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Spectacular Spider-Man #1 (264)
WRITER:  Paul Jenkins
PENCILLER:  Humberto Ramos
COVER BY:  Humberto Ramos and Wayne Faucher
INKER:  Wayne Faucher
STORY TITLE: The Hunger - Part 1 of 5
After canceling the first Spectacular Spider-Man titles a few years ago and the second volume of Peter Parker Spider-Man titles more recently, Marvel Comics has decided to launch a new Spider-Man series to replace the latter, bearing, once again, the familiar title of: Spectacular Spider-Man. This time around, the creative team of Paul Jenkins, Humberto Ramos, and Wayne Faucher will handle the writing, penciling and inking chores, respectively.

ACT 1: Greenwich Village. Friday. 11:02 pm. A young woman is heading back to her house when someone or something attacks her; however the assailant remains unknown to the reader at this point.

ACT 2: Peter Parker and his friends, Randy Robertson, Gloria Grant, Jill Stacy, Caryn, the girl next door, and a new character who goes by the name of Big John Anderson are hanging out on the rooftop of their apartment building, participating in the most recent get-to-know-your-neighbor party being held up there. While Big John takes care of Peter's birds (i.e. Jill and Caryn), the latter goes back to his apartment to fetch some ice.

ACT 3: Greenwich Village. Saturday. 2:24 pm. The young girl seen in ACT 1 has been found. She is still alive but something has left two punctured marks on her back, just above her kidneys. Detective Neil Garrett (again a new character introduced in this issue), who is present at the scene, recognizes the wounds and seems to make a connection to other cases he has been involved with.

ACT 4: Inside a church confessional we find Eddie Brock, confessing to a priest. He tells the priest that he thinks the Lord has decided to punish him for his terrible sins by putting a demon inside him. The Venom symbiote is shown with Eddie Brock inside the confessional booth.

ACT 5: St. Mark's Hospital. Queens. Saturday. 4:30 pm. Peter and Aunt May are visiting Flash Thompson, who, for those who may not know, was involved in a terrible car accident (masterminded by Spider-Man's arch nemesis: the infamous Green Goblin) back in Peter Parker Spider-Man #45 – A Death in the Family Part 2 – that rendered him to a semi-vegetative state. Today is the day that they are taking the bandages off of his face and head. As the Doctor removes the bandages, all present are surprised to see that Flash's face is completely intact; no scars, nothing.

ACT 6: St. Jude's Hospital. Greenwhich Village. Saturday. 4:45 pm. Detective Garrett is inquiring about the young girl from ACTS 1 and 3. The Doctor tells him that the attacker somehow drained her adrenal glands dry, just as with two previous victims. Both are perplexed and still don't know what or who may have caused this.

ACT 7: While Randy Robertson, Gloria Grant and Big John Anderson are hanging outside, Peter has donned his Spider-Man costume and is web-slinging over the New York City skyscrapers, in search of a crime in progress. Web-slinging over some railroad tracks, he suddenly hears a scream coming out of a nearby tunnel. He heads into the tunnel to investigate. There, he finds Venom. The latter seems to have devolved; his once human-shaped body looking more alien than ever. Venom says that his hunger must be eased and he attacks Spider-Man. They battle it out ferociously but Venom gets the upper hand and knocks Spider-Man unconscious. While standing over the unconscious body of our hero, Venom reveals that "there is no more Eddie".