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Spectacular Spider-Man #26 (289)
WRITER:  Samm Barnes
PENCILLER:  Scott Eaton
COVER BY:  Greg Land
INKER:  Cam Smith
STORY TITLE:  Sins Remembered: Sarah's Story - Part Four
Peter Parker recently learned of a secret affair between Gwen Stacy, his late girlfriend, and Norman Osborn, the Green Goblin, during which Gwen became pregnant. Osborn arranged for her to give birth to their twins in France. These twins – Sarah and Gabriel – are now fully grown, the Goblin formula in their blood resulting in superhuman strength, but also in extremely rapid aging. When Peter informed the twins about their true parentage, Gabriel injected himself with Goblin serum, becoming the Gray Goblin. Sarah, after being shot by policemen and receiving a blood transfusion from Peter, shot her brother rather than let him harm the man who had saved her life.

Weeks later, Peter receives a phone call from a doctor in Paris, informing him that Sarah had been hospitalized. He leaves immediately for France, feeling responsible for Sarah's well being. Peter reluctantly ends up staying at the Stacy's French estate, where Sarah informs him of her history with a street gang. She and her brother worked as drug traffickers, even as their own dependence on pills heightened. Now, Sarah must pay off her brother's debt before she is harmed by the gang's leader, a man named Duprés.

Peter's wife Mary Jane, worried about him being alone in another country with a dead-ringer to his former girlfriend, decides to follow Peter to France. When she arrives at the Stacy Estate, she discovers Peter and Sarah in embrace. Upset, MJ runs out on Peter. When she returns late that night, she is shocked to discover that Sarah has been hiding Gabriel, now dangerously insane, in the dark corners of the mansion.

ACT 1: His shirt off, revealing his bodybuilding physique, veins protruding from his neck, Gabriel yells at Mary Jane to tell him the whereabouts of his sister Sarah. Terrified, MJ steps back and tries to close the door behind her but Gabriel won't let her. MJ takes off running and tries to make it to the front door but Gabriel catches up to her and blocks her only way out. He is about to slap MJ when he suddenly starts hallucinating, mistaking her for Sarah. Grabbing hold of her, he brings her somewhere where he'll be able to protect her.

ACT 2: Spider-Man follows François Benoît, the Interpol agent he met in last issue, to the Interpol satellite office somewhere in Paris. While there, agent Benoît tells Spidey what he knows about Sarah and Gabriel, which is not much. Agent Benoît does have a picture of Gwen Stacy taken shortly after she gave birth to Sarah and Gabriel, which undoubtedly affects Peter as he immediately asks Agent Benoît where he got the picture. Agent Benoît replies that he acquired the picture when the twins left for America. He goes on explaining that they had to use forged passports due to their age not matching their appearance but in doing so, they used their real names. This gave the Interpol a place to start their inquiries and the photograph of Gwen Stacy was all they could find about the twin's mother. Agent Benoît goes on telling Spidey that he keeps wondering what Gwen would think if she knew her children would end up working for the largest drug syndicate in the world. Spidey replies with an explanation of how the drugs help the twins get rid of extremely strong headaches caused by their premature aging. Agent Benoît replies that it still doesn't change the fact that they broke the law by associating themselves with Duprés, a known drug smuggler and terrorism supporter, and that it is the job of the Interpol to stop them. Spidey asks Agent Benoît if the reason for him being there is to help capture Sarah. Agent Benoît confirms that it is. Spidey replies that he is out of luck because he doesn't even know where she is. He asks Agent Benoît if he knows where she is. Agent Benoît replies that he has a feeling that she is on her way to pay Duprés a visit, confront him. He explains how Duprés has put a contract out on her in order to draw out her brother Gabriel and that it would be unfortunate, however, because she could never get into the building alive. He goes on explaining that the walls around Duprés’ compound are six meters tall and that on the ground level, there are heavily armed guards on 24 hour rotation, surveillance cameras at all access points, and on the roof, a bulletproof atrium, where Duprés keeps a collection of rare orchids. As Agent Benoît explains his theory, Sarah is seen making her way into Duprés' compound, rather easily, avoiding surveillance cameras and armed guards. Spidey tells Agent Benoît not to underestimate Sarah and that perhaps the Interpol could use her unique abilities to their advantage (Spidey uses the Avengers as an example). Spidey asks Agent Benoît if he would consider dropping the charges against Sarah and bringing her into Interpol if she'd cooperate with them to put Duprés away. Agent Benoît replies that he would consider it. Suddenly, one of Agent Benoît's men enters the office and tells the agent that they found Mary Jane Parker and that she was last seen entering the Stacy Estate. The agent adds that they have reasons to believe that she is not alone in the house. This strikes Spidey as odd and he realizes that if Sarah is heading for Duprés and that nobody else was seen going in or out of the house, then somebody else has been there the whole time: Gabriel. Telling Agent Benoît to head over to Duprés' compound before something regrettable happens, Spidey swing away.

ACT 3: As Sarah makes her way into the mansion, she is suddenly spotted by heavily armed guards who immediately start shooting at her. Sarah dodges the bullet and takes them out one by one. Holding one of the guards hostage, she enters Duprés' office, where she finds the latter casually sitting at his desk. Sarah tells Duprés to back off and leave her and her brother alone but Duprés boldly refuses to do so, as he pulls his gun out and tries to shoot her. Sarah dodges a stream of bullets by flipping over them and lands atop Duprés' desk, her gun pointed at his head. Just then, more guards come crashing through the door and try to take her down. Sarah once again evades the bullets and takes these guards down, without killing any of them. While this goes on, a bloody Duprés exist the office. Sarah takes off after him.

ACT 4: Meanwhile, Spider-Man comes crashing through a window of the Stacy Estate, in search of Mary Jane; screaming her name. MJ, who is upstairs in some kind of laboratory where Green Goblin paraphernalia is stocked, along with Gabriel, who is holding a fiery pumpkin bomb, screams at Spidey to help him locate her. Seconds later, Spidey comes crashing through the laboratory door. Gabriel throws the burning pumpkin bomb at him, which he dodges with ease. In turn, Spidey tries to web up Gabriel but the latter jumps out of the way. Spidey asks Gabriel to let her go but Gabriel insanely replies to stay away from her, again mistaking MJ for Sarah. More pumpkin bombs are thrown in Spidey's direction, but none make contact. Spidey tries to web up Gabriel once again but the latter uses Spidey's webbing against himself and sends Spidey crashing into a wall, catapult-style. Spidey stands back up, grabs a nearby pot and smashes it into Gabriel's head; meanwhile yelling at MJ to get out of there. Gabriel retaliates with a pumpkin bomb that hits the ceiling right above MJ. Spidey manages to web up the falling debris, grabs MJ, and the two of them make their way out of the mansion and into the front yard. Gabriel, atop the goblin glider, comes after them and implores MJ, whom he still believes to be Sarah, to come with him. MJ replies that she can’t come with him and turns her back to him. Speechless and confused, Gabriel flies off, just as the police arrive on the scene. Peter/Spidey tells MJ that he needs to get to Sarah before she kills someone and he swings off into the night.

ACT 5: Minutes later, Spidey arrives at Duprés' compound where he finds Duprés being held up at gunpoint by Sarah. Spidey intervenes between the two and convinces Sarah not to kill Duprés. As Sarah drops the gun to the ground and falls to her knees, the police and Interpol agents storm the compound and arrest Duprés. Spidey introduces Sarah to Agent Benoît and he takes off. A few minutes later, Peter (who has changed back to his civvies) and MJ show up at Duprés' mansion. Sarah tells them that the Interpol has asked her to help them build a case against Duprés and then they'll work the rest out from there. Peter is glad that everything is working out all right and that the Interpol will assign doctors to try and find a cure for her condition, as well as helping out Gabriel, wherever he is. Sarah apologizes to MJ, who accepts her apologies, and the two hug each other, which is somehow out of character for both of them. Sarah then apologizes to Peter, who also accepts her apologies and hands her the picture of Gwen taken shortly after she gave birth to her and Gabriel. After a few hugs and some minor tears, Peter and Mary Jane head over to Charles de Gaulle Airport where they board a flight back to New York City.

The End. For now.