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PREVIOUSLY: As I do not have any of the comic books featuring the first four parts of the mega crossover known as Maximum Carnage, I strongly recommend that you visit where you can read their reviews. These four parts are featured in the following comic books: Part 1 – Spider-Man Unlimited #1, Part 2 – Web of Spider-Man #101, Part 3 – Amazing Spider-Man #378 and Part 4 – Spider-Man #35.

I have reviewed part Five (5) of Fourteen (14), which was featured in Spectacular Spider-Man #201.

Parts Six through Eight are featured in the following comic books: Part 6 – Web of Spider-Man #102, Part 7 – Amazing Spider-Man #379 and Part 8 – Spider-Man #36. Reviews of these issues are available at

I have reviewed part Nine (9) of Fourteen (14), which was featured in Spectacular Spider-Man #202.

Parts Ten through Thirteen are featured in the following comic books: Part 10 – Web of Spider-Man #103, Part 11 – Amazing Spider-Man #380 and Part 12 – Spider-Man #37. Reviews of these issues are available at

REVIEW: The light! It's suddenly everywhere, flooding these Manhattan streets brighter than the morning sun! And those gathered here – who moments before were preparing for the final battle in a grisly war that has been tearing this City apart for days – stop dead in their tracks, awestruck, overwhelmed, by a sight that can only be called miraculous: Dagger is back. Shriek cannot believe it; after all, she was the one that killed her. Spider-Man and the others, Captain America, Firestar, Iron Fist, and Deathlok, are ecstatic to have her back, as they all assumed she was dead. While the villains watch on, instead of attacking, Dagger reveals that, after what happened to her in Web of Spider-Man #101, she took refuge within the dark dimension inside Cloak's cape, where, the deep connection that she and Cloak share – in other words: love – gave her the strength to hang on and literally pull herself back together. Somewhat jealous, Shriek starts to scream and goes on ranting that she was once inside the cape and that nothing helped her or saved her. Carrion, who has strangely adopted her as his mother, approaches her and tries to calm her down. But Shriek shoves him out of the way and attacks Dagger. Dagger dodges Shriek's sonic blasts and proceeds to hit her with some of her light-daggers square in the chest. The light-daggers pierce Shriek's skin, and yet there is no physical pain. It is as if they enter her on a subtler level, knifing through mind, heart and soul, shining a spotlight on fragments of memory and shards of emotions that have lain buried for more years than she can remember. Carrion wants to help her but Carnage holds him back, telling him to wait and see how well she will do on her own. Cloak holds the heroes back as well, as he wants to see what Dagger will do. Using her "light", she penetrates through the darkness imprisoning Shriek and forgives her for what she's done to her (earlier). Shriek is in disbelief and cannot understand why Dagger would forgive her. Dagger explains that her light can heal her and bring her out of the darkness; but to do so, she needs her help. Shriek starts to cry but she suddenly turns angry and tries to blast Dagger. Having been warned by his spider-sense, Spidey swings in and moves Dagger out of harm's way. They then both rejoin the others who are waiting nearby. Dagger comments that she has failed but Spidey reassures her that she didn't fail but rather that she proved to them that they can win. Turning to face the other heroes, Spidey tells them that the time has come.

Carnage, Carrion, and Demogoblin check on Shriek, who appears to still be shaken up. Carnage comments that, for a moment, he was worried that she would switch sides but Shriek reassures him that she didn’t. Satisfied, Carnage suggests they continue on with their massacre of the superheroes. But as he turns around to face them, the streets are empty, except for a few dead bodies lying here and there. Roaring in laughter, Carnage believes that they all ran away but a voice behind him lets him know that one of them didn't. That voice belongs to Spider-Man, who vows to take him and his cohorts down. The villains surround Spidey and begin their attack. Spidey fends them off one by one, starting with the Demogoblin and Carrion. He easily dodges Shriek's sonic blasts but does, unfortunately, get hit from behind by Carnage. Though Spidey is slightly stunned, the miscreants use that opportunity to attack him with all they've got. Spidey falls to his knees, yet he fights hard to get back up. Carnage orders Shriek to use her psychic blasts on Spidey to draw the twisted ugly filth from within his soul. The blasts don't seem to affect Spidey all that much, mainly because he does not hide from his inner demons; therefore, he cannot feel shame, self-disgust, anger, or pain. Thankfully, he doesn't have to be subjected to the psychic blasts any longer because the cavalry finally arrives. While Spidey was buying them time, the others went to the nearby Rand Corporation Laboratory where they enlisted the help of their scientists to create a sophisticated bio-feedback device, dubbed the alpha magni-illuminizor, which is designed to amplify the brain's calming alpha-waves, overriding Shriek's tide of inner darkness with a counter-tide of inner light. A light that's having an astonishing effect on Malcolm McBride, driving the Carrion virus from his body, and restoring his humanity. Demogoblin, also affected by the light, concentrates hard, using all the supernatural powers at his command to break free. The truth is, however, that he is running from himself. Demogoblin used to view himself as an agent of heaven, his very existence devoted to the extermination of sin. But a light has pierced his veils of self-deception today, illuminated – however briefly – his dark heart and, at long last, he sees where the sin truly lies. Demogoblin tries to fly away from the ray of light but Spidey snags him with a web-line and pulls him down from his glider, face first into the asphalt pavement. Demogoblin gets back to his feet and prepares to retaliate but he loses consciousness after taking but a few steps.

The ray appears to have some effect on Shriek, but not on Carnage. The latter is beyond redemption. The light shines into every dark corner of his tortured soul, offering healing and hope but, after so many years of living in a pitch-black hell, these concepts are beyond his comprehension. Shriek extends her hand out to him, telling him that they can find redemption together. Just then, there is a burst of light, which tears through the city; the war is over. Deathlok explains that the explosion was caused by Carnage's consciousness struggling against the wave and that, boosted by Shriek's power, it caused a psychic feedback, which blew the illuminizor out. Firestar checks up on Shriek and informs the others that she is just stunned and that it appears as though they actually reached her in the end. Dagger vows to do everything in her power to keep on reaching her. Spidey checks up on Malcolm McBride to see how he is doing. McBride – whose hair color used to be blonde when we last saw him in Spectacular Spider-Man #149 - cannot remember at all what happened to him, as the last thing he remembers is being in Professor Warren's abandoned laboratory. Spidey tells McBride that there is plenty of time for explanations later and suggests that they have him checked by a doctor. Iron Fist, who is checking up on Carnage, summons Spidey to his side and informs him that Carnage has died. Feeling terrible, Spidey tells the others that this wasn't supposed to happen, as the whole point of what they did was to stop Carnage and co. without stooping to their methods. Deathlok tells Spidey that Carnage's death wasn't intentional and Captain America adds to this by saying that Carnage's own resistance killed him.

A short time later in Central Park, Spidey sits on rocks near a small lake to try and digest everything that has happened in the last few days. As he stands up and prepares to leave, Venom, who had been captured by Carnage in Spectacular Spider-Man #202, resurfaces and prepares to attack Spidey for having killed Carnage, which Venom had vowed to do himself. Venom is in no shape to battle however and he falls down to his knees, still weakened from having been tortured by Carnage. Spidey suggests to Venom to take him to a hospital but Venom doesn't want to. All the while, Venom whines that he didn't get to kill Carnage. Just then, out of the lake, emerges none other than Carnage!

To be concluded in Spider-Man Unlimited #2.