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Spectacular Spider-Man #23 (286)
WRITER:  Samm Barnes
PENCILLER:  Scott Eaton
COVER BY:  Greg Land
INKER:  Cam Smith
STORY TITLE:  Sins Remembered: Sarah's Story - Part One
Peter Parker was attacked by twin-masked assailants who made threats against his family. He unmasked one of his attackers, only to discover that the woman under the mask looked exactly like his dead ex-girlfriend Gwen Stacy.

Peter learned of a secret affair between Gwen Stacy and Norman Osborn, the Green Goblin, during which Gwen became pregnant. Osborn arranged for her to give birth to their twins in France. These twins – Sarah and Gabriel – were now fully grown, the Goblin formula in their blood resulting in superhuman strength, but also in the twins aging extremely rapidly.

Peter, as Spider-Man, beckoned Gabriel and Sarah to the top of the Brooklyn Bridge, where he told them the truth about their parentage. Sarah believed him but Gabriel attacked, prompting the police down below to fire at the three. Spider-Man kicked Gabriel into the East River, while Sarah was shot.

Gabriel survived the fall and fled to one of Osborn’s hidden lairs. There, a prerecorded message informed Gabriel that he was to inherit the Osborn legacy. Accepting his father's offer, Gabriel injected himself with Goblin serum, becoming the Gray Goblin.

Meanwhile, Sarah lay dying in the hospital. Peter gave her a blood transfusion, leaving him weakened when the Gray Goblin attacked. Sarah chose to save Spider-Man, shooting her brother's glider with a security guard's revolver. The glider exploded, sending Gabriel crashing into the harbor.

That was several weeks ago.

ACT 1: The story opens up with Sarah lying on the floor of a bathroom somewhere in Paris, empty pill bottles all over the place. The story shifts to the Parker's apartment where Peter Parker is on the phone with a French doctor who called him as he was listed as the emergency contact in Sarah's medical dossier. After he hangs up the phone, he updates Mary Jane and tells her that he needs to make his way to Paris immediately. Mary Jane replies that she'll pack THEIR bags and call the airline companies to see if she can get tickets for THEM. Peter replies that it would be better if he'd take care of it by himself. Mary Jane reluctantly agrees to let him go by himself but any astute reader will notice that she is very disappointed.

ACT 2: After a six-hour flight, Peter lands in Paris and after a hectic cab ride, he arrives at the hospital where Sarah is recuperating. He meets her doctor and the two start talking about her. Peter candidly explains how Sarah and her brother Gabriel were dramatically introduced into his life and how he ended up saving her life after she was accidentally shot by her own brother while trying to save his life. He also explains about Norman Osborn being their father and how he orchestrated the whole thing years ago the moment their mother, Gwen Stacy, gave birth to them. The doctor directs Peter to Sarah's room, where she's busy giving the nurses a hard time. The instant Sarah sees Peter, she launches herself at him and gives him a warm embrace, telling him how glad she is he came to her aid. Peter explains that he came because the doctor called and told him she tried to kill herself. Sarah is angry with the doctor and even more irritated when she realizes that Peter seems to believe them. Peter tells her that, according to the testimony of the paramedics that found her, all evidence seem to suggest that she tried to off herself using pills. Sarah replies that she's using the pills to get rid of these terrible headaches caused by her premature aging. She explains that usually she just takes a lot of pills because they don't affect her otherwise. She goes on explaining that sometimes the pills barely have an effect on her system because of her amazing healing abilities. This time however, the pills worked too well and it nearly killed her, if not for her healing abilities. Feeling terrible, Peter apologizes to her and explains that he barely knows her. He then asks her to show him around HER Paris, where she grew up, so he can start understanding her. She agrees and the two take their leave from the hospital.

ACT 3: They take a cab and arrive at some kind of mansion a few minutes later. Unbeknownst to both of them, a vehicle has been following them. The man in the car calls another man using his cell phone and he tells him that she (i.e. Gwen) is home and that there's a man with her. The man at the other end of the phone asks if the man accompanying her is Gabriel to which the man in the car replies that he can't tell from his current position. The man at the other end tells him to stay close and report in later. The man in the car agrees and shuts his phone off. He seems pleased with himself on the last panel of the page.

ACT 4: Back inside the mansion, Sarah convinces Peter to stay over at the mansion with her rather than going back to the hotel. While Sarah jumps in the shower, Peter tries to make himself comfortable. A short while later, Sarah lies in bed in her room with the door open when Peter walks in and kisses her goodnight. Sarah tells him that she's really glad he agreed to stay with her and Peter replies that he's glad too, although he looks concerned. Peter heads to his room and calls Mary Jane back in New York. MJ asks him how Sarah is and Peter explains how the whole thing was simply a misunderstanding. She then inquires about when he's coming home to which he replies that he might stay a few extra days just to make sure that everything is fine before coming back to the US. MJ reluctantly accepts his decision and asks him for the phone number of the hotel where he is staying. Peter boldly lies to her and tells her he doesn't know what it is, explaining that he can't understand what's written on the piece of paper they gave to him when he checked in at the hotel and that he can't make sense of the instructions on the phone. This doesn't come as a shock to MJ who simply changes the conversation and asks him about Paris. Peter replies that he hasn't seen much of Paris but that he intends to go out later – as Spider-Man – to check it out. MJ asks him if everything is all right as he sounds stressed. He replies that everything is great and that he just feels a little jet-lagged. He then tells her he will call her back the next day and hangs up the phone. Unbeknownst to Peter, Sarah was listening to the whole phone conversation in her room.

ACT 5: After what seemed to be hours of trying to get to sleep – the fact that he lied to his wife haunting him – Peter resolves to switching to his Spider-Man costume and web-slings into the night, under the watchful eye of Sarah, who is looking out the window. Sarah walks away from the window and heads into the bathroom where she swallows a bunch of pills. Interestingly, she appears to display signs of having split personalities when she looks at herself in the mirror and contemplates whether or not she should take the pills.

ACT 6: While he swings away, Peter, as Spider-Man, hears cries for help coming from the street down below. He drops down and comes across a woman who appears to be assailed by a man named Pierre. He knocks the man out with a single punch to the disbelief of the woman who screams at him to get away. She tells him that she was flirting with his brother in order to make him jealous and that for the first time, she saw fire in his eyes, until Spidey showed up. Pierre slowly wakes up and she gives him a big kiss on the cheek. She then turns around and starts whacking Spidey across the head with her purse. She then grabs Pierre by the arm and drags him behind him. While being dragged away, Pierre turns around and thanks Spider-Man. Spidey swings away into the night and makes his way across Paris. At one point, he lands down on top one of the gargoyles atop the roof of a very old church, which breaks under his weight and smashes into hundreds of pieces when it hits the ground down below. Passersby are furious at Spidey and begin throwing garbage at him. Spidey takes off rapidly, his apologies turned down by the French.

ACT 7: The next morning, back at the mansion, Peter sits down with Sarah to have breakfast and once finished, he heads into the bathroom to take a shower. While he's in there, Sarah picks up the phone and calls someone and tells that person that everything is going as she had hoped and that she will make the drop as long as that person keeps the end of the bargain. She adds that if they're lucky, maybe nobody will have to die. To be continued.