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PREVIOUSLY: Over the last few months, Peter Parker has had to cope with his share of clones and other mysterious strangers showing up out of nowhere claiming to know his secrets, but is he ready to face a new Green Goblin (who recently surfaced in Web of Spider-Man #125)? Keep reading to find out.

REVIEW: For the past eight years, Sammy "The Smiler" Skalek blithely roamed the streets of Manhattan. Though homeless and jobless, he never lost his eternal optimism, his zest for life. He never once surrendered to despair, until tonight. A masked man had him on the run and now has him cornered at the end of a dark alley. Raising his fist up in the air, the masked man vows to rid the City of parasites such as him. His fist then bursts into flames and he literally burns Sammy alive. Sammy's scream echoes into the night, catching the attention of bystanders and a police officer walking nearby. They all rush into the alley, where they make the gruesome discovery of the burning remains of Sammy "The Smiler" Skalek. The police officer asks the others if they saw or heard anything out of ordinary. One of them mentions that he heard some kind of laugh, which could have only escaped from the lips of a lunatic. As he mentions that, the man who killed Sammy is seen running away in the shadows.

Peter Parker is at a cemetery to pay his respect to his late friend, Harry Osborn, who passed away in Spectacular Spider-Man #200 after redeeming himself by saving Peter's life. Peter has also come there to seek solace because his life over the last few weeks has been a living hell. Most recently, a new Green Goblin has resurfaced and Peter, as Spider-Man, briefly fought him. That short-lived encounter with this new goblin has left Peter perplexed as to what to make of him. He wonders whether Harry might be – beyond the grave – responsible for his reappearance and truly hopes that he is not involved because he wants him to rest in peace. After dropping the roses he was carrying onto Harry's grave, Peter slowly walks away, wondering exactly what he expected to accomplish by coming over to the cemetery to visit the grave of his best friend and greatest enemy. Wanting to clear his head of all these thoughts, he makes his way under a cluster or trees and switches to the Scarlet Spider costume that his clone, Ben Reilly, left for him after they switched places (Ben went to prison to take Peter's place – see Spectacular Spider-Man #224 for more details). He then swings off into the Manhattan skies in search of Kaine, whom he believes is responsible for the crimes that he has been accused of committing. He is also on the lookout for the Jackal who recently escaped from Ravencroft, as well as the new Green Goblin and the clone of Gwen Stacy who also recently resurfaced in his life.

Meanwhile in his secret hideout, the Jackal is furious with the recent appearance of a new Green Goblin. The Jackal fears that this new goblin will foil what he has planned to ruin the life of Peter Parker.

At the Daily Bugle, J. Jonah Jameson and Robbie Robertson are having a heated argument about the amount of coverage the Daily Bugle should devote to Peter Parker's upcoming murder trial. While they argue, journalist extraordinaire Ben Urich is looking for his (lazy) nephew, who was hired as his intern.

Mary Jane is sewing Peter’s Spider-Man costume, pondering about the possibility that the baby in her womb may be genetically deformed (as told to her by Dr. Seward Trainer, a friend of Ben Reilly), when Peter, as the Scarlet Spider, stops by the apartment. Mary Jane tries to convince him to stay home so they can talk about the baby rather than him obsessing over Kaine, Reilly and the Jackal. Peter realizes that he's neglected her and promises to talk about it soon, as he needs more time to deal with everything. Just then, a news flash on the television reports about another homeless person having been set ablaze. Feeling the need to get to the bottom of those crimes, Peter dons the Spider-Man costume Mary Jane had been sewing for him and takes off into the sun. Unbeknownst to him, he is closely being watched by the Jackal. As Mary Jane sits alone in the apartment, she wished Aunt May were still alive so she could talk to her. She then realizes that perhaps she could talk to Ben.

Elsewhere in a loft, the man responsible for the new Green Goblin incarnation steps inside his costume and takes his goblin glider out for a spin. He comes across a bum searching for food inside a garbage can and seemingly prepares to throw a pumpkin bomb at him. As he extends his arm to throw the bomb, a strand of webbing suddenly envelops his hand, preventing him from throwing the bomb. Spider-Man, who is at the other end of the web strand, pulls on it and causes the Green Goblin to crash through the window of a nearby building. Knowing full well that he could lose his hand if he tried to blow off the webbing with his finger-blaster, the Green Goblin simply releases his grip on the pumpkin bomb and abandons his glove. He then steps back onto his glider and starts flying through the restaurant in which he was sent crashing. Spider-Man appears through the window and engages into combat with him. As they battle, Spidey gets the strange feeling that his opponent is obviously holding back but why?

Meanwhile, in a dark alley, a homeless man is running away from the man responsible for burning up homeless people to ashes. The evil individual, whose name is revealed to be Firefist catches up to him and prepares to deliver the deathblow.

Up in the skies above, Spider-Man has moved the battle against the Green Goblin outside. As they continue fighting, Spider-Man notices the confrontation between the homeless man and Firefist. Down at street level, the Jackal watches on.

Mary Jane goes to prison to visit Ben Reilly to talk about the possibility that her unborn baby might have a genetic defect caused by Peter's radioactive blood. Ben calms her down and recommends that she waits until Dr. Seward Trainer is done with all his tests before passing judgment. He then tells her that whatever she decides to do – have an abortion or give birth to a baby who might have mental problems for instance – he will be there for her.

Firefist prepares to deliver the deathblow when the Green Goblin uncharacteristically swoops down and saves the homeless man while Spider-Man tackles Firefist to the ground. As Spidey wonders whether the Green Goblin lead him there to save a life or use it as a convenient distraction to aid his escape, Firefist gets back on his feet and tries to burn him to a crisp. Spidey dodges his attack.

Almost a dozen blocks away, the Green Goblin drops the homeless man off and takes flight again. As he ponders about leaving, he hears some kind of explosion coming from nearby. He goes out to investigate.

The explosion is in fact caused by Firefist who blows up the side of a building, which collapses on Spidey, trapping him. Firefist raises his fist up in the air and prepares to deliver the final blow. While this takes place, the Jackal keeps watching on. Just then, the Green Goblin shows up and attacks Firefist with razor-sharp bats while roaring in laughter – a laughter that he somehow uses as a weapon against him. The Jackal continues watching in fascination and deducts that whoever is behind the mask of the Green Goblin is not an Osborn.

Meanwhile, at the Daily Bugle, J. Jonah Jameson and Robbie Robertson are having another heated argument over whether to cover the Parker trial or not. Robbie is saying that they should but Jonah is not convinced.

The Green Goblin continues his attack on Firefist. Managing to work up enough leverage, Spidey busts free from the wreckage of the building and lunges himself at Firefist, all the while wondering if the Green Goblin returned to save him. Dodging a series of fire-blasts, Spidey gets closer to his opponent and takes him down with a single solid punch to the face. Witnessing this, the Green Goblin realizes that the game is over and he takes off into the night. As he flies off, it is revealed that he might not be a bad guy after all and that he seems to want to be a superhero.

Spidey webs Firefist up for the authorities. Though he is glad to have caught him, he cannot help but to bummed out that he could not stop the Green Goblin from getting way. He takes off into the night, heading back home, where he intends to have a heart-to-heart talk with Mary Jane about their baby. Unbeknownst to him, the Jackal watches on.

The Jackal returns to his laboratory where he is greeted by another Peter Parker.

To be continued in the pages of Web of Spider-Man #126.



PREVIOUSLY: This is a standalone story that dwells into Peter Parker's past in contrast to his current situation.

REVIEW: Ben Urich, along with Daily Bugle photographer, Angela Yin, is investigating Peter Parker's background by interviewing his friends, for a story in the Daily Bugle, which was commissioned by Robbie Robertson. He first interrogates Flash Thompson who tells Ben that he always thought Peter was a total wuss until they hit college, which is where he really got to know him and which is where he learned to respect him and like him. Ben asks what Flash thinks of the evidence against Peter, which seems rather inconclusive. Flash quickly replies that Peter is innocent and that they – meaning the police – have the wrong man. Excusing himself, Flash gets back to work. On their way out of the school where Flash works, Angela asks Ben if he thinks Flash sincerely believes Peter to be innocent or if he was merely sticking up for an old friend. Ben replies that he does not know and that he will let the readers draw their own conclusions once his article is published.

Ben then interrogates Principal Davis who was the principal of Midtown High School when Peter used to go there. Principal Davis comments that Peter was extremely smart and that he achieved the highest scholastic average in his graduating class. Ben asks if, aside from his academic achievements, he recalls anything out of the ordinary about him. Pondering about the question for a few seconds, Principal Davis explains that he does recall a curious incident between Peter and the school's star athlete, Flash Thompson. In it, Flash pushed Peter, who lost his glasses, which shattered beyond repair on the ground. Deciding to settle their differences in the school gym, Peter and Flash took part in a boxing match and surprisingly, Peter easily proved victorious over his bulkier opponent. As he finishes telling his story, Principal Davis comments that, now that he thinks about it, Peter never went back to wearing his glasses after the incident.

Next, Ben interviews Anna Watson who explains how Peter's parents vanished while on some hush-hush mission for the US government and how Peter became his Aunt May's rock when his Uncle Ben was murdered by a mugger. According to Anna, there is no way in hell Peter could be a killer, because of the above and many other things.

A short time later at the Daily Bugle, Ben interviews Betty Brant. Betty recalls the first time she met Peter and explains that he was a quiet and dapper young man who was always promising his doting aunt that he would not exert himself. Ben asks if she dated Peter. Betty replies that she did but things did not work out for the two of them. She explains that she clearly remembers the first time they got together because that happened to be the exact time the Vulture chose to rob the Daily Bugle's payroll. She goes on explaining that, thankfully, Spider-Man showed up and took care of the Vulture before any more damage could be done. Then, when things finally began to settle down, Peter appeared and, when she asked him where he was when the Vulture and Spider-Man were fighting, he responded that he was hiding in a closet, as he is not the heroic type. Betty comments that she always liked that about Peter because he never pretended to be someone he was not. She goes on saying that he was a veritable pillar of strength for her when she lost her brother and her husband (i.e. Ned Leeds). As Ben apologizes for dredging up painful memories, J. Jonah Jameson appears, asking them what they are doing. Ben explains that he is interrogating some of Peter’s old friends for a story about him in the Daily Bugle, as per Robbie's request. Jameson is not too happy that he is questioning his fellow Bugle staffers and comments that a story about a reporter interviewing other reporters does not really scream Pulitzer. Angela Yin, who is standing next to Ben, asks Jonah what he thinks of Peter. Jonah explains that he first met Peter when he was still in high school and began selling freelance photographs to the Daily Bugle. Peter's pictures were sensational and he had wondered how he had gotten them but Peter had refused to reveal his methods. He goes on explaining that, for years, he was convinced Peter had some sort of financial arrangement with Spider-Man, so he paid money to have him followed and Peter eventually admitted it was true. Jonah then comments that he never believed for one second that Spider-Man had captured the burglar that murdered Peter's Uncle Ben. Suddenly, a bulb flashes in Jonah’s brain and he realizes – though he is completely wrong – that Peter is no serial killer and that he is covering for the real murderer: Spider-Man. Huffing and puffing, Jonah storms out of the common room towards Robbie Robertson's office. Angela apologizes to Ben for speaking up and Ben rudely tells her to snap the pictures and he will ask the questions. Ben then sits down at his computer to try and organize his notes into a coherent article, while Angela takes her leave. As he sits there, he realizes that there is a key element missing to the whole thing. He asks himself how it is possible that a quiet bookworm grew up to become a photographer who specializes in sensational action shots of super heroes and villains. He theorizes that something must have happened to him in high school...something that gave him both confidence and courage. He continues thinking that the answer is out there somewhere but he can't even guess where to look.

The end.

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