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PREVIOUSLY: Peter Parker/Spider-Man has had to cope with more than his share of problems over the last few issues. Firstly, he had to search the whole City of New York for Vermin, who escaped from the Ravencroft Institute where he was being treated for mental problems. Then he had to deal with the fact that his best friend, Harry Osborn, followed in the footsteps of his father, Norman Osborn, and took over the mantle of the Green Goblin. Although Peter Parker/Spider-Man managed to capture Vermin and send him back to Ravencroft, where he is doing amazing progress, he was unable to stop Harry from getting away and leaving the City to parts unknown.

In Spectacular Spider-Man #184, Spider-Man enlists the assistance of Mark Raxton, a.k.a. Molten Man, who happens to be Harry's brother-in-law (his sister Liz is Harry's wife), to inform Liz that Harry has become the Green Goblin again and to support her in these difficult times.

One night, while on the lookout for Harry/the Green Goblin, Spidey's spider-sense leads him to the rooftop of a certain building, where someone is hiding in the shadows. That someone is revealed to be none other than the fabulous Frog-Man.

This is where this issue picks up.

REVIEW: In total disbelief, Spider-Man grabs his head with both his hands, while Eugene Paul Patilio, Frog-Man's alter ego, goes on and on about the amazing adventures he and Spider-Man have had together. Annoyed with Eugene, Spidey verbally lashes out at him, telling him to shut up and telling him that being a superhero is not some kind of game. Eugene is caught off guard by Spidey's brutal honesty and realizes that he is not wanted there. As he takes a leap, just like an actual frog would do, he loses control of his jump and starts ricocheting off a brick chimney, then a wall, then he falls off the building on which he and Spider-Man were standing. As he plummets towards imminent death, Spidey swings down on a web-line and grabs hold of him in mid-air. When Spidey drops him off on the ground, Eugene complains that he did not need rescuing as he's a living legend and a hero to millions. Spidey reminds Eugene that his father, Vincent, who was the first one to adopt the Frog-Man's persona – though he called himself Leap-Frog – surely taught him to say thank you. Taken off his frog-mask, Eugene reluctantly expresses thanks to Spidey.

Meanwhile in the Bronx, the Walrus makes his way to a secret rendezvous with none other than the Queen of Crime they call the White Rabbit. Before revealing her plan to the Walrus, the White Rabbit attacks him in order to see whether or not he is a worthy ally. After shooting razor-tipped carrots at him and an explosive carrot, all of which ricochet off his chest, she is quite satisfied with the results of the try-out, though the Walrus is a tad ticked off. But after she starts revealing her intentions, the Walrus calms down and listens to what she has to say.

The next morning at the Parker apartment, a half-asleep Peter tells Mary Jane, his wife, that Eugene invited him over to his family's place in Brooklyn for dinner, even after he yelled at him like he did. MJ advises him to go, as it might be nice for him to have a quiet dinner with friends. Peter replies that he is too busy searching for Harry/the Green Goblin but MJ brushes his lame excuse off and tells him that the Green Goblin can wait. She then proceeds to kiss him on the forehead and heads over to the studio where she's filming her soap opera.

Deep in the heart of Brooklyn, at the Patilio residence, Eugene is ecstatic, as he just received a phone call from Spider-Man confirming his presence for dinner that evening. As he informs his father, Vincent, about how the invitation took place, his father verbally lashes out at him for going out hopping around the city like a nut in the costume. Eugene's aunt Mary, who also lives with them, intervenes and tells Vincent, her brother, that there is nothing terrible in inviting a friend over. Vincent tries to answer back but Mary ignores him and turns her attention to preparing dinner for Spider-Man. While she tends to supper, Vincent and Eugene make peace.

A short time later in Lower Manhattan, onboard the White Rabbit's bunny-mobile, the Walrus tries to make sense – for like the third time – of the White Rabbit's plan, which is to get revenge on their arch-enemy, the fabulous Frog-Man. The White Rabbit explains that, as super-villains, they live for revenge; therefore the Frog-Man needs to pay for thwarting and humiliating them. The Walrus replies that he'd rather somebody paid them and suggests they knock over a gas station or someplace like that. The White Rabbit replies that there'll be time enough later for making millions of dollars, as the world will soon be at their feet. Changing the subject, the Walrus asks why she didn't enlist the help of the Speed Demon and the Yellow Claw, as they were both taken out by the Frog-Man. The White Rabbit replies that they don't need them since they're the Terrible Two, they're evil personified and the vilest villains on the face of the Earth. Amazingly enough, the Walrus sees right through her lies and has her admit that they hung up on her when she called them…after they were done laughing.

Back in Brooklyn, at the Patilio residence, Spider-Man shows up for dinner. Aunt Mary Patilio lets him in the living room where he is greeted by father and son, Vincent and Eugene Patilio. As the three of them sit down in the living room, they start conversing about Spider-Man's recent super-hero dealings but the topic of the conversation soon turns to the weather when Vincent and Eugene realize that Spidey cannot talk about his personal life, for fear of revealing his secret identity.

A few blocks away from the Patilio residence, the bunny-mobile comes to a stop. The White Rabbit emerges from the vehicle and, hoping to attract Frog-Man's attention, starts blasting away at pedestrians and parked cars, sending innocent bystanders running in all directions. Confused, the Walrus asks her what they are supposed to be doing to which the White Rabbit replies that they are creating general mayhem and havoc, which is what all super-villains do when they want to attract the attention of their arch-enemies. As stupid as ever, the Walrus comments that maybe they ought to just rob a bank and use the money on a trip to Acapulco. Heaving a sigh, the White Rabbit points out that he – the Walrus – is never going to get anywhere in life thinking like that and orders him to get busy with the mayhem. The Walrus reluctantly agrees, grabs hold of a nearby lamppost and throws it through the window of a nearby shop, to the utter content of the White Rabbit.

Back in Brooklyn at the Patilio residence, Spidey and the Patilios are having dessert in the living room and are watching TV when regular programming is interrupted by a special news report on the White Rabbit's rampage in Brooklyn. The news coverage goes live on location and gives more detail about the White Rabbit's claim that she'll only stop when the Frog-Man surrenders to her. As Eugene and Vincent Patilio digest this information and Eugene ponders about getting back into costume to stop this mayhem, Spider-Man heads over to the scene of the crime in progress.

A few minutes later, Spidey arrives at the crime scene where the White Rabbit and the Walrus are still causing mayhem. Unfazed by his arrival, the White Rabbit shoots razor-tipped carrots at him, which he easily dodges. Spidey then proceeds to grab hold of her carrot-shooter-umbrella and breaks it in half, promising to buy her a new one if it rains. Just then, his spider-sense kicks in, warning him that there's someone behind him. In a blink of an eye, he turns around and evades a punch thrown by the Walrus. He then grabs hold of the Walrus' thick arm and tells him that he is way too quick for a big guy like him. This causes the Walrus to retaliate and tell him not to underestimate him, since he has the proportionate speed, strength and agility of a Walrus. Realizing what the Walrus has just said, Spider loses it and starts laughing hysterically. Ticked off, the Walrus punches Spidey, who was too busy laughing to avoid being hit. Spidey is sent flying and lands on the ground in front of pedestrians and TV reporters, who are watching the events unfold. Just then, as Spidey gets up, the fabulous Frog-Man arrives on the scene. The Walrus starts to throw punches at him but the Frog-Man amazingly dodges every attempt from the Walrus to hit him and manages to land one solid hook that knocks the Walrus out. Humiliated, Spidey cannot believe he’s been upstaged by the Frog-Man, of all people. Just then however, the White Rabbit resurfaces, a new umbrella in hand and attacks the Frog-Man with it (the umbrella has a razor-sharp tip). The Frog-Man bounces off out of harm's way, dodging her every move, but the White Rabbit's boot-jets allow her to catch up to him. Just then, another Frog-Man arrives on the scene. This one, however, does not manoeuvre with grace as the first one did and he bounces out of control, taking the White Rabbit out in the process. Confused, Spidey demands to know what is going on. It is revealed that the first Frog-Man is Vincent (Patilio), who tinkered around with his old suit to make it stronger and more effective and then decided to try it out against the Walrus and the White Rabbit. Vincent then goes on saying that he was doing pretty good too, though he's getting a little too old and slow for that kind of work. Having said that, he turns to the other Frog-Man, who is revealed to be his son, Eugene (Patilio) – duh! – and thanks him for coming along and saving his life. Just then, a loud scream is heard and as the amazing trio turns around, they are faced with the Walrus, who has regained consciousness and is now charging at them, yelling "Kill, Kill, Kill, etc.". Seeing this as an opportunity to shine in front of the press and general population, Spidey tells the Frog-Men to stand aside and, with the flick of a finger, knocks the Walrus out, to the utter amazement of all those gathered around. While camera crews surround him and the Frog-Men, Spidey allows the Frog-Men to gush away.

The End...for now.