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Peter Parker Spider-Man #14 (112)
WRITER:  Howard Mackie
PENCILLER:  John Romita Jr.
COVER BY:  John Romita Jr. and Scott Hanna
INKER:  Scott Hanna
In Amazing Spider-Man #13, the airplane that Mary Jane is onboard explodes in mid-air. In Peter Parker Spider-Man #13, the rest of the world, including May and Peter Parker, finds out about this terrible tragedy. This is where this issue picks up.

ACT 1: Friends and family of Peter and Mary Jane Parker are all dealing with the death of Mary Jane in their own way: May Parker is busy cooking up a storm, Jill Stacy is reminiscing by surrounding herself with mementos of better, happier days, Joe and Martha Robertson seek solace in each other’s embrace and J. Jonah Jameson chooses to deal with the pain he feels deep within in a fashion which has become his trademark – by lashing out at all around him. Mary Jane's death touches the lives of many others: Flash Thompson, Betty Brant, Glory Grant, Arthur Stacy, Liz Osborn, Anna Watson, and Ben Urich – all grieve, all except one. For one man in particular, the only way to deal with Mary Jane's death is to deny it. That's what Peter Parker is doing. And what better way to forget about a loved one's death than to fight the Incredible Hulk!!

ACT 2: For some unexplained reason, we find Peter Parker, in his trademark Spider-Man costume, going toe-to-toe with the Hulk. Spidey seems to be accusing the Hulk of downing the plane that Mary Jane was onboard since he was accused of making a plane crashed in the past, killing all 100 people onboard, although he was later cleared of all charges. It is obvious that Peter/Spider-Man is taking his frustration out on the green behemoth. Meanwhile, back at the penthouse apartment that Peter and Mary Jane shared with May, May is busy putting the finishing touches on a huge meal she’s prepared for friends and family when she accidentally makes a mess, just as the guests arrive. In tears, she opens the door. Everybody is there – Jill and Arthur Stacy, Glory Grant, Ben Urich, Jonah and Marla Jameson, Betty Brant, Flash Thompson, and Joe and Martha Robertson. She tells them that she's just had a little accident and that she must now change the tablecloth. Jill interrupts May and tells her that everything will be all right and that they're all there to help her.

ACT 3: Meanwhile, the fight rages on between Spider-Man and the Hulk and has moved from the rooftops to a nearby subway station. At that moment, back at the Parker penthouse apartment, everybody is gathered around May and is wondering where Peter is. May replies that Peter has been gone since he heard about Mary Jane. Back at the subway station, the battle continues. The Hulk and Spider-Man have torn apart the subway rails and are using them as weapons against one another. Frustrated, Peter/Spider-Man pounds away at the Hulk, while telling him that Mary Jane is not dead and that he’s going to get her back. Totally exhausted, having but tickled the Hulk with his punches, he falls to his knees in front of the Hulk. The Hulk tells Peter/Spider-Man that his wife is also dead (i.e. Betty Ross) and that he is sorry for his loss. Peter/Spider-Man tries to tell the Hulk that Mary Jane is not dead when he suddenly hears the sound of a train arriving on the very track that they tore apart during their fight. He immediately tries to put the tracks back into place but he is too exhausted to do it by himself. The Hulk sees his desperation and helps him out by bending the tracks back into place, seconds before the train passes by between the two of them. When the last car is finally done passing by, Spider-Man goes to thank the Hulk but the latter is already gone.

ACT 4: A short time later, Peter returns to his penthouse apartment, where he finds May washing the dishes. He apologizes to her for missing the dinner and she tells him that it's okay. Peter retorts that he knows Mary Jane is alive and that she will come back, just as May came back. May tries to agree with Peter but one can easily tell that she is concerned about Peter. Later that night, Peter is sitting on the ground of his bedroom, looking at letters of sympathy/condolences, when the phone suddenly rings. He picks up the phone and the voice at the other end of the line tells him that "She's alive".