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Peter Parker Spider-Man #54 (152)
WRITER:  Zeb Wells
PENCILLER:  Michael O'Hare
COVER BY:  Francisco Herrera and Wayne Faucher
INKER:  Wayne Faucher
STORY TITLE:  The Rules of the Game – Part Two – Boys and their Toys
After realizing that his battles with his rogue's gallery have become more petty and arbitrary over the years, Peter is forced to ponder his place in the world. Is he truly helping people by engaging in battle after battle with the same villains? Has this life-or-death struggle become nothing more than a game? Seeming to accentuate this philosophical conflict, his old enemy, Boomerang, without reason or warning attacks Spider-Man. Spidey's only clue comes after he has defeated the Aussie villain, when he finds small cameras recording his every move.

Little does he know that four captains of industry: Donald Hart, a high-powered CEO; Edwin Hills, a software billionaire; Buck Masterson, an oil baron; and Gary Wisen, a Hollywood executive, have also noticed the random and sometime senseless cycle of violence that New York's super heroes seem to propagate. Whereas some see this as an epidemic, these four see it as an opportunity for profit. Perhaps, if they can find a market, money can be made from the exhibition of such battles. Unfortunately for Spidey, he's been chosen as the perfect guinea pig for what may prove to be the 21st Century's greatest show on Earth.

ACT 1: The story opens up at the office building of Donald Hart where Donald is discussing the outcome of the first trial with fellow colleagues: Edwin, Buck and Gary. Meanwhile at Midtown High School, Peter shows up at work again with bruises and cuts all over his face and is confronted by the principal. Peter comes up with some lame reason to excuse his appearance and goes as far as running into a door to sell his story to the principal. Further down the hall, Peter breaks up a fight between two students and is confronted about his rugged appearance once again.

ACT 2: Back at the office building of Donald Hart, Edwin and Buck’s candidates (to fight Spider-Man on their closed circuit televised broadcast) are introduced: a robot named XP-2000 and The Scorpion. Later that night, The Scorpion and XP-2000 go on a stakeout, waiting for Spider-Man to show up. When they finally get a visual on him, they waste no time and attack the wall-crawler. Spidey fends off their attack but the two villains keep coming back for more. In a moment of carelessness, Spidey gets spread with sulfuric acid by The Scorpion and ends up having to take his shirt off. Before doing so however, he punches The Scorpion with all his might and the latter finds himself crashing into a brick wall and asking the XP-2000 for help. XP-2000 flies towards Spidey, his claws sticking out of his metal body and ready to strike down our hero. As it does so, Spidey asks why it’s attacking him. On those words, XP-2000 stops in midair and starts playing the recording of an earlier conversation between Donald, Edwin, Buck and Gary. Back at Donald’s building, Buck instructs The Scorpion to deactivate the robot before it reveals too much. The Scorpion stands back up and smashes XP-2000 into pieces with his tail. He then turns his attention to Spidey and continues his attack on him. Spidey tries to fight back but The Scorpion gets the upperhand. Spidey manages to web the Scorpion's leg to his tail and when The Scorpion prepares to deliver the deadly blow using his tail, he ends up breaking his own leg. Spidey webs up the Scorpion to a nearby wall and then searches for a buzzsaw in the wreckage of the XP-2000. Upon finding one, he cuts The Scorpion's tail off and takes his leave. A short while later, police officers apprehend The Scorpion who implores them not to look at him without his tail.

ACT 3: Back at the office building, Donald, Gary, Edwin and Buck discuss what went wrong with their candidates when the camera feed suddenly starts to work again. The giant TV screen shows Spider-Man looking into the camera and trying to figure out who is targeting him by fixing up XP-2000. The four billionaires don't want Spidey to find out what is going on so Gary calls his candidate to take care of our hero. To be continued.