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Peter Parker Spider-Man #8 (106)
WRITER:  Howard Mackie
PENCILLER:  John Romita Jr.
COVER BY:  John Romita Jr. and Scott Hanna
INKER:  Scott Hanna
STORY TITLE:  Blood Feud
While trying to reach the airport to get onto a flight that was going to take him and his wife Mary Jane on a vacation, Peter Parker encountered two thugs working for the Kingpin, by the names of T-Bone and Mutt, on the run from a gang of super-powered vampires from whom they had stolen a large chest with an unknown content. As Spider-Man, Peter helped them out, however, T-Bone and the chest were both captured by the vampires. Consequently, Spider-Man and Mutt grudgingly teamed up to find T-Bone and the chest. Their investigation led them to an abandoned factory on Manhattan's Lower East Side, where they did find both the chest and T-Bone with the help of another ally: Blade, the Vampire Hunter, who had been tracking the same gang of super-powered vampires mentioned earlier, all the way back from New Orleans. While Spider-Man and Blade battled the new owner of the chest, Hunger, who Spider-Man encountered back in Peter Parker Spider-Man #4, Mutt came face to face with T-Bone, recently reborn as a Vampire. Courageously, Mutt staked his partner-in-crime, turning him into a pile of dust. T-Bone�s demise caused Hunger to release his hold on both Spider-Man and Blade because he was the one who "sired" T-Bone earlier and somehow his source of power becomes depleted when he loses one his "children". Hunger fled the scene, leaving Spider-Man and Blade with the chest. Blade took the chest with him, vowing to protect it while a very late Spider-Man made his way to the airport to meet with Mary Jane. However, he arrived too late and the airplane was already gone.

ACT 1: The story starts with Peter Parker down on his knees, Jimmy-Six holding a gun to his head. The story then switches to earlier that day, as Peter Parker, in his Spider-Man costume, tries to reach his wife Mary Jane. After a few failed attempts, he gets an unexpected phone call from Robbie Robertson of the Daily Bugle who has a freelance job for him if he is interested. Peter accepts.

ACT 2: A short time later, Peter finds himself in the middle of a New Jersey swamp waiting to take pictures of a meeting between two gangland big shots for the Daily Bugle. Suddenly, a pair of large black limousines arrive on the scene. From one limousine emerges Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin of Crime, and from the other, Jimmy-Six. As they shake hands, a large chest is taken out of the trunk of one of the limousines. Peter wonders what is in the box when his spider-sense suddenly kicks in. He's been found. The man standing behind him tells him to stand up as he holds a gun to his head. He then yells at the two crime bosses that he has found a snoop. Jimmy-Six seems to recognize Peter but doesn't say anything to Fisk. Using his spider-strength, Peter knocks out the man standing behind him and starts running away, only to run into Blade, the Vampire Hunter, who, according to what he says to Peter, is there to get back "something" they took from him. Peter's spider-sense suddenly kicks in again as one of the mobsters shoots a particle beam at them using a large weapon. Guided by his trusty sixth sense, Peter pushes Blade out of harm's way but both are rendered unconscious in the process.

ACT 3: A short time later, Peter and Blade are awakened by troopers that have arrived on the scene. Both men are asked to stick around to give their deposition but Blade slips away unbeknownst to the cops. Peter, however, manages to tag him with a spider-tracer before he leaves the scene. Later that night at the offices of the Kingpin, one of the troopers seen earlier discloses to the Kingpin that the snoop they encountered earlier is a photographer for the Daily Bugle named Peter Parker. Once the trooper is gone, the Kingpin turns his attention to Jimmy-Six, who is standing in the shadows behind him. He tells Jimmy to attend to this situation and that then they will both find out what is in the trunk. A short time later at the Daily Bugle Offices, Robbie Robertson tries without success to convince Peter to get out of town while things cool down. On his way out of the building, Peter overhears a reporter telling J. Jonah Jameson that Eddie Brock (a.k.a. Venom) has escaped from his West Coast Jail. Knowing that Venom spells trouble, Peter decides to leave town to go meet with Mary Jane to try and patch things up in their life. He picks up a nearby phone and attempts to reach his wife. However, she is refusing to talk to him. As he hangs up the phone, Jill Stacy shows up and tells Peter to give Mary Jane some time and that she will come around. Peter is suddenly struck about the resemblance between Jill and her late cousin Gwen Stacy, his first love, who died at the hands of Norman Osborn, the vicious Green Goblin. Jill is actually surprised that Peter only noticed it now. As Jill walks away, Peter seems confused. Could it be that Peter is starting to have feelings for Jill Stacy? Only time will tell.

ACT 4: Later that evening at the old Brooklyn Navy Yard, Blade watches, waits, and then acts with speed and a non-lethal attack, taking away two armed guards. Seconds later, Spider-Man arrives on the scene, courtesy of the spider-tracer he had tagged Blade with. Blade and him reluctantly join forces to find the trunk mentioned in ACT 2, and they make their way into one of the ships stationed at the harbor. Moments later, they find the trunk. Men are already busy trying to open it with blowtorches while the Kingpin stands nearby. Blade and Spider-Man show themselves. The Kingpin, however, is protected by a herd of heavily armed vampires, who quickly surround our two heroes. An enormous m�l�e immediately follows. As Spider-Man and Blade battle the vampires, the last chain keeping the trunk shut finally comes apart. Morbius, the Living Vampire, emerges from the trunk. In a matter of seconds, Morbius attacks the Kingpin and Blade attacks Morbius. Spider-Man stops Blade from trying to kill Morbius, telling him that he is no ordinary vampire. The Kingpin uses that opportunity to set himself free from the vampire's grasp and to run away. Blade replies that the word on the street is that Morbius has been genetically altered to be used as a weapon against Hunger and the new breed of vampire. Spider-Man asks Morbius if this is true. Morbius concurs that it's true and explains that it is the reason why Hunger wanted him dead (in the previous issue) and why Fisk now wants Morbius (which is to use against Hunger because Hunger and his kind have been infiltrating his business). Morbius begs Blade to take his life but Spider-Man refuses to allow this to happen. Blade walks away but warns Spider-Man that next time he may not be so lenient. Spider-Man asks Morbius to tell him who did that to him. Morbius replies that it is not important who did what but that he does need to know something: Hunger is the Hydra creation known as Crown (introduced way back in Peter Parker Spider-Man Volume 1 #80). Before losing consciousness, Morbius tells Spider-Man that Hunger is more dangerous than ever and that he must beware of him and Stewart Ward.

ACT 5: Spider-Man brings Morbius to the Tricorp Research Facilities, hoping that the scientists there can help Morbius, and heads back over to his apartment. He's been in the apartment for mere seconds when the phone suddenly rings. He picks it up. It is Mary Jane's stalker. The stalker threatens both Peter and MJ; Peter is furious and thinks it is Eddie Brock (a.k.a. Venom). Suddenly, a gun is put against his head. Standing over him is Jimmy-Six, who tells him to hang up the phone. Jimmy explains to Peter that he was sent by Fisk to bring him back to him so he can make an example out of Peter to other snoopy newspaper people. Peter asks Jimmy what he is going to do. Jimmy makes reference to Peter's late cousin, Ben Reilly, who he befriended when he was still alive, and tells Peter that he's only trying to make the bloodshed stop. He adds that it is the only reason he'd ever think of dealing with an animal like Fisk. He says that in normal circumstances, he would bring Peter to Fisk and a lot of people wouldn't get hurt. But he also says that it is not worth it to him so he pulls the gun away and walks away, telling Peter to keep his head low and that a war is looming. The phone rings again. Peter is shaking madly.