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PREVIOUSLY: In last issue, Joe "Robbie" Robertson left a tape recording and some files for Peter Parker revealing his connection with the mobster known as Tombstone (a.k.a. Lonnie Lincoln). While Peter/Spider-Man listened to the tape, which described how Robbie first met Lonnie and how Lonnie intimidated Robbie into silence about a murder he committed some 20 years ago, Tombstone and the Arranger – the Kingpin's assistant – kidnapped Roland Rayburn, a mutant with the ability to persuade others to do his will, and subjected him to drugs so as to brainwash him to do their bidding using said abilities. At issue's end, Robbie met Tombstone at Battery Park and tried to kill him but Tombstone broke Robbie's back, leaving him to be found by Spider-Man.

REVIEW: The story opens up with Robbie Robertson lying in a hospital bed surrounded by his wife Martha, son Randy and daughter-in-law Amanda, while Spider-Man peeks through the window from the outside and, as usual, blames himself for what happened. Spidey swings down to a nearby alley, changes back to his civilian clothes and enters the hospital as Peter Parker. There he finds J. Jonah Jameson, Ben Urich and Kate Cushing pacing back and forth outside Robbie's room. Robbie's wife, Martha, Randy, and his wife Amanda, emerge from the room with a look of total devastation on their faces. Peter approaches Ben Urich and asks him for news about Robbie's condition. Ben tells Peter that Robbie will live but that there is a chance he might be paralyzed for life. He then turns the conversation to Robbie's recent change in manners, something he's observed over the last few weeks, and asks Peter why Robbie phoned him the night he was attacked by Tombstone (Ben happened to be passing by Robbie's office when he overhead Robbie talking to Peter). Peter replies that he doesn't know what Robbie wanted because by the time he arrived at the Bugle, Robbie was gone. Ben retorts with a very sarcastic "uh-huh" and tells Peter that if he ever wants to talk, Peter knows where to find him.
Meanwhile in Robbie's room, Robbie is awakened by the familiar whispering voice of Tombstone, who stands over his bed. Tombstone tells Robbie that he likes him and that he thought they had an understanding in which Tombstone does his job for the mob and Robbie keeps his mouth shut. Robbie replies that the agreement is off and that he is not afraid of him anymore. Tombstone whispers something in Robbie's ear, which we don't get to hear, but which leaves Robbie wide-eyed and sweating profusely long after Tombstone is gone.

Meanwhile in Aggie's Pub, a huge bar fight is taking place. Seven men are seen beating someone upon whom they are piled up. Suddenly, Spider-Man emerges from underneath the human pile and sends the seven men flying off to all four corners of the pub. Spidey is apparently trying to find some information about the hitman who was hired to kill Robbie Robertson in last issue and who sent Spidey to the bar claiming that it was there that he received his assignment. After knocking out all the costumers, Spidey grabs the bartender and starts questioning him about Tombstone, whom he believes is the one that hired the hitman to kill Robbie. The bartender reveals that Tombstone was hired by the Arranger, the Kingpin's assistant, for some big scheme. At that moment, one of the thugs that were incapacitated regains consciousness and pulls a gun out on Spidey and gets ready to take his shot. Suddenly, Spidey's spider-sense goes ballistic, warning him that something is about to happen. A shot is heard and as Spidey turns around, the thug that was about to shoot him falls to the ground wounded. Somebody shot the thug before he was able to shoot Spidey. Spidey catches a glimpse of a man fleeing the scene so he takes off after him. But, as he emerges through the pub's back door, his spider-sense kicks him, warning him of danger. Suddenly, a shot is heard and the light fixture above the door explodes into pieces. Spidey manages to leap out of harm's way, while the gunman escapes. Spidey is certain of one thing: the Arranger is somehow involved in all of this.

A short time later, Spidey shows up at the Arranger's office and confronts him about his connections with Tombstone. The Arranger claims to be a respectable businessman and tells Spidey that he can't imagine any subject he might raise that would hold the slightest interest to him. Furious, Spidey threatens to use violence if the Arranger doesn't confess to knowing where Tombstone is. The Arranger pushes on a small button located on the arm of his chair and a video monitor emerges from his desk showing a recording of Spidey threatening the Arranger a few moments ago. The Arranger tells Spidey that any violence against his person will be recorded and given to the authorities. Furious, Spidey smashes the monitor, just as the Arranger's armed henchmen enter his office. He then performs a flip over them and escapes from the building through a window.

While Spider-Man web-slings away, the Arranger walks towards a bookcase and presses on a button, hidden underneath one of the shelves, which makes the whole bookcase move, revealing a secret room behind it. Inside the room we find Roland Rayburn drugged and strapped to a gurney, Nurse Sheila at his side. The Arranger approaches Rayburn and asks him if he’s with them now. Sweating profusely, Rayburn replies that he is (the drugs brainwashed him into accepting the Kingpin's offer). Content, the Arranger tells Rayburn that Nurse Sheila will now reduce his medication and that he should be fine in a matter of hours. Suddenly, Tombstone enters the secret room and informs the Arranger that HE is in town and was spotted at Aggie's Pub when Spider-Man was there asking questions. Tombstone adds that HE followed him to New York, looking for him, just the way the Arranger figured. The Arranger replies that all his plans are proceeding exactly as "arranged".

Peter and Mary Jane stop by Midtown Hospital to pay a visit to Joe Robertson. Joe's wife, Martha, is at his side, and seems preoccupied. Joe politely asks his wife and MJ to leave the room so that he can talk to Peter alone. Once outside the room, Martha breaks down in tears and tells MJ that the doctors think Joe's spine might be broken. MJ replies that Joe is strong and that he'll fight it but Martha retorts that whoever broke his back also broke his spirit. Back inside the room, Joe asks Peter if he still has the cassette he gave him. Peter replies that he has it and that it is safe and sound. Robbie tells Peter to burn the tape, which ultimately stuns Peter. Peter replies that Tombstone is a murderer and that the police never had enough evidence to nail him but that still doesn't sway Robbie in the slightest. Robbie tells Peter that he knows what Tombstone is and what he has done, that he's kept his secret for twenty-five years, and that he doesn't have a problem keeping his secret until he dies. Peter still refuses to burn the tape but Robbie tells Peter that Tombstone visited him at the hospital because he, Tombstone, wanted to show him that he can go anywhere, kill anyone, including his family. Robbie adds that he doesn't care about himself and that his family is more important to him than life. As Peter starts to make his way out of the room, Robbie tells him the he can't fight Tombstone and once again implores Peter to burn the tape. Peter meets up with Mary Jane in the hallway and tells her the whole story about the tape and Robbie's connection with Tombstone. As they walk away, a shadowy figure is seen eavesdropping on their conversation from a nearby room with a half-opened door.

Peter makes his way to the Daily Bugle to meet with Ben Urich and ask him what he would do if he had evidence of a crime, but the informant's felt his family lives would be endangered if he used it. Ben replies that there are not hard rules and that he would do what he thinks is right. Having said that, he hands over a piece of paper to Peter with a phone number on it. Peter calls the number and the same shadowy figure seen earlier answers the phone, telling him that he knows about the Robertson tape and that he wants to meet him on Liberty Island in one hour, alone. Peter leaves the Bugle in a rush.

A short time later, Peter/Spider-Man arrives at Liberty Island and lands on the torch of the Statue of Liberty. Suddenly, a shot is fired at him from the Statue’s head and some kind of projectile is thrown in his direction. The projectile spreads out into a net but Spidey manages to dodge it. He then fires a webline at the book that the Statue is holding and catapults himself around the statue up to its crown where he enters into the Statue itself. All the while, Spidey tries to add up the clues to figure out whom he is meeting. Having set but only one foot in the statue, more gunshots are fired at him from the stairs below. Spidey recognizes the gunfire, as it sounds like it came from the same gun that shot the thug in Aggie's pub the night before. Spidey tries to pursue the gunman by going down the stairs but the latter has them covered. Spidey then resolves to go the outside route. Exiting back out through the crown, Spidey swings down and spots the gunman running away from the base of the statue. Spidey begins wondering why the gunman had such a lousy shot when he fired the net at him just then whereas he had a perfect shot the night before at Aggie's pub. Spidey swings down to ground level, catapults himself toward the fleeing figure and tackles him. The two begin rolling along the ground and finally come to a stop. Spidey stands up and requests that the gunman explain his actions. The gunman, known as The Punisher, pulls a gun out and points it at Spidey, telling him to hand over the tape and demanding that Spidey tells him where he can find Tombstone, or else.

To be continued.