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PREVIOUSLY: Spider-Man has had his life turned upside down over the last few weeks. What he thought were his parents seemingly coming back from the dead were in fact robots with artificial intelligence created by the Chameleon to get close to Peter Parker to find out his (Spidey's) secret identity and eventually kill him.

In Spectacular Spider-Man #211, Part 2 of the Pursuit Storyline, Spidey went on a rampage across the city in search of the Chameleon. In Amazing Spider-Man #389, Spidey finally finds and confronts the Chameleon. He comes close to killing him but at issue's end, he does not and simply webs him up for the cops. Realizing that someone must have put the Chameleon on to his alter-ego, Spidey searches a database on his rival's computer and finds out who the mastermind behind all this was: Harry Osborn, the second Green Goblin. As he comes to the realization that he will never able to get revenge on Harry, as he is dead, Peter/Spidey falls apart.

In Spectacular Spider-Man #212, Spidey has a run in with the Master of Vengeance, who recently escaped from an insane asylum. The battle is a brutal one and ends with Spidey using the Master of Vengeance's own gauntlet-blasters against him. Will Spidey ever be his old self again? We'll have to wait and see.
REVIEW: Spider-Man has had one heck of a night. He's stopped too many muggings and thefts for his own taste and now police sirens are blaring at street level. He follows them to a nearby building and switches back to his civilian clothing to take some pictures of the crime scene as Peter Parker, Daily Bugle photographer extraordinaire. After being allowed to access the crime scene, Peter makes his way up to an apartment where, in the middle of it, lies the beaten (and dead) body of a man in a pool of his own blood. Peter starts snapping pictures of the gruesome site while two detectives explain that the dead man used to move from town to town just to seduce women and beat them up. They go on explaining that two other similar killings have taken place in the same week and that it appears that the killer only murders men who abuse women. The detective point out a woman kneeling in the corner and explain that she witnessed the whole thing and that she claims it was a woman who did this to the dead man. Peter walks up to her and asks her if she is okay. She says yes and explains to him that the woman who did the killings was somehow doing it out of revenge for all the hurt the deceased did to woman when he was with them (an eye for an eye kind of thing). Peter asks what she was doing in there in the first place. She replies that she just got off the bus from Wisconsin and had no other place to go. Feeling bad for her, Peter tells her that she should talk to someone and suggests she calls his wife, Mary Jane. Ecstatic at the thought of being able to talk to another woman, she thanks Peter and reveals her name: Mary Walker.

Peter, as Spider-Man, makes a quick stop by his and MJ's apartment to fix up his costume and leave a message to MJ to let her know that he is all right and that they’ll have a guest for supper that night.

Elsewhere, Mary is freaking out about having to take a crap load of pills, whose purposes are not revealed, just yet. In a moment of anger, she throws the pill bottles to the ground. She then takes a look at some art supplies in her suitcase and finds some rather horrible drawings and a rifle, which she drops to the ground and which shatters a bottle of China Ink. As she bends over to clean that, she realizes that she has computer printouts of police case files about men who beat women. As she starts to read through one of the files, her transformation into Typhoid Mary begins; she vows to get the man responsible for the killings of two girls (as explained in the file).

A short time later, Mary Jane is putting the finishing touches on supper; all the while, she is waiting impatiently for Peter's return. The phone rings, she picks it up, it's Mary Walker, a.k.a. Typhoid Mary. Mary Walker is lost so MJ gives her direction to the Parker apartment. A few minutes later, she enters the apartment in full Typhoid Mary mode. MJ is taken aback by her unusual appearance and who can blame her (she looks like a hooker). Mary starts to pressure MJ into claiming that Peter doesn't treat her well but MJ holds her ground and tells Mary that she's got everything wrong about their relationship. Using her telekinetic powers, Mary goes on a rampage inside the apartment, while MJ stands on the sideline, trying not to get hit by flying furniture. Seconds later, Typhoid Mary is gone, leaving MJ to wonder what just happened and wondering why would Peter associate himself with someone like that.

Peter, as Spider-Man, returns home a few minutes later and finds MJ standing in the middle of the rubble that used to be the content of the apartment. MJ explains what happened and Peter realizes that the woman who attacked her probably was the same woman that kills men who abuse women. He tells MJ to head over to Aunt May's house and stay there while he figures things out. MJ mentions to him that Mary Walker never showed up at the apartment (Mary did show up, however MJ did not realize that Mary Walker equaled Typhoid Mary). Peter realizes that perhaps Typhoid Mary was after Mary Walker because she wanted to take out the only witness to her crimes so he tells MJ to follow his instructions and he'll find Mary Walker.

Elsewhere, Typhoid Mary heads into a bar packed with intoxicated womanizers and starts up a fight with them. The fight escalates into the street just as Spidey happens to be swinging by in search of Typhoid Mary. He drops down to street level and confronts her. They get into a fight but she gets the upper hand, using her telekinetic powers, and she pins him to a wall. As he struggles to break free, she takes off into the night. Spidey breaks free and takes off after her, unbeknownst to her.

As Typhoid Mary runs through the streets of Manhattan, she undergoes switches in personalities. One minute she is Mary Walker, the next she is Typhoid Mary. Spidey, who is following her from above, starts noticing this. Typhoid Mary runs into a dark alley and collapses next to a dumpster. Then, the most unexpected thing takes place. Shards of metal inside the dumpster start to levitate and connect themselves to her body; somehow creating another identity for her: Bloody Mary.

A short time later, Bloody Mary readies herself to take the life of a man, named Jack Morray who killed a woman while she watched TV. Ironically, the man is watching TV when she aims her rifle at him. Thankfully for the man, Spidey shows up and prevents her from killing him. A battle naturally ensues and spreads over the rooftops. All the while, Spidey tries to reason with her but to no avail. Spidey gets the upper hand and manages to web her up. However, she uses some kind of pyrotechnic powers to burn the webbing off and takes off before Spidey can stop her. He does manage to snag her foot with a spider-tracer however. Spidey takes care of putting out the fire ignited by Bloody Mary and starts to wonder about what happened to Mary Walker and if she ever showed up at his and MJ's apartment. As he does so, he realizes that Mary Walker is the same person as Typhoid Mary and Bloody Mary. Also realizing that Mary knows where he and MJ live, Spidey takes off into the night to try and stop her.

To be continued.