon, she was battling everything from common crooks to Super-Skrulls. Someone off-panel asks Alana why she didn't help councilwoman Lisa Parfrey, the mayoral candidate who died in Amazing Spider-Man #551 because of Alana's irresponsible actions. Alana, in Jackpot gear, admits that she did not. It turns out that Alana is sitting in a bar, talking to a bartender, having narrated everything that has lead to her death. How is that possible, seeing as she is dead? Well, the so-called bar she is sitting in is sort of a stopover before going into the afterlife.

The bartender apologizes for being rude and asking about councilwoman Parfrey. Alana admits that the question was fair. She actually was not planning to mention Parfrey, as she figured he already knew, which he points out to her. Alana asks to know why the afterlife looks like a dive bar. The bartender explains that people like to talk to bartender, which is a scientifically proven fact, and that certain people will tell them things they would never tell their loved ones. Alana is stunned to hear that; she goes on asking the bartender what she's ought to do now. He rhetorically answers that it is the big question. Alana argues that the big question is why she is sitting there as Jackpot instead of as Alana Jobson. The bartender admits to not knowing why. Alana asks if there is a way for her to come back to life. He answers that coming back to life requires there being a need for her to be there. Seeing as Sarah Ehret has decided to reclaim her Jackpot identity, there is no need for Alana to be brought back. Alana doesn't know where that leaves her. The bartender explains that, eventually, she will get her just rewards. She asks what she has to do to get there. The bartender tells her that she needs to use the same door she came in through; he adds that she doesn't need to rush. Walking toward the door, Alana says that it's time for her to do it. She goes to open the door, but stops before doing so. The bartender tells her that there is nothing to worry about, that she did some good, more good than bad. Alana mentions Parfrey's death. The bartender reassures her that Parfrey, when she came through the bar, talked positively about Jackpot, despite her being responsible for her demise. Feeling better about herself, Alana takes her wig and mask off and proceeds to go through the door.

The end.



REVIEW: In the dark alley where the dead body of Gwen Reilly lays motionless, the two web-swingers, May Parker and her clone April Parker, are in total shocked. May's suspicions are that April did it but the clone is quick to dismiss the accusations, claiming to have found her like that just moments earlier. Despite April's denial, May doesn't know if she's telling the truth of not. Suddenly, both of their spider-senses go off, warning them of danger. The so-called danger seems to be coming from above. The duo crawl up the side of the building, reaching the rooftop moments later; they find nothing – whatever or whomever was making their spider-senses buzz is long gone. They scurry across the nearby rooftops, hoping to find something but to no avail. When police sirens are heard in the distance, May decides to call her dead, Peter Parker to let him know what happened. Upon hearing the news of Gwen's death, needless to say that Peter is in shocked. He thought May and April had things under control. Apologetic, May asks her father what they should do. Peter instructs the girl not to do anything. He, on the other hand, will make arrangements to have Phil Urich go over the crime scene personally. Peter asks May if they compromised the crime scene. May is quick to respond that they did not, until April makes her realize that they forgot to remove the spider-tracer they planted on Gwen Reilly (in Amazing Spider-Man Family 5. Unsurprisingly, Peter is not happy about this.

Across town, at the residence of crime boss Don Silvio, also known as Silverback, the maggia miscreant is playing bowling. With his first shot, he destroys half the pins standing there. This is, in part, due to the immense strength provided by the exoskeleton worn by Don Silvio. He admits to having problems controlling it. He asks his first lieutenant, Man Mountain Marko, for news of the Black Tarantula, a rival gang leader. Marko tells his boss that they have the Black Tarantula looking over his shoulders, despite the interference of Spider-Girl several times. While telling Marko that young people have no respect for their elders nowadays, Don Silvio instructs another of his men to set up the lane the "special way" they discussed earlier. With that said, he tells Marko that their friend Pasquale, who is hung upside down where the bowling pins would normally stand, refused to join them, so he's about to fully understand the value of both fear and respect. Having said that, Don Silvio throws his bowling ball, seemingly killing Pasquale off-panel.

Phil Urich arrives at the Gwen Reilly crime scene and starts to process the scene immediately for hairs and fibers. One can assume Peter told him about the spider-tracer on Gwen's person. Just as he finds it, someone off-panel asks what it is – the voice belongs to Captain Ruiz, lead detective on the case. Urich maintains that it's nothing important but Ruiz has him tag the tracer and bag it as evidence. That is, needless to say, not good. Ruiz asks another detective what information he has for her. He responds that it looks to him that she died of multiple stab wounds, pending the results of the autopsy. Ruiz admits to hating cases like that one.

At the Parker home in Forest Hills, Queens, Peter has been brought up to speed, courtesy of a call from Phil Urich. According to the information he got from Phil, all of Gwen's identifications were stolen from her. April thinks they – meaning her and May, as well as Peter – are lucky that nothing has been found on Gwen's person connecting them to her. Peter agrees, but is still concerned. Case in point, he works for the police, he wants the murder solved and Phil has had to log in the spider-tracer found on Gwen as evidence.

May and April leave the house to head to school. Along the way, May admits to not having slept well the night before. April asks what is bothering her. May list things such as the ongoing gang war and Gwen's death, to name a few. April tells May she worries too much. For all she knows, Gwen was probably a con artist, some fake looking to harm their family. April adds that if the cops can't find her killer, the two of them will. May remains skeptic about the whole thing.

Across town, Black Tarantula is mundanely cutting leaves off a small Bonsai Tree when Arana walks in, mocking him for wasting time on the tree while his empire is being attacked by Don Silvio. Black Tarantula confesses to purposely doing so, as to achieve subtlety and balance, just like his duty as kingpin of crime. He must keep the criminals in line by giving them rules, which must be obeyed, and help maintain the delicate balance between the predators and prey. Just then, Black Tarantula's assistant, Chesbro shows up with alarming news. According to information he’s gathered, it appears that Don Silvio has hired himself a well-known assassin, last name "Lincoln". Who can that be, one wonders?

April and May arrives at Midtown High and run into Wes, whom May was supposed to meet for coffee the previous night. May lies and tells Wes that something unexpected came up, forcing her to skip their date. Wes hopes it wasn't anything serious. Before a blushing May can respond, April introduces herself to Wes and walks away with him telling him that May is too busy with school and stuff to have any fun. May is left standing by herself and Wes is dragged away, wishing he could stay with May. Not far from there, the man known as René drops someone off to school, though his or her face is concealed. René is on the phone with one of his henchmen, who is out looking for Philippe DeJunae's daughter, Élan, who vanished in the previous issue. The henchman has more bad news for his boss; the girl cannot be located. René is extremely disappointed and knows he can only avoid DeJunae for so long.

The school bell rings at Midtown High and May Parker races up the stairs to the rooftop, where she's arranged a meeting with Darkdevil, whom she hopes will help her find Gwen Reilly's killer. Darkdevil confesses to being familiar with the name of Ben Reilly, though he hasn't heard it in years. May indicates that her dad (Peter) is convinced Gwen is a fake as he's certain Ben never had any kids. Darkdevil cryptically reveals that her father doesn't know everything. When she asks what he means, he changes the conversation and lets her know that he'll check into it for her. He recommends she investigate the rooftops near the crime scene to try and find some evidence that could lead them to the killer. May swings away.

A few minutes later, May lands on a rooftop overlooking the crime scene. Using her spider-sense, May searches and searches, until she finally finds something – blood splatter. She knows it could belong to anyone but she has a feeling it belongs to Gwen. As she ponders who the killer might be, she hears the sound of guns being fired from the streets below. She swings down to check it out.

Darkdevil goes to see Kaine to see if he knows anything about one Gwen Reilly. Kaine is certain Ben did not have any kids other than Darkdevil. If he had other kids running around, he would know. The question remains...who is Gwen Reilly?

At Midtown South Precinct, Phil Urich gets the results of the prints he lifted from the Gwen Reilly crime scene. He cannot believe what he's seeing and is sure that Peter will freak when he sees the report.

May finds the source of the commotion that alerted her spider-sense: two rival gangs are having a gun battle. May swoops down and, within minutes, has everybody all tied up and ready to be delivered to the cops. As she does so, her spider-sense warns her of danger above her. She swings up and finds herself in a building under construction. Before she can even do anything, a hand grabs her foot and she is smashed into a beam, some wooden crates and into the concrete flooring. The attacker reveals that he knows her father and reveals himself to be the assassin-for-hire known as Tombstone!

To be continued.



REVIEW: Aunt May is sitting in her living room, reading a book, when she spots a bunch of teenagers outside her window, one of which throws an empty soda can on her rosebush. Fuming, she heads outside to pick up the can and dispose of it in her garbage bin. As she puts the lid back on the bin, Peter (Parker) arrives and asks his aunt what's bothering her. She explains about the kids littering all over the neighborhood and how one of them tossed a can in her rosebush without a second thought. Peter tells his aunt that he'll talk to them, if she wants him to, but she indicates that she'll call 311 and report the littering.

Soon thereafter, she calls 311 only to find out that she has to fill a complaint form that they'll send to her in too much a long time. She therefore decides to take matters into her own hands. She prints a bunch of flyers using her home computer and starts distributing them to her neighbors, hoping that they will side with her against the current littering crisis. Unfortunately, her idea does not go very well. Her neighbors are either too busy, too old, or they simply don't care enough to help out (case in point, Edna Blackquill). Realizing her only option is to go straight to the source, Aunt May does just that and confronts the teenagers that have been polluting the neighborhood with their garbage. Things don't go too well for Aunt May, as the content of a soda can is sprayed into her face by the young rascals. She walks away angrily, vowing to get revenge on the boys.

She goes home, dons Peter's Spider-Man costume and prepares her revenge plan. First, she empties bags of garbage on the ground. Then, using her makeshift web-shooter (a perfume bottle), she forms a giant boulder made entirely of smelly, sticky litter. After that, she pushes the boulder to the top of a small hill, overlooking the neighborhood hoodlums. Lining up the boulder, she proceeds to push it down the hill toward them. Upon seeing he boulder roll their way, the boys try to scurry away but they're not quick enough and they end up all rolled up in a pile of garbage. Spider-Ma'am comes over and tosses a note their way. It reads: "Spider-Ma'am just took out the trash!".

A short time later, Aunt May is working in her rosebush when the three boys approach her. One of them, Clarence apologizes for their behavior of the previous day and offers his and his friend's services to clean up the litter off the block.

Days later, Peter Parker dons his Spider-Man costume, which strangely smells like a garbage dump. "You stink", he tells himself.

The end...for now.



REVIEW: The story opens with Spider-Man fighting alongside the Golden Knight, a medieval knight in shining armor, to fend off attacking trolls that are trying to reach the castle standing tall at the other end of a bridge. It turns out that this is actually a story imagined by a young boy and his friend, who have just set foot inside an elevator, when Peter Parker comes running, yelling at them to hold the doors open for him. The boys hold the door open, allowing Peter to climb aboard. Catching his breath, he thanks them, indicating that he couldn't afford missing the elevator, as he would have been late for a (photo) job interview. Coincidently, it so happens that both Peter and the boys are heading to the same floor. The elevator starts going up but it suddenly stops moving midway there. It appears they are stuck. Refusing to miss his interview because of something so silly, Peter prepares to climb outside the elevator through the ceiling, so as to open the door from above. However, one of the boys is weirded out about Peter leaving them. Before Peter can talk to him, a voice is heard on the elevator intercom; it is the repairman – he tells them that he'll have them out of there soon enough. As Peter and the boys, named Jay Spencer and Danny Cooper, wait to be rescued, the two boys suddenly recognize Peter, claiming to know who he is. Peter thinks they know he's Spider-Man, until he realizes that they are fans of his work in photography and Spider-Man, of course. In fact, Jay likes to make up Spider-Man stories where he and his dad – the Golden Knight – join forces with Spidey to battle evil. Danny asks Peter how he ended up in the Savage Land with Spider-Man and Ka-Zar. Put on the spot, Peter is forced to make up a story to explain his presence there. The story involves the Green Goblin, Pterodactyls, and the Crimson Princess. Craving more stories, Jay asks about the time Spidey and the Golden Knight fought the Lizard. Peter is once again forced to make up a story on the spot to please young Jay. After he finishes his story he asks Jay about his dad, whom he seems to emulate as a hero. Jay doesn't answer right away, prompting Danny to explain that his dad went to Afghanistan when something happened to him when he was protecting a food convoy. Peter assumes Jay's father died, but Jay is quick to explain that his father is well alive, but very different, since his return from overseas. Feeling really bad for the boy, Peter makes up another story on the spot, where the Golden Knight sacrifices himself by going to another dimension, where he continues to fight to this day. As he concludes his story, the elevator door opens up. Jay's mother, who had been worried sick, is there to pick him and Danny up. Peter introduces himself to her and vice-versa. She explains that, in a moment of inattention, she lost track of them just for a moment. She adds that she is there for a job interview for a photography-related position – coincidently the same Peter is being interviewed for. When she asks Peter if he works in the building, Peter replies that he does not and that he was only meeting a friend. Because Peter felt bad about Jay's mother, he decided to lie about the reason for his being there, and skipped his interview, in the hopes that she would get the job.

The end...for now.