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Peter Parker Spider-Man #7 (105)
WRITER:  Howard Mackie
PENCILLER:  John Romita Jr.
COVER BY:  John Romita Jr. and Scott Hanna
INKER:  Scott Hanna
STORY TITLE:  Creatures of the Night
The Hunger, who was first introduced in Peter Parker Spider-Man #4, returns this month. Blade, the vampire hunter, also shows up in this issue.

ACT 1: Cypress Hills Cemetery. T-Bone and Mutt, two henchmen working for Jimmy-Six, break into a large crypt and come face to face with what seems to be a gang of very well-dressed vampires seemingly protecting a large chest lying on the ground. Meanwhile, back at his Manhattan Penthouse, Peter Parker is packing up his suitcases since he and Mary Jane are going away on a vacation. A short time later, Peter is waiting in line at a local convenience store to pay for a few things when all of a sudden a car comes crashing through the front window of the store. T-Bone and Mutt emerge from the car, carrying the large chest seen earlier. Chasing them is the gang of vampires also seen earlier. Suddenly, the lights go off in the store. T-Bone and Mutt fear the worse but fortunately for the thugs, Spider-Man (Peter Parker's alter ego) is the culprit behind the lights shutting off. He drops down from the ceiling and takes out a few vampires in the process. But it is not enough as more vampires arrive on the scene. While Spider-Man and Mutt fend off their assailants, T-Bone gets captured by the vampires along with the chest. The vampires are starting to get the upper hand but suddenly they all explode into dust, one after the other. Foot-long knives are scattered where once stood the vampires. Who do they belong to?

ACT 2: Mutt immediately starts running after the other vampires that took T-Bone and the trunk, closely followed by Spider-Man, who is now really late for his plane. A short time later, at an abandoned Roxxon Oil Company factory on Manhattan's lower west side, Spider-Man finally catches up to Mutt. After disarming him, Spider-Man demands that he explains why he was after the trunk in the first place. Mutt reveals that the Hunger showed up at a meeting of the New York maggia – that included the likes of Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin, Jimmy-Six, Hammerhead, Caesar Cicero and Old man Fortunato – and scared the hell of everybody present at the meeting and killed several others. As Mutt finishes his explanations, Spider-Man's spider-sense suddenly kicks in and alerts him of imminent danger. He yells at Mutt to get down as a vampire descends upon them. While Spider-Man struggles with the vampire, Mutt takes one of the foot-long knives seen earlier and drives it through the vampire's heart, turning said vampire into dust. His spider-sense still buzzing, Spider-Man quickly turns around and unloads his web cartridge to form a wall of webbing, protecting them from more vampires that have arrived on the scene. Mutt wants to kill them but Spider-Man stops him, telling him that the webbing should hold them long enough. Spidey asks Mutt why the content of the trunk is so important to his bosses. Mutt explains that whatever is in the trunk should help them take care of the Hunger problem. As they begin walking through the factory, looking for the trunk, they soon find themselves standing in front of a large gap in the floor, from which emanates a stench of evil. As they are about to jump down the hole, a foot-long knife comes flying inches from their faces and ends its course into a large metal column next to Spider-Man. The owner of the knives reveals himself; it is Blade, the Vampire Hunter.

ACT 3: Blade explains that he came up from New Orleans to deal with a new breed of vampires that have been wreaking havoc in New York City and that he also heard that there is some sort of weapon to handle those vampires but that it is locked up in a trunk. Blade, Mutt and Spider-Man jump down into the hole but are quickly surrounded by a herd of vampire. Wasting no time, Blade unloads his fully automatic pistols loaded with clips of hollow point miniature stakes filled with holy water. Soon, giant piles of dust surround the three men as they make their way deeper into the guts of the factory. They finally spot the trunk lying on the ground on the lower level below. But they also find Hunger, who emerges from the shadow. Using his extraordinary mind powers, Hunger disarms both Mutt and Blade and heads down towards the level below to retrieve the trunk. Spider-Man and Blade jump down after him, leaving Mutt to fend for himself. In mere seconds, Hunger gets hold of both Spider-Man and Blade and begins ranting about how he felt each of the deaths of the other vampires he "sired" (i.e. created) when Blade killed them and how he was diminished by them. He adds that until he feeds again, he will remain in this diminished state. Hunger reveals that he wishes to "turn" Blade and Spider-Man into vampires by feeding on them so as to regain most of his strength. Meanwhile, back on the level above, Mutt is about to go down to help Blade and Spider-Man when none other than T-Bone, who has been turned into a vampire by Hunger, confronts him. T-Bone tries to convince Mutt to "join him" but Mutt turns on his old partner and drives a foot-long knife through his heart. T-Bone's death takes more power away from Hunger, who has no choice but to release Blade and Spider-Man, and run away, leaving the two heroes with the trunk. Blade tells Spider-Man that he will take care of the trunk and Spider-Man quickly web-slings away, hoping that he still has enough time to catch his flight with Mary Jane.

ACT 4: A short time later, at the JFK International Airport, a frantic Peter finally arrives at the terminal to get onto his plane...but it is too late. The plane already took off and Mary Jane is on it. Elsewhere, Wilson Fisk has just heard the news that the trunk is in the hands of Blade. He is not too happy about it. He wants to set up a meeting with Jimmy-Six and regain some control over his city.