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Peter Parker Spider-Man #15 (113)
WRITER:  Howard Mackie
PENCILLER:  John Romita Jr.
COVER BY:  John Romita Jr. and Scott Hanna
INKER:  Scott Hanna
STORY TITLE:  Bring me the Head of Spider-Man!!
In Amazing Spider-Man #13, Mary Jane takes off from JFK airport en route to a photo shoot. However, the plane never makes it to its final destination. It explodes in mid-air.

In Amazing Spider-Man #15, Peter leaves for Latveria in search of Mary Jane after receiving an anonymous call that informed him that she was being held captive in Doctor Doom's castle. While there, he meets Anna, a young rebel girl, whose father has been captured by Doom's men. With her help, he infiltrates Doom's castle and confronts him. During their battle, it is revealed that he is not the real Doctor Doom but rather a robot replica. Spider-Man is sent flying out of the castle by Doom and lands in the nearby woods, where Anna is waiting. He tells her that he hasn't found her father but that he now has a plan.

ACT 1: Doom's men are unaware that the Doctor Doom they answer to is but a robot replica of the actual Doctor Doom so, as he is being repaired – since he was decapitated by Spider-Man in Peter Parker Spider-Man #14 – he asks his men to remain blindfolded. He tells them to find out how Spider-Man made his way into Latveria and to bring him his head on a silver platter. On his word, a campaign of terror begins. Doom-bot's men start breaking into innocent people's houses, torturing some, capturing others, so as to find any possible leads on Spider-Man's whereabouts. Spider-Man is in fact hidden in a rebel stronghold located underneath Anna's house, pondering about the recent events of his life, such as the apparent death of his wife when her plane exploded in mid-air and the phone call that led him to Latveria looking for her.

ACT 2: Unable to find Spider-Man, Doom-bot tells his men to teach Latveria a lesson it will not soon forget. On his mark, his men begin shooting at nearby buildings using heavy weaponry; buildings crumble, killing hundreds of people in the process. The explosions are felt by Spider-Man, who immediately jumps on his feet and makes his way out of the stronghold and into Anna’s house. As he peeks out of the window to see what all the commotion is about, he is flabbergasted to see that half the City has been destroyed. Just as he is about to climb out of the window, Anna appears and drags him back inside, imploring him to stay to help her find her father, as promised in last issue. Anna opens a nearby closet and takes out a bunch of clothes that she hands over to Spidey. She tells him to change into them so that they can walk around the City without drawing too much attention to themselves. At first resilient, Spidey/Peter soon changes into the clothes (revealing his identity to Anna) and they are out into the City. Mere seconds later, they are accosted by one of Doom-bots men who asks them to show their papers. Having no Latverian papers, Peter attacks the guard and flees by heading to the rooftops with Anna in his arms. Once far enough from the city, Peter puts Anna down. As they ponder what to do next, a group of airplanes are seen flying right above their heads, proceeding towards the City. Anna tells Peter that it is only a tactic used by Doctor Doom to remind the people of Latveria that he is in control but as the planes approach the City, they start to drop bombs upon bombs all over the place, destroying anything in sight. Peter is exasperated. He rips the clothes off his back, revealing his Spider-Man costume underneath and he tells Anna that he's had enough of Doom-bot's tyranny. Determined, he makes his way towards the castle.

ACT 3: Not only is the Doom-Bot furious that his men haven't been able to find Spider-Man but some of them are now beginning to question the brutality of his actions against his own people. This does not bode well with him and he makes it clear to them that he will not tolerate insubordination from any of them. He tells them to bring the leader of the rebel to him, which happens to be Anna's father. Doom-bot points one of his gauntlets at the man's head, telling him to join him or die. At that exact moment, Spider-Man appears out of nowhere and prevents the Doom-bot from doing the unthinkable. Doom-bot retaliates by shooting at Spidey using his gauntlets. Doom-bot's men join in on the tussle and start shooting at Spidey, who is bouncing from walls to ceiling and back. Spidey, however, has a plan in mind. As he bounces up and down between the gun rays, he makes his way towards Doom-bot. Unexpectedly, he bounces out of harm’s way and one of the gunshots hits Doom-bot right in the chest, revealing to his men that he is but a robot replica of the real Doctor Doom. Furious that they were used as puppets by a piece of machinery, Doom-bot's men begin shooting at him, completely destroying him. Spidey uses that opportunity to grab Anna's father and flee the castle. He drops him off to Anna and web-slings away, pondering about the whereabouts of Mary Jane since he was obviously sent on a goose chase in Latveria.