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Peter Parker Spider-Man #33
WRITER:  Paul Jenkins
PENCILLER:  Mark Buckingham
COVER BY:  Humberto Ramos
INKER:  Wayne Faucher
STORY TITLE: Maybe Next Year
This issue brought tears to my eye. Peter reminiscing about his deceased Uncle Ben through different periods of time of his life with him at several Mets' baseball games is simply amazing. For once, Mark Buckingham's pencils have stroke the right nerve. His pencils, especially on page 2-3 and the last page, show the full extent of his talent. I have been critical of his talent in the past but I am starting to appreciate his work more as his run on Spider-Man proceeds. I also greatly appreciate Jenkins' writings and this issue is undoubtedly the best ever since he came onboard the Spidey-train. For a change, it is nice to read a story that involves Peter and his uncle before Peter gained his super-powers and became the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Usually, it is the same "Uncle-Ben-With-Great-Power-Comes-Great-Responsibility" mumbo-jumbo, and that is why this story is so good: it looks at Peter's relationship with his uncle, not at Peter/Spider-Man's relationship with his uncle. I strongly recommend this issue as it explores part of Peter's life that is usually not shown to us.