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Peter Parker Spider-Man #46 (144)
WRITER:  Paul Jenkins
PENCILLER:  Humberto Ramos
COVER BY:  Humberto Ramos and Wayne Faucher
INKER:  Wayne Faucher
STORY TITLE:  A Death in the Family – Part Three
When we last saw the Green Goblin, back in Peter Parker Spider-Man #25, he had drugged Peter Parker/Spider-Man and had been trying to force him into becoming his heir by having him take up the mantle of the Green Goblin. A huge battle took place but no one really won. Both foes parted ways at the end of the issue, pondering about the next time they would meet again.

In Peter Parker Spider-Man #44, the Green Goblin resurfaced and he and Peter/Spider-Man had this huge fight that lasted the entire issue. Neither Spider-Man nor the Green Goblin won the battle but the Green Goblin invited Peter to partake in an Osborn family reunion, which, according to Osborn, will be a funeral because that’s the only way to bring together all of the Osborn.

In Peter Parker Spider-Man #45, the Green Goblin released a video to the media in which he showed how it was Peter/Spider-Man that was responsible for Gwen Stacy's death at the Brooklyn Bridge and not him. Peter was very much irritated with the video footage so he confronted Norman at a Japanese Restaurant where Norman was having a meeting. After exchanging some trash talk, Norman cleverly threatened to hurt Peter's loved ones if the latter didn't play by his rules.

While Spidey was trying to convince J. Jonah Jameson, the Daily Bugle editor, to change his mind about him having caused the death of Gwen Stacy, Norman Osborn, as the Green Goblin, kidnapped Flash Thompson after one of his Alcoholic Anonymous meeting and him and his goons forced whiskey down his throat. The Goblin put Flash behind the wheel of a truck from Osborn Industries, which appeared to be guided by remote control, and an open bottle of champagne was thrown on the seat next to him. Then the truck was sent on its way, swerving dangerously all over the place, narrowly missing other cars. A short time later, just as Flash slowly started to wake up, he crashed into something.

Back at his apartment, Peter was awakened by the phone ringing. A short while later, he arrived at Midtown High School, where the truck that Flash was driving was buried into the outside wall of the classroom where Peter teaches his classes. After speaking with a police officer on the scene, who revealed that an intoxicated Flash Thompson was at the wheel of the truck when it crashed into the school and that he is now at County Hospital in a very bad shape, Peter, as Spider-Man swung away towards the hospital. When he arrived at the hospital, he overheard Liz Osborn talking with a doctor who tells her that Flash has suffered a very serious head trauma and that there is a good chance he may have sustained permanent and irreversible brain damage. This is where this issue picks up.

ACT 1: Once again, bruised and battered, Peter is back at his apartment and is looking at pictures of his friends and family, including pictures of Flash that the Green Goblin has sent to him along with a small pumpkin. He is very angry with Norman Osborn and smashes the small pumpkin using his bare hands. Speaking of Osborn, he is in a meeting with his advisors about the recent accident involving Flash and the Osborn Industries truck, which crashed into Midtown High School. His advisors tell him that he's got a multi-million dollar suit on his hands and that they need to figure out what they're going to do about it. Osborn replies that he has an idea and asks to get the school principal on the phone.

ACT 2: The next morning, Peter heads to school and when he enters the lobby, he comes face to face with Norman Osborn who is with the school principal. The principal explains that Norman has given them a blank check to have everything repaired and put back to normal. Norman taunts Peter by talking about Flash and his drinking problem and Peter replies that he, Norman, must feel personally responsible for what happened to Flash. Norman retorts that he can't be responsible for those that don't know how to make good decisions for themselves. They continue arguing for a while, the tension mounting between them, until the principal intervenes and interrupts them. Before parting ways, Peter and Norman agree to meet at his chemical warehouse on 124th later that night.

ACT 3: Peter, as Spider-Man, stops by County Hospital to visit Flash Thompson who is still unconscious. Spidey explains that what happened to him wasn't his (i.e. Flash's) fault and that he will do everything in his power to take care of things for both of them. He asks for his forgiveness and tells him that everything will end that night.

ACT 4: A short time later, Spider-Man arrives at the warehouse, where he finds the Green Goblin waiting for him and playing with action figures of himself, Spider-Man and Gwen Stacy, reenacting Gwen's death at the Brooklyn Bridge. Peter is ticked off and he tackles the Goblin. A battle ensues and lasts several pages. During the battle, the Goblin smashes a vial of chemical in Spidey's face, which renders him temporarily blind. Using his trusty spider-sense, Spidey manages to avoid the Goblin's attack and tackles him off of his glider. Spidey tells him that from now on, his family (Peter's) doesn't need to be afraid of him (i.e. the Goblin), and neither does Norman's grandson, little Normie. At the sound of his grandson's name, the Goblin stops for a moment, but then replies that his grandson is a useless little glob of flesh and that he intends to dispose of him, as he should have done the day he was born. On those words, Spider-Man replies that he will kill Osborn. To be continued.