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PREVIOUSLY: In Spectacular Spider-Man #208, two crooks make a gruesome discovery while attempting to break into an abandoned warehouse: bodies of dead people hung upside down from the ceiling, their faces covered with what looks like flags with the letter "F" on them.

In Spectacular Spider-Man #209, Peter Parker is sent to the warehouse by the Daily Bugle to investigate and take some pictures. In order to infiltrate the police lines, Peter goes over there as Spider-Man. After checking things out for himself, he comes to the realization that he cannot take pictures of such atrocities so he takes off. He's managed to make it to a few blocks away when an explosion tears the skies not far from the abandoned warehouse. He heads back and stumbles on Foreigner, who is under attack by Pulse, Silence and Swift-I, members of the Death Squad, a group that he created, which is comprised of assassins who have been given super powers through the use of special costumes. Foreigner has already killed Silence by the time Spidey joins the fracas and while Spidey takes on Swift-I, Foreigner causes Pulse to self-destruct.

When the smoke clears, Foreigner and Swift-I are nowhere to be found, so Spidey – still confused as to why Foreigner was fighting his own men – takes his leave. Swift-I is on the run when a familiar figure intercepts and kills him. This familiar figure vows to get Foreigner at all cost. After switching back to his civilian clothing, Peter Parker heads to the Daily Bugle and, after meeting with Robbie Robertson, runs into none other than Foreigner, who is looking for Spider-Man. Peter finds a closet, dons his costume, attacks Foreigner and exits the building, with him in tow. Spidey brings Foreigner to a nearby park where Foreigner explains that he has been ousted from command of his organization and replaced by a new man who has ordered the other agents to dispose of him. As this takes place, they come under attack by another one of the agents: Dead Aim.

This is where this issue picks up. REVIEW: Wasting no time Dead Aim takes aim (no pun intended) and almost destroys Spider-Man with a solid punch. Warned by his spider-sense, Spidey dodges his attack, which infuriates him. Foreigner, who lied on the ground unconscious, after being shot by Dead Aim in Spectacular Spider-Man #209, suddenly regains consciousness and takes a shot at him (i.e. Dead Aim). Dead Aim simply shrugs it off and readies himself to shoot Foreigner in retaliation. Spidey web-slings down, grabs hold of Foreigner and swings off into the night. Oddly, Dead Aim does not follow them and Foreigner explains to Spidey that it is not part of Dead Aim's mission. Spidey wants to develop a battle plan to take Dead Aim down before he destroys the whole City but Foreigner stops him and explains that Dead Aim will not do anything like that because professionals don’t run amok, as it is bad for business. Foreigner adds that they can find him whenever it's most strategic.

Back in the park, Dead Aim contacts his new "master" and informs him that Foreigner is alive and fleeing. The "master" asks him if he's unearthed the "treasure". Zooming in on Spider-Man and Foreigner web-slinging away – using his infrared visor – Dead Aim picks up some kind of signature and informs his boss that Foreigner's identity signature has been decoded and uploaded and calls upon his boss to make his move. Somewhere in a control room, the "master" uses Foreigner's identity signature and manages to trace it back to a satellite hovering in asynchronous orbit, the source of all of Foreigner's power. The "master" revels in the fact that he's finally found the source of Foreigner's power, which he vows to use to destroy Foreigner and take over the world.

Soon, at an abandoned storage facility, Spider-Man and Foreigner hash out a plan of action. Spidey reminds Foreigner that he promised not to kill anybody and that he better not go back on his word. Foreigner tells Spidey that he is a man of his word and that he has every intention to turn himself over to the authorities and confess all his sins, as well as forego his usual modus operandi and not kill anybody, though he thinks it is a stupid approach to men like Dead Aim. Foreigner adds that he is at his mercy (Spidey’s) and that he agrees with his bargain, mainly because he wants to crush the man who softly and suddenly stole his organization. He then informs Spidey that the time has come for them to "do it".

J. Jonah Jameson is walking around in his office, wondering why people are not buying the Daily Bugle, even after all the changes he's made to it. Just then, Marla Jameson, Jonah's wife, enters his office to talk to him. She explains that he’s been so obsessed with the Daily Bugle that he's shut everything else out, including her. She goes on explaining that she does not want to divorce him – she pretended to hire a lawyer in last issue, as it was the only way she could think of to get through to him – and that she loves him and that she is not asking him to choose between the Bugle and her. She continues explaining that she wants to work through this but she has to know that she means something to him and that she needs to know that he wants to fix this too.

Elsewhere, Spider-Man and Foreigner are closing in on Dead Aim. Foreigner instructs Spidey to drop down at street level and head towards an abandoned subway station; Spidey agrees and brings them down. Back in the control room, the "master's" activates a button and the satellite – source of Foreigner's power and which was seen earlier – explodes. At street level, Foreigner is shocked and cannot believe that his satellite has been destroyed. Spidey demands to know what is going on. Just then, Dead Aim and his associates, Warzone and Battlescar, two more agents from the Death Squad, arrive on the scene. Dead Aim tells his partners to kill Spider-Man and Foreigner. Wasting no time, Spidey launches himself at Dead Aim and tries to web up his visor. His effort does not work however – Dead Aim's visor is somehow protected – and Dead Aim grabs hold of him around the waist in a vice-like grip. While Spidey struggles to break free, a powerless Foreigner fights for his life against Warzone and Battlescar. He dodges one of Warzone's blasts but is not quick enough for one of Battlescar's blades, which slashes his arm open. Trying to shake Dead Aim off, Spidey head butts him and breaks his visor. Unable to see, Dead Aim screams at the other two to finish them off. Foreigner kicks Battlescar in the face, while Spidey joins him and tackles Warzone. Warzone retaliates with a blast but misses Spidey. Suddenly, Spidey's spider-sense kicks in big time, warning him of danger bigger than what he is facing right now. While he tries to figure it out, Battlescar attacks Foreigner but Foreigner dodges his claws, which shatter on a nearby brick wall, and punches him in the ribs. Still blind, Dead Aim tries to shoot Foreigner but comes close to hitting Battlescar. His spider-sense ringing, Spidey tells them to stop for a minute and look up. As they look up to the sky, Foreigner's satellite is seen coming down at tremendous speed towards the Earth's surface towards Foreigner; his controls are acting as a homing beacon. Dead Aim appears content to step aside and watch Foreigner die, but Foreigner explains that the satellite is nuclear powered and therefore will destroy the whole City if not stopped. Spidey asks Foreigner how it can be stopped. Foreigner explains that there is an ejection switch on the satellite's surface, which will eject the payload. Spidey web-slings to the top of a high-rise, shoots a web-line at the falling satellite and hangs on for the ride of his life. Holding on to the first web-line, which he hopes will not melt, he shoots a second web-line and hits the ejection switch on the surface of the satellite. The satellite explodes, to the utter shock of Dead Aim, Battlescar and Warzone. As Spidey falls down towards street level, he realizes that, though he managed to eject the payload from the satellite, there is enough radioactive material inside it to put a crimp in New York's tourism business, if it breaks open upon impact. Acting quickly, he shoots a web-line to slow down his descent, and then he uses the momentum of his fall to swing around and catch the payload before it hits the pavement. He then makes his way back to where he left Foreigner and the others, only to find that the force of the explosion has knocked out Dead Aim, Battlescar and Warzone. As he starts to look around, he notices that Foreigner is running away towards police cars that have arrived on the scene. Thinking that Foreigner is back to his old ways, Spidey tries to get to him before he harms any of the policemen. Pleased to have defeated Dead Aim, Battlescar and Warzone, as well as involving Spider-Man into the whole thing, which proved to be fruitful, Foreigner heads towards the police and gives himself up, as he had earlier promised to Spidey. Watching on, Spidey is impressed with the fact that Foreigner kept his word. What Spidey does not know however is that Foreigner knows the cops will not believe him and will probably release him as some kind of crackpot, and knows that Spidey will be none the wiser. As Spidey continues to watch, the cops put Foreigner in the back of a car and arrest Dead Aim, Warzone and Battlescar. Happy with how things turned out, Spidey takes his leave.

Back at the Daily Bugle, J. Jonah Jameson and his wife Marla are on their way out of the building when Betty Brant runs into them and informs Jonah that she has a scoop on some major story about the utility department scandal. Realizing that such a piece of news would put the Daily Bugle back on the map, Jonah tells Marla that he has to go. Marla leaves the Bugle by herself once again.

To be continued.



PREVIOUSLY: Flash Thompson was several beaten by Tombstone in Spectacular Spider-Man #204 and subsequently hospitalized. His girlfriend, Felicia Hardy, also known as the Black Cat, tries to avenge him but fails to do so, in part because of Spider-Man.

In Spectacular Spider-Man #209, Black Cat proposes to Flash Thompson. This is where this issue picks up.

REVIEW: Black Cat is waiting patiently on the rooftop of the hospital to see when Flash Thompson will be released. Finally, Flash exits the hospital and climbs into a cab. Black Cat takes off after the cab, passes it and arrives at Flash's apartment first. She steps out of her costume, sits down on her suitcases and waits for Flash to show up.

When Flash opens the apartment door, he is quite surprised to see Felicia sitting there. They start talking and Felicia wants to know why he won’t marry her. Unexpectedly, Flash reveals that it wouldn't be fair to her because the only reason he is with her is because she is the Black Cat. Felicia is taken by surprise, as she always thought he didn't know who she was. Flash is insulted that she would think that and gets angry with her. Suddenly however, Flash starts to get woozy and almost passes out. Felicia helps him to sit down. Flash goes on explaining that he seriously considered her proposal but realized that, sooner or later, she would want to leave him for more exciting things or would end up hating him. Felicia kisses Flash passionately, grabs her suitcases, and takes her leave. As he watches her leave, Flash sheds a few tears; he will always love her.

The end...for now.