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Peter Parker Spider-Man #37 (135)
WRITER:  Paul Jenkins
PENCILLER:  Mark Buckingham
COVER BY:  Humberto Ramos and Wayne Faucher
INKER:  Wayne Faucher
This is standalone issue that does not tie in with the previous issues.

ACT 1: New York City on a snowy day. Everything is closed, everybody is home in the warmth of their houses. Everybody, except Spider-Man, who is clinging to the antenna standing atop the Empire State Building, seemingly waiting for someone or something to appear. As he waits, he starts to explain why he is there and how it all started earlier that morning when he woke up to the sound of his alarm clock announcing that school was cancelled due to bad weather. At first, he was glad that school was cancelled but he soon realized his day was shot when he started to feel a cold coming on. To top things off, Aunt May called to ask him to come over and shovel the snow out of her driveway, even though she lives miles away and the subway was closed. Reluctant at first, Peter had finally accepted and, as Spider-Man, he had left towards her house in Queens.

ACT 2: On his way there, he encountered black ice (Yes! Webbing doesn't stick very well on ice!) and fell down into a snow bank, several stories below. Meanwhile, elsewhere, cops were being attacked by a winged assailant in front of a jewellery store. In the mean time, our hero had given up on web-slinging and was making his way through the blizzard on foot. He soon encountered a bunch of kids building some snowmen, and as he told them to stay in school, one of them threw a snowball right in his face. Next thing you know, Spidey was fleeing the scene, snowballs being thrown at him from every direction. As he was climbing up the wall of a nearby building, his spider-sense suddenly kicked into hyper drive. Out of nowhere the Vulture appeared and attacked him. Both nemesis fell to the ground and a battle ensued. Throughout the grisly brawl, it was revealed that the Vulture was the one responsible for the earlier jewellery store robbery and he attacked Spider-Man because he thought the latter had been tailing him all day. The battle raged on for pages, neither foe ever getting a clear advantage on the other, until Spider-Man finally managed to grab the jewels away from the Vulture. Furious, the Vulture vowed revenge on Spider-Man and dared him to come and face him, man-to-man, in thirty minutes at the site of their very first battle, which is why Spidey is currently waiting atop the Empire State Building, freezing his butt off.

ACT 3: Forty-five minutes late, the Vulture finally shows up and reminds Spidey that their first battle was at the Chrysler Building, not at the Empire State Building. He then goes on saying how Spidey has been a constant thorn in his side, suffocating his great plans with his endless interferences. He then pulls out a gun from underneath his wings and points it at our hero's head. Spidey reminds the Vulture that, according to him, they were suppose to settle this man-to-man, to which the Vulture replies that he lied. Spidey informs the Vulture that coincidently, he also lied, just as the Human Torch flies by and sets the Vulture's wings on fire. The Vulture goes into a tailspin and begins falling down helplessly towards the ground several stories below, as Spidey and the Human Torch uncharacteristically look on (and chuckle) without helping him.

ACT 4: Later that day, Peter has managed to make it to Queens and he's busy shovelling his Aunt's driveway. He's just about done when he gets hit with a snowball right in the face...from none other than Aunt May, who, using some western lingo provokes Peter to have a snowball fight with her. The End.