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Peter Parker Spider-Man #2 (100)
WRITER:  Howard Mackie with Dan Jurgens
PENCILLER:  John Romita Jr.
COVER BY:  John Romita Jr. and Scott Hanna
INKER:  Scott Hanna
STORY TITLE:  Plaything of the Gods!
Things are back to normal, now that the bogus Spider-Man has given up that identity – and the original is back. But immediately upon once again assuming the web-spinner's guise, Peter Parker has found himself battling alongside Thor, the God of Thunder against an ancient and evil entity called Tokkots – one of the usurpers of Asgard, Norse home of the Gods. And while on Tokkots was enough to keep the wall-crawler and Asgardian ace off-balance, their incredibly powerful foe has now split into two versions of himself – one each to contend with our heroes! In such a struggle, the Mighty Thor may be able to hold his own, but what about the far less mighty Spider-Man? Let's find out.

ACT 1: The issue starts with Aunt May worrying about the whereabouts of her nephew Peter Parker. A cop, who happens to be nearby because of an ongoing battle between Spider-Man and some out-of-this-world-type creatures, comes to her aid and gets her to safety. The next page shows Spider-Man and the Mighty Thor duking it out with the two Tokkots. Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, has flown from his hands but has not returned (see the Mighty Thor series for further details). Spider-Man tells Thor that he will give him a hand to retrieve his hammer if he thinks he can handle a falling helicopter, crippled from the battle. Spidey shoots a web-strand that connects with the magical hammer, but its momentum pulls him away from the fight. Meanwhile, Thor braces himself to intercept the falling helicopter. Spidey manages to grab hold of a building, using his spider-like grip, and this allows him to ensnare the two Tokkots by bringing Mjolnir and the web-strand around them. However, the web-line breaks and the Tokkots are sent flying into a nearby building, temporarily disorienting them; Mjolnir also goes loose and disappears below. The falling chopper is now on its last stretch. Fortunately for the pilots, the Mighty Thor leaps from the ground below, clutches the chopper and lands them safely on a cushion of webbing, courtesy of Spider-Man. Meanwhile, Hannah Fairmont, Jake Olsen's girlfriend (Thor's human identity) offers to help the suffering Aunt May.

ACT 2: The chopper pilots and passenger rescued, Thor and Spider-Man turn their attention to the Tokkots, who have trapped Aunt May, Hannah Fairmont and the police officer that was helping them, inside a ring of fire. Thor, however, is starting to return to his human identity, having been separated from his magical hammer for too long; the hammer lying on the ground, only a few feet away. Spider-Man leaves him behind to go help his Aunt and the others trapped with her. The Tokkots close in on Spidey, who defends himself admirably. Suddenly, lightning tears the sky. Mjolnir in hand, Thor is back in action. Wasting no time, Thor attacks one of the Tokkots with all his fury, while Spider-Man manages to web up the other one. However, the Tokkots breaks through Spidey's webbing and grabs him around the neck, choking him. Suddenly, Peter's (i.e. Spider-Man's alter ego) pager goes off (courtesy of Betty Brant who is trying to reach him so he can take pictures of Thor and Spider-Man coincidently), which sends the Tokkots in frenzy. Spider-Man lands a solid punch on the Tokkots and renders it unconscious. Spider-Man meets back with Thor who has apprehended the other Tokkots. However, the two Tokkots join hands and they disappear into another dimension before either Spidey or Thor are able to do anything about it.

ACT 3: A short time later, Peter arrives to his Aunt's side, while Jake Olsen (Thor's alter-ego; a NY paramedic) rushes to their side as well. Jake radios his partner Demetrius to bring the ambulance over so that they can give Aunt May her medication. A few minutes later, Aunt May is back on her feet and being hoisted up into the waiting ambulance. Hannah Fairmont, who had been helping out May asks Jake out (they have dated before), while Peter checks up on his aunt. On the last page of the issue, Peter Parker shakes hands with Jake Olsen, with Spider-Man and Thor in the background behind Peter and Jake respectively.