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PREVIOUSLY: In Spectacular Spider-Man #186, the Vulture makes an unexpected return to New York City. Terminally ill with cancer, he vows to take care of unfinished business and to settle scores before his impending death. That involves –among many other things – killing Spider-Man and making peace with Aunt May, as he was responsible for the death of her then boyfriend, Nathan Lubensky, which took place in Amazing Spider-Man #336. The Vulture briefly encounters Spidey but postpones fighting him as he must find Aunt May first to take care of unfinished business with her. At issue's end, Aunt May enters her bedroom and finds the Vulture perched on the windowsill waiting for her.

Spectacular Spider-Man #187 opens with the Vulture begging Aunt May for forgiveness in the death of Nathan Lubensky. Aunt May is so livid that he is asking her for such a thing that she slaps him in the face and kicks him out of her house. She then calls Peter who comes over to check up on her. While Peter is there, the Vulture comes back once again to beg for forgiveness. Peter confronts the Vulture, while his aunt calls the police. As the police arrive on the scene, the Vulture has to resort to taking Peter hostage to leave the house unscathed. The Vulture takes Peter to the abandoned silo he used as a hideout in Amazing Spider-Man #241 and begs Peter to try and make Aunt May understand what his plans are. Peter almost agrees to help the Vulture until he sees the dead body of Gregory Bestman, whom the Vulture killed in last issue. Furious he attacks the Vulture and purposely throws himself out of the silo. He then quickly changes to his Spider-Man costume and comes back to confront the Vulture. At issue's end, the two foes engage into battle.

REVIEW: The Vulture launches himself at Spidey, who easily dodges his attack. Spidey retaliates by throwing a punch that is amazingly stopped by the Vulture, who grabs hold of his arm and throws him towards the silo wall. Spidey performs a back flip, ricochets off the wall and tackles the Vulture through the wall and outside the silo. Now out in the open, the Vulture takes flight with Spidey holding on to dear life. As they fight, Spidey asks the Vulture why he wants to inflict more pain on people, especially if these are his last days to live (it's a rhetorical question actually). He then suggests to the Vulture to face his death with dignity and not go out like some vulture but rather like a man. The Vulture replies that he is a vulture and that he wants him dead.

Meanwhile in Forest Hills, Queens, at Aunt May’s residence, Detective Brodsky of the NYPD is interrogating Aunt May to try and find some information about where the Vulture took Peter. But the questioning does not go well and Aunt May gets furious with the detective and tells him to get out there and look for her nephew. As Detective Brodsky takes his leave, a figure steps out of the shadow outside the house: Harry Osborn.

Back in the skies near the abandoned silo, Spidey and the Vulture are still going at it. Spidey starts to get the upper hand on his adversary but the Vulture rips the part of his costume that covers his chest to reveal the controls to his power pack. He then presses on a small red button that pushes his power pack right over the edge, flooding him with surges of electromagnetic waves. Then, overpowering Spidey, he takes flight straight up into the air. Still holding on to the Vulture, Spidey has had enough; so he tries to take him down. Luckily for him, the Vulture's power pack explodes in mid-air and catches on fire. Unfortunately for Spidey, both he and the Vulture start to fall towards the ground several feet down below. As the two plummet rapidly, Spidey grabs hold of the Vulture's power pack, rips it away from the Vulture’s body and throws it aside. Then, using his webbing, he creates a parachute that slows down their descent, followed by a large pile of web to cushion their fall. Both he and the Vulture bounce off the web cushion in different directions; the Vulture (coincidentally) lands in a large puddle of water that extinguishes his burning wings and Spidey lands but a few feet away on softer ground. Spidey stands back up and approaches the Vulture, who, with tears filling his eyes, asks him why he didn't let him die. Spidey silently stands there for a few seconds, grabs hold of the Vulture by the scruff of the neck and tells him that it's not going to be that easy.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rings at Aunt May's residence. She opens the door and comes face-to-face with Spidey and the Vulture. Spidey tells her that the Vulture has something to say to her. With a sad look on his face, the Vulture apologizes for all the pain he's caused to her family. Aunt May stares at him for a few seconds and blurts out that she hopes that his death is long and full of suffering. Bowing his head, the Vulture replies that he’s sure it will be. Two cops then take him away. Spidey then prepares to take his leave but MJ (knowing that Peter is behind the mask of course) asks if her husband Peter is all right. Spidey replies that after he got him away from the Vulture, he slipped him some money for a cab and sent him back home. Aunt May draws near him and kisses him on the cheek, as a way of thanking him for what he did. Spidey then web-slings out into the night. MJ and Aunt May turn around and re-enter the house, where they find Peter sitting down on the couch in the living room. Both delighted to see him alive, the two of them race to give him the biggest hug. You're probably wondering how he got in the house right? Well, Peter actually came in through the backdoor as he didn't really want to bump into the Vulture, especially after the night he's just had.

The next day, Aunt May visits the Vulture at the police station where he is being held; sans costume of course. When the Vulture sees Aunt May, he tells her that he's been humiliated enough, to which she replies that she has no intention of humiliating him. Surprised, he asks why she is visiting him. Aunt May replies that she came over to see him because of what she said to him the night before. She goes on explaining that she does not have much longer to live in this world and that neither does he; so she is not going to waste what precious time she has left in hating him. She then explains that as far as forgiving him for what he's done, she cannot give him that because that's between him and God. She then takes her leave.

As she exits the police station, she runs into Harry Osborn, who hands her a present to give to Peter, as he is going out of town on business. She gladly accepts and the two of them part ways. As she walks away, Aunt May's thoughts reveal that, of all of Peter's friend, she's always liked Harry the best.

PROLOGUE: In an abandoned warehouse, Harry Osborn climbs into a large containment unit filled with a greenish liquid and submerges himself in it. He feels renewed, reborn, and totally insane.

To be continued.