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Spectacular Spider-Man #10 (273)
WRITER:  Paul Jenkins
PENCILLER:  Humberto Ramos
COVER BY:  Humberto Ramos and Wayne Faucher
INKER:  Wayne Faucher
STORY TITLE: Countdown - Part 5 of 5
The return of one of Spider-Man's oldest and deadliest foes, Doctor Octopus, has plunged Peter Parker's life into chaos. After an early victory in battle, Octavius orders Spider-Man to reveal his identity to the world or face certain death. Spider-Man refuses, setting a chain of events in motion that will present him with one of his greatest challenges ever. Doctor Octopus feigns an attack on a museum full of priceless artifacts. While the police are kept busy, he tunnels under the city and kidnaps the newly appointed Palestinian Ambassador, Hayyan Zarour. Now, the crazed villain stubbornly repeats his demands, threatening to kill the Ambassador unless Spider-Man complies and reveal his identity to the world. As war looms, Spider-Man is down but perhaps not out for the count. Knowing that desperate times call for desperate measures he enlists the unlikely aid of the Israeli Secret Service, the NYPD (Detective Neil Garrett), and his next-door neighbor, Big John Anderson. Once his desperate plan is set in motion, he heads for a date with destiny in Times Square. Not surprisingly, Doctor Octopus arrives to witness Spider-Man's unveiling. The moment of truth as arrived. Spider-Man slowly peels off his mask...

ACT 1: As the whole world watches Spider-Man take off his mask, they are shocked to see that he is wearing a second mask underneath that one!! Doctor Octopus is furious and tries to entice the population to rally against Spider-Man for being a coward, for protecting his own interest, as the world stands at the brink of a war that he could avert by removing his mask. He pulls a small remote control (linked to the bomb strapped to the dummy laid next to ambassador Zarour, as seen in last issue) out of his pocket and presses on the button. The whole world gasps, thinking that ambassador Zarour has met his demise. However, Spider-Man turns over to the camera and the people present at Times Square and tells them to look at the diamond screen up above the Square. At that moment, Captain Cleeland tells one of her men to pipe in the video feed from the frequency Garrett sent them. At that moment, Big John Anderson appears on the screen (he refers to himself as the Kiwi Kid), from the utility pole on the top of which he was left there by Spider-Man in last issue. After some incoherent gibberish, he points the camera towards the house where Zarour had been held captive. At that moment, Ambassador Zarour, slowly walks out of the house, through the front door, accompanied by Detective Garrett and agents of the Israeli Secret Service hidden in the shadows. The man with the briefcase tells Zarour to look up and wave towards where Big John Anderson is perched with the camera. As Zarour try to figure out where to look, the Israeli agents slowly disappear back into the house, never to be seen again. Zarour asks Garrett who they were. Garrett answers that he has no idea. Meanwhile, back in Times Square, Doctor Octopus is furious that Spider-Man has once again defeated him while the wall-crawler laughs hysterically at him. Unknown to either of them is that the FBI has ordered their men to take down Doc Ock. Spider-Man realizes that and tells them not to move in, as it will make Doc Ock angry. However, it is too late. The agents start shooting at Doc Ock, who graciously uses his tentacles to stop the bullets heading in his direction. Captain Cleeland yells at them to stop shooting, since she has jurisdiction but it is no use. Doc Ock grabs hold of a nearby car and throws it towards the shooting agents, missing them by a few feet. Spider-Man tries to stop Doc Ock but the doctor’s tentacles send him flying into a giant screen, while he heads back into the sewer through the hole he first emerged from. Regaining his composure, Spider-Man follows him into the sewer.

ACT 2: The wall-crawler quickly catches up to Doctor Octopus but unknown to our hero is that a cop has followed them in. While Spidey teases Ock, the cop takes aim and shoots at Dr. Octopus, missing him by mere inches. Ock's tentacles seize the cop and drag him to face their master who brutally murders him by snapping his neck like a twig, although Spider-Man had implored him not to, although he had tried to reason with him. Spider-Man is furious and is about to lash out at Doctor Octopus but it is the latter that lashes out first. Our hero is thrown around like a rag doll, blood pouring out of his mouth, soaking his mask. Ock picks him up and brings him up to his face, telling the wall-crawler that either pre-mortem or post-mortem, the entire world will know his identity. At that moment, Spider-Man head bunts Doc Ock and snaps off the tentacle holding him up. He head bunts the evil doctor a second time and breaks another one of his tentacles in the process. He then starts beating up Doctor Octopus to a bloody pulp, telling him to ask him nicely (referring to asking him for mercy). At first, Doc Ock refuses but is quickly convinced when he is rendered semi-unconscious from the repetitive blows to his head: "Please...I'm begging you...don't kill me". A few minutes later, a SWAT team discovers the limp body of Doctor Octopus and his broken tentacles, all webbed up with a little note that says: "Handle with care…low calorie prison diet please".

ACT 3: Back at Peter's apartment, Mary Jane is cleaning Peter's wound with some rubbing alcohol. She tells him that the one thing she remembers from the entire event is not the fact that Spider-Man has just pulled off the biggest rescue in history but the Kiwi Kid. Peter's eyes open widely. He's forgotten all about Big John; he left him out in Brooklyn. Big John is shown hitchhiking on the last page.