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Spider-Man Lifeline #3 of 3
WRITER:  Fabian Nicieza
PENCILLER:  Steve "The Dude" Rude
INKER:  Bob Wiacek
STORY TITLE: A taste of infinity
ACT 1: The story picks up where it left last issue with Spider-Man combating the ferocious Lizard who, in his human form, goes by the name of Dr. Curt Connors. FLASHBACK: But how did our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man ended up being attacked by the nefarious Lizard? It actually began years ago with an ancient tablet containing a secret equation that created a failed “Fountain of Youth”! Now, additional fragments of that tablet have been discovered, starting a rat race among the underworld maggia to modify the formula and provided the winner with ultimate power! Spider-Man now faces a more deadlier-than-ever Lizard whose strength seem to have increased considerably.

Boomerang, who had been lying unconscious for a few minutes wakes up and as he’s on the verge of throwing a boomerang at the Lizard, the latter picks him up with his tail and throws him in Spider-Man’s direction. (Boomerang actually had enough time to snag the Lizard with a boomerang tracer before he was throwing towards Spider-Man) Spidey leaps to avoid getting hit by Boomerang (who crashes in the wall) and snags a spider-tracer on him. This commotion provides the Lizard with enough time to flee through the window. As Spider-Man contemplates going after him, Boomerang leaves unnoticed.

On the Hammerhead’s men apprehend the unconscious Eel, Spider-Man drops in and “steals” the Eel from them and turns him over to the police...”dispensing justice the old fashioned way”.

ACT 2: In an abandoned warehouse on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, a beaten Boomerang calls Hammerhead and informs the latter that he’s put a boomerang tracer on the Lizard. Hammerhead congratulates Boomerang and yells to him to hurry up and find the Lizard. Boomerang uses his tracerang to find out where Lizzie went.

ACT 3: Boomerang traces the Lizard moving through the sewers and alerts Hammerhead, who’s arrived at St. Mary’s Hospital on Hudson and Eight.

ACT 4: Meanwhile, Spider-Man meets with Arthur Stacy and Louis Wilson and the latter hands out another piece of the lifeline tablet to him explaining that it is the key to everything.

ACT 5: Seven minutes later, Spider-Man comes crashing in the warehouse – his spider-sense having picked up the signal emitted by the spider-tracer he’d put on Boomerang, only to find the super-villain gone. Suddenly, Dr. Strange appears to Spider-Man and explains what he was able to gather from his meeting with the Vizier and Archivists. As the situation does not involve magic, but science, Dr. Strange leaves Spider-Man to fight the battle alone.

ACT 6: At St. Mary’s Hospital...the Lizard emerges from a manhole, sending everybody around in frenzy. As the Lizard makes his way up the building’s exterior wall, Boomerang snags him with a large net. However, the Lizard’s superior intelligence makes him realize that Boomerang will lead him to Hammerhead and thus stops struggling.

ACT 7: Meanwhile, at the Stacy home in Queens, Spider-Man watches as Arthur does a reference check on everything the NYPD and even the justice department have on Hammerhead against a spot check of his usual haunts for credit card swipes and EZ pass tolls. Combining that with a reference list over the last month – restaurants, gas charges, parking payments – all of which show that he’s been spending a lot of time around Hudson and Eight, Arthur and Spider-Man come to the conclusion that someone Hammerhead knows is in St. Mary’s Hospital. Arthur finds out that Hammerhead’s sister had been there for the past six weeks...

ACT 8: Hammerhead’s thugs stand near him awkwardly. They’ve never seen him their boss like this. Quiet, depressed, almost...defeated. Joey and Jimmy say nothing, practically praying someone would try to make a move on Hammerhead, just so they could avoid this sad slice of real life. Suddenly, Joey looks out the window and his faced with Boomerang, holding the Lizard within the large net. Furious, Hammerhead grabs Boomerang by the throat and demands to know why he’s brought that dangerous animal inside of his sister’s room. Boomerang explains that the net the Lizard’s caught in is electrically charge so they shouldn’t worry about it. As he finishes his sentence, the Lizard breaks free from the net.

ACT 9: Spider-Man arrives just in time, holding in his hands a bag containing the extra piece of the lifeline tablet given by Louis Wilson. He persuades the Lizard to stop the carnage and explains that he (the Lizard, not Spider-man) will require the missing piece of the tablet to recreate all life on Earth. The Lizard agrees...

ACT 10: Minutes later, in an adjoining lab...Spider-Man thinks: “Well, put me in a tutu and color me perplexed! Who’da thunk your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man would ever be breaking beakers with the Lizard? But I’ve got to remember that is Curt Connors under that scaly hide. Geez, put unlimited power in front of someone and it sure makes for strange bedfellows! A heel like Hammerhead actually had good intentions for it. Sure, he didn’t approach it in a Mr. Rogers approved fashion, but can I really hold it against him that he wanted to save his kid sister? And warped though they may be, the Lizard even has his own reasons – same as I do – because playing this out now is the only way to use the formula the way I hope to cure Doc Connors of the curse of the Lizard forever! But it’s more than that, Parker, and you know the back of your mind, you keep thinking, what could I do with that kind of power? Could I bring back uncle Ben to life? George or Gwen Stacy? I’ve done the cosmic bit before and had trouble handling it – but would things be different now? Think of all the people I could help...Hmm...Lizzie sure is quiet over there.” Spider-Man turns over to the Lizard as he finalizes the solution. As he’s about to drink the content of the tube, Boomerang throws one of his boomerangs at the container. Spider-Man attempts to snag the tube in mid-air but Hammerhead catches it and drinks its content. He transforms into this resplendent being and speaks: “It is...incredible...I never imagined. I have been so blind, but now I see! I never conceived there could be such an order to reality – such levels of being – so much in common between life and death! And so little difference between the two states! “You, speaks the being, do not belong here. You could not adapt”, as he points to the Lizard, who miraculously transforms back into Dr. Curt Connors; both arms restored. “Be free to live your meager life span knowing that the shadow of the Lizard will never darken your days again! I understand the complexity of the universe now, as if it were a child’s playtoy! I see how pulling the string of eternity there could tug at the cloak of infinity here! I realize how chaos and order dance their dance of life and death. And I understand that they care not a whit about the individual pieces placed on the scales – so long as the universal concepts remain balanced! You, Peter, have lost so much trying to balance those scales...I can restore the balance for you. From a cosmic perspective, it is not such a difficult thing. Restore a life here, take a life there. As Spider-Man is in the throes of some deep, personal pain, Doc Connors approaches him and assists him in is pain. But, before the tortured Spider-Man can make a decision whether or not to bring back a deceased siblings, something happens to the being as it dissolves back into Hammerhead. The latter, furious that he could not do anything to help out his sister crumbles to his knees. Spider-Man comes close to him and shows him an extra tube containing the same solution as the Lizard prepared. “Do you think the Lizard was the only one sweating it out in that lab?” says Spider-Man

ACT 11: Outside, the police are waiting for everybody to come out of the building. Spider-Man waves a white flag outside the window as Hammerhead’s sister wakes up and Curt Connor’s reunites with his wife and son. Connors asks Spider-Man why Hammerhead failed to maintain his all-powerful state. Spider-Man answers that it is his little secret and that the main thing is that Connors got his family back and the curse of the Lizard has been lifted from him forever. He then departs as the police apprehend Hammerhead.

ACT 12: Minutes later in Greenwhich Village...Spider-Man meets with Dr. Strange. Dr. Strange speaks: “Though my Atlantean counsel made no mention of its true purpose, and I ascertained its meaning would prove of vital importance, you are the only one who correctly deduced the Watching Eye at the Apex of the reconfigured tablet would provide a protective element against those who are unprepared for the enormity of its effects. And now, allow me to remove the tablet from this plane of reality until such a time as mankind can better accept its destiny! A contented Spider-Man web-slings away...The End.