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Peter Parker Spider-Man #48 (146)
WRITER:  Paul Jenkins
PENCILLER:  Mark Buckingham
COVER BY:  Mark Buckingham and Wayne Faucher
INKER:  Wayne Faucher
STORY TITLE:  The Big Question
Over the last four issues, Norman Osborn, the Green Goblin, resurfaced and made Peter Parker's life a living hell. As part of his evil plan to torment Peter, Norman kidnapped the sober Flash Thompson, forced a bottle of whiskey down his throat, and put him behind the wheel of a truck from Osborn Industries, which was actually guided by remote control. Osborn had the truck crashed into the outside wall of the classroom where Peter teaches his classes at Midtown High School and Flash Thompson was left with serious head trauma and the possibility of having sustained permanent and irreversible brain damage. Peter and Norman had a huge fight but neither Peter nor Norman came out victorious. They simply parted ways.

ACT 1: Peter is sitting on his bed, pondering about the recent events of his life and asking God why HE put the Green Goblin on Earth and why HE allowed him to hurt Flash Thompson the way he did. Peter puts himself in God's shoes and answers his own questions and realizes that God would probably say that it is all part of HIS grand design. Peter grabs his Spider-Man costume and begins to cry.

ACT 2: Meanwhile, at the AGK Corporation, the motion detectors in the vault have been set off so the security guards rush into the vault to investigate. Unbeknownst to them, a mysterious Indian woman escapes unnoticed when the vault door is opened. Seconds later, the manager enters the vault and the security team informs him that the Star of Persia, worth fifty million dollars, has been stolen. While in there, they find a piece of red cloth hanging from the ceiling with has a question mark printed on it.

ACT 3: Meanwhile, outside County Hospital, Spider-Man watches Liz Osborn as she reads to an unconscious Flash Thompson. Spidey ponders about what he could have done differently to prevent this from happening. Blaming himself for what happened to Flash, Spidey web-slings away and lands on a nearby rooftop, where he notices a trail of lotus flowers spreading all over the rooftops. He picks one up and his spider-sense starts to buzz slightly, although he doesn't get a sense of immediate danger. He feels something else however and suddenly he finds himself in some sort of a trance where an image of a golden statue appears and where he can hear the sound of distant laughter. When Spider returns to reality, he finds a white cloth with a question mark on it, similar to the one found at the bank earlier. From a nearby rooftop, the mysterious Indian woman watches on.

ACT 4: Meanwhile, the board of directors of the AGK Corporation is meeting with the head of security, Mr. Corman, to discuss the recent theft of the Star of Persia. It seems that the question mark symbol found in the vault has some sort of connection with something that has happened in Bangladesh, which involved the AGK Corporation. Mr. Corman suggests they do what they've done all along: nothing.

ACT 5: Now back at his apartment, Peter cannot stop staring at the lotus flower he picked up earlier. His spider-sense are going crazy but not because he's registering danger, rather because there’s something else going on. Peter looks out the window and sees Barker, his neighbor Caryn's dog, sitting on the balcony all dressed up in a tuxedo. He calls Caryn to find out just what the heck is going on but Caryn can't speak to him because she's having a party for Barker and she can't hear him over the music. Peter is more confused than ever. Meanwhile, the mysterious Indian woman is reminiscing about certain part of her past, which appears to involve some kind of a war. Her eyes are tearing up at the thought of it.

ACT 6: Back at his apartment, Peter receives a phone call from Liz Osborn who explains to Peter that Flash is going to be fine physically but that his brain is totally irresponsive. Peter is totally devastated and he tells himself that he can't get involved because getting involved has already caused enough harm and grief to his friends and family. He looks out the window and sees Barker looking up at something, a red and yellow cloth with a question mark printed on it, tied around his neck. Peter switches to his Spider-Man costume and makes his way to the rooftop where he confronts the mysterious Indian woman. She looks at Spidey and suddenly leaps to another rooftop and then to another, and another. Spidey chases after her and finally catches up to her when she suddenly stops on a rooftop. She presents Spidey with a red and yellow cloth bearing the unexplained question mark and she tells him that the question is the answer and that red and yellow is everything. Spidey is just about to grab the flag when she head butts him. Spidey falls down and is rendered unconscious for a few seconds. When he comes back to, the Indian woman is gone but he still has the red and yellow cloth. He grabs the cloth and suddenly he hears a voice that tells him to turn around. When he turns around, he sees the AGK building with a giant question mark on it. To be continued.