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Peter Parker Spider-Man #39 (137)
WRITER:  Paul Jenkins
PENCILLER:  Mark Buckingham
COVER BY:  Humberto Ramos and Wayne Faucher
INKER:  Wayne Faucher
STORY TITLE:  Operation: Octopus
After defeating a gang of thieving mimes, Peter Parker/Spider-Man returns to his normal life.

ACT 1: The story opens up with Congressman Bradley Miles and his wife hanging out at the beach, surrounded by agents of the Secret Service and members of the media trying to get candid pictures of the couple. While his wife sunbaths, Bradley is in the water swimming. Suddenly, Bradley comes under attack and screams that something has his arm. Fearing that it might be a shark, the agents rush into the water and start shooting at whatever is attacking their boss. The assailant finally lets go and swims away. While the agents ponder about what assaulted the congressman, it is revealed in the next panel that it was a giant octopus somehow controlled via wavelengths.

ACT 2: Moving right along, we join Peter Parker, along with his science class, at a science exhibit called the "Future Geeks" at the New York City Science and Technology Convention. Peter is so absorbed in explaining to his students some of the technology present at the exhibit that he doesn't notice that they all wander off to see some of the virtual reality gadgets being shown. Peter wanders off on his own and finds himself in the middle of a special presentation by "Biotechnix" along with Congressman Bradley Miles. Peter grabs a free sample of a "Bio Bug", some sort of microchip provided by Biotechnix, and he approaches their exhibit. Suddenly however, his spider-sense starts buzzing alarmingly. He tries to pinpoint the source of the buzzing but he doesn't succeed. He settles to listening to a presentation by Congressman Miles, who is promoting his prototype cybernetic prosthetic arm, the T-137, conceived by Biotechnix. Throughout Miles' entire speech, Peter cannot shake the feeling that somebody, who shouldn't be there, is lurking around. In the last panel on the page, we see that two suspicious individuals are watching from the rafters.

Act 3: Peter calls Robbie Robertson to obtain some information about Congressman Miles and his association with Biotechnix. Robbie explains that there is probably some kind of major payoffs behind closed doors between the congressman and the company but nothing has been proven yet. He adds that Jonah wasn’t interested in the story so the Bugle stopped investigating. Meanwhile elsewhere, in some kind of laboratory, we find Doctor Octopus feeding his pet octopus lobsters while working on some kind of electronic device. Suddenly, the super-villain known as Fusion (last seen in Peter Parker Spider-Man #30-32) walks in and tells Doc Ock that "it is time".

ACT 4: Later that day, Spider-Man meets with Daredevil to see if the latter can help him identify where the "Bio Bug" he took from the exhibit was manufactured. After examining the microchip, Daredevil determines that it came from a Biotechnix building down in Chinatown. Meanwhile, back at the lab, Fusion is angry with Doc Ock and wants him to hurry up and finish the artificial prosthetic limb he’s been working on. Doc Ock asks to be allowed more time to complete its fabrication but Fusion bullies him into finishing it sooner. It is revealed through their conversation that Doc Ock had been working under an assumed name at one of Fusion's facilities and that the latter permitted him to remain undetected by the authorities for the simple reason that he, Doc Ock, was useful to him.

ACT 5: We move right along to the offices of Congressman Bradley Miles where the latter is busy talking on the phone. In the midst of a heated conversation with the person at the other end of the line, Congressman Miles doesn't realize that Spider-Man has entered his office. Just as he's about to hang up the phone, a web line coming from above suddenly zooms by and hangs up the phone for him. He looks up and finds Spider-Man hanging upside down from the ceiling staring at him. He tries to run for the door but Spidey blocks his way by webbing the door shut. Miles asks Spidey what he wants from him. Spidey explains to Miles that he knows he was in the same fraternity as Amos Peters, the billionaire co-owner of Biotechnix, and that the bill he routed through congress granting him the privileged status for the receipt of a T-137 prosthetic limb was actually tacked on the tail end of a 37% congressional pay raise so everyone would be too busy complaining to notice. Before leaving, Spidey adds that he will get to the bottom of this and that once he finds out, he will make sure that every newspaper hears about it.

ACT 6: Meanwhile, we find J. Jonah Jameson and Robbie Robertson at some kind of get together. Robbie tells Jonah that he got a tip from an anonymous caller about certain improprieties in Biotechnix testing and research procedures. He goes on explaining that, according to his source, all recipients of the T-137 prototype limbs are friends and acquaintances of Congressman Bradley Miles, who, in turn, has been calling in favors from various friends in the media, trying to squash the story. Jonah doesn't seem to think that politicians doing back-end deals to get themselves prosthetic arms is a big deal but Robbie replies that Biotechnix has purposely removed the names of some of the recipients, citing reasons of national security, which is illegal. Robbie adds that some of the people who have received prototype prosthetic arms are all high-level military or strategically placed in the espionage community – all of whom have needed prosthetics after recent accidents or surgeries. Jonah still doesn't understand how that information could help him sell extra copies of the Bugle to which Robbie replies that what he wants to know is how come Miles has so many friends who can't keep their limbs attached. Jonah retorts that what Robbie is doing is commendable reporting but that unless the story involves alien conspiracy or the pope’s secret love child, he has nothing. Jonah walks away from Robbie, a piece of toilet paper stuck to his shoe. Is Jonah Jameson being paid not to talk about Congressman Miles in the Bugle? We'll soon find out.

ACT 7: Spider has made his way to the Biotechnix building in Chinatown and enters the building through the ventilation system. After crawling for a while through the rafters, Spidey comes across Doctor Octopus, who is still busy working on his own version of a prototype cybernetic arm. Spidey drops down from the ceiling and after a quick chat and a bit of banter with his arch nemesis, a battle ensues. The fight spreads into a nearby hall and into other rooms. Throughout the brawl, Doc Ock manages to escape through a nearby door. Spidey follows him in and finds Doc Ock standing in the middle of a dark room, with no escape in sight. As Spidey advances upon him, Doc Ock tells Spidey that he's not who Spidey thinks he is. At that moment, Spidey’s spider-sense goes into hyper drive and another Doc Ock strikes him from behind. As Spidey lies on the ground unconscious, the other Doc Ock is revealed to be Fusion, whose ability allowed him to turn himself into Doc Ock and confuse the wall-crawler. To be continued.