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PREVIOUSLY: Peter Parker's life over the past few months has been hit with constant waves of turmoil and torment, and events that have transpired during that time have directly and indirectly led to the demise of his beloved Aunt May, his clone Ben Reilly, and his newborn daughter. The pinnacle of all these events has undoubtedly been the return of Norman Osborn, the original Green Goblin, who had been thought dead since the fateful night where he was impaled by his own goblin glider during a deadly battle with Spider-Man. Not only was Norman revealed to be the mastermind behind the whole clone saga, he was also responsible for the murder of Ben Reilly during the fateful all-out battle that took place in Peter Parker: Spider-Man Volume 1 #75, the conclusion to the long-lasting ill-received clone saga.

Now, weeks later, Peter tries to re-adjust to a semblance of a normal life. However, he is well aware that it is only a matter of time before Norman Osborn strikes again, despite his apparent demise in the above-noted issue of Peter Parker: Spider-Man. Meanwhile, he can only continue to do what he does best and that’s fighting crime and saving lives.

REVIEW: Perched on a rooftop ledge, Spider-Man surveys the city that he calls home. He ponders about the recent events in his life and how much pain and sorrow was inflicted. Yet, he finds inner strength to continue on and rise above it all, because there is no other way.

Meanwhile at Ravencroft Institute, a seemingly demented Kraven the Hunter is uttering threats to Dr. Ashley Kafka, the facility's director. Unafraid and unimpressed, Dr. Kafka tells him to stop this nonsense and calls him "Dmitri". Kraven argues that Dmitri is not his name, but then he slowly starts to transform into the Chameleon, a.k.a. Dmitri Smerdyakov, half-brother of the late Kraven the Hunter. Dr. Kafka comments to Dmitri that he has come a long way since being sent to Ravencroft and that he should not be retreating to his old ways. Dmitri transforms into Dr. Kafka and starts imitating her. Again, Dr. Kafka tells Dmitri to stop so that they can get to work. Dmitri, however, retreats to a corner of his cell and tells Dr. Kafka to leave him alone. As she watches him cower in the corner, Dr. Kafka's thoughts reveal that Dmitri is agitated because, in three days, federal agents will be coming to take him away to stand trial for his crimes. Dr. Kafka has a bad feeling that taking him away now will undo all the work they have done there.

In Forest Hills, Queens, the home of Peter and Mary Jane Parker, Anna Watson, MJ's aunt, finds MJ in what used to be the baby room. Having put all the baby things away, MJ tells Anna that she could really use some company, which prompts Anna to ask her why she sent Peter away and why she would not let him help. MJ explains that it is something she wanted to do herself, as she felt it was time to face the truth. She then goes on explaining that, despite losing her, she feels fortunate to have even known her at all, for the brief period of time she was alive after birth. That, she will cherish forever.

Spider-Man swings toward the Daily Bugle, and it is almost like swinging home. Crawling along the side of the building, he comes across the office of J. Jonah Jameson, where the irascible publisher of the Daily Bugle is still working away, while most of his employees have already left hours ago. Spidey would normally get into a war of words with Jameson but tonight, as he watches him hunched over his desk like an old man, he decides to give their tumultuous relationship a most desired break. Spidey knocks on the window, which almost scares Jameson to death, and when Jameson comes over and opens the window, Spidey tells him to go home to his wife. Then, as he swings away, he comments that if he keeps working these late hours, he is going to drive himself into an early grave. Jameson is so taken aback that Spidey did not insult him or web him to his chair, he grabs his hat and jacket and heads home. Unbeknownst to Jameson, Jack O'Lantern is hovering outside the window on his glider, seemingly spying on him.

Having switched back to his civilian clothing, Peter arrives home and finds Mary Jane standing alone on the back porch. He hugs her and she tells him that they have to put the past behind them. Peter could not agree more. MJ then asks Peter if they can move out of Queens and back into the city because she wants to leave the ghosts and memories behind. Peter agrees to do whatever she wants to do.

Meanwhile at Ravencroft Institute, John Jameson receives a very strange phone call from his father, who tells him that he is the best son on the planet and that he loves him with all his heart. When he relays that information to Dr. Kafka, she has a hard time believing it, as she is well aware of Jonah Jameson's reputation for spreading love, which is pretty much non-existent. As she comments to John about his father mellowing down, she suddenly realizes that the Chameleon is no longer in his cell. John is flabbergasted because, mere seconds ago, he could see the Chameleon on the monitors. Accompanied by his security team, John races to the Chameleon’s cell, only to find it completely empty.

At the Parker home in Forest Hills, Queens, Peter sits in bed, trying to read a book, while his wife is sound asleep, lying next to him. Unable to concentrate on his book – he has been reading the same paragraph over and over again – he decides to go out for a swing, but before he can make it out of the room, MJ wakes up and asks to go with him. They take off into the night and web-sling across the city, in each other's arms. They come to rest on a rooftop where they witness the sun rising over the horizon.

The Chameleon awakens in a dark room, similar to the one his half-brother used to lock him in when they were younger. As he struggles to figure out where he is, the lights are suddenly turned on. As his eyes adjust, he hears the voice of his rescuer, who tells him that his departure from Ravencroft would only serve to further fragment his mind and create more pain and suffering. And that, she cannot allow. As the issue concludes, the rescuer is revealed to be none other than Dr. Ashley Kafka.

To be continued.