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PREVIOUSLY: After years of plaguing Spider-Man as the bloodthirsty villain Venom, Eddie Brock developed cancer beyond any hope of treatment. He gave up his past life, got rid of the alien costume that gave him his power, and retired to the terminal ward to live out his few remaining days. Deteriorating in health, life has become a sad waiting game for Eddie as he counts down what little time he has left. And yet, Eddie is not alone...the specter of the alien symbiote that shared his body still haunts him. Hungry for revenge on his enemy Spider-Man, Venom lives in Eddie's mind, and won't let him rest in peace.

But luck has smiled on Eddie Brock. When Peter Parker revealed his secret identity as Spider-Man to the world, an attempt was made on his life, and Peter's Aunt May was shot instead of him. Comatose, she barely clings to the same hospital as Eddie. With Venom urging him on, Eddie dons a pathetic, store-bought imitation of his former black costume, and sets out to murder an innocent old woman.

Meanwhile, Peter Parker – oblivious to Eddie's merciless plan – struggles in vain to bring May back from the brink any way he can. In desperation, he’s turned to the clairvoyant Madame Web to conduct a séance.

REVIEW: Clad in his store-bought black costume, Eddie Brock sits on a rooftop, looking down at the city below. Venom – or rather an hallucination of Eddie’s former symbiotic half – eggs him on to get back in the saddle, so to speak, by "taking care" of his nurse. Eddie concurs.

A very short time later, Nurse Sims enters Eddie's room to give him his meds. She approaches the bed, only to find it empty. As she wonders where he's gone to, he steps out of the shadows, holding a scalpel. Before she can do anything, Eddie closes the door and launches himself at her.

At the nurse's station, one of the nurses thinks she's heard something. She asks the maintenance attendant to shut off his floor-buffer. As he does so, another nurse asks what she heard. The first nurse answers that, whatever it was, it sounded like someone screaming bloody murder. As a matter of fact, back in Eddie's room, Nurse Sims lies dead in a pool of blood. Standing above her, panting, Eddie looks in horror at what he just did. Venom rhetorically asks if he felt remorse and explains that he did not because she deserved it, for taking his blood, missing his veins, and condescendingly taking pity on him. Eddie nods in agreement. Venom is ecstatic to have him back in the groove. Eddie asks what he is to do about Peter Parker's Aunt May. Venom explains that she is responsible for raising the man who destroyed everything in his life, both as Peter Parker and Spider-Man. Venom fears that Eddie is starting to waffle but Eddie reassures him that he is not.

In Aunt May's room, Peter Parker paces around. He is talking to his comatose aunt about the only possible solution he could find about helping her out, which is performing a séance with the help of Madame Web. Peter knows that Aunt May would think the whole thing is absurd but he is grasping at straws and he is willing to try anything at the moment. He's sort of accepted the fact that she might not come out of this one alive. Fighting back tears, Peter tells her that he'll be back in a little while, and he heads out.

In the hall outside the room, Felicia Hardy, a.k.a. the Black Cat is keeping watch, just in case someone would get too curious about Aunt May. Peter heads into another room, joining Mary Jane, Anna Watson (MJ's aunt), and Madame Web, who are already sitting at a round table. As they all join hands, Madame Web tells them to concentrate on a personal memory of Aunt May, when they felt closest to her.

Peter has ho idea what the others are thinking about. All he can remember somehow is the night he came home to find that Uncle Ben had been murdered by the same crook Peter had failed to stop, as Spider-Man, earlier that day. As he stands there, reliving that horrifying moment, Aunt May appears in some sort of ghostly form and asks if he came to say goodbye. Stunned, Peter replies that he came to bring her back, not say goodbye. As he answers that question in his dream, he speaks it out loud at the round table, prompting Madame Web to inform MJ and Anna that Peter has made contact and that they are ought to keep concentrating to maintain the connection. Back in Peter's dream-like state, Aunt May reveals that she desires not to come back. She is tired and she's been down that road too many times. Surprised by her reaction, Peter asks if she is giving up. Aunt May replies that, as she was shot, even if she wanted to come back, her body might not let her. Peter comments that the bullet was intended for him and that he cannot allow her to die in his place. Aunt May replies that she only has a few years left to live and that, had the bullet hit Peter and he were in her place, then a lot of good would go undone. Peter argues that he can't and won't accept that. Aunt May retorts that he has to and that he also has to make it count for the rest of his life.

Back in real-time, Eddie Brock enters Aunt May's room, accompanied by his Venom hallucination. Eddie first stares at her for what seems like an eternity. He then finally pulls his mask down.

Still in contact with Aunt May in a dream-like state, Peter asks her why she is heading into a nearby house. Aunt May does not answer his question but does go on telling Peter to grow up with MY, the way Uncle Ben did with her. As she nears the front door of the house, tentacle-like appendages start to wrap themselves around her from behind. Before being sucked into the house, she tells Peter to have many children so they can bring he and MJ as much love and joy as he brought her. The door then shuts itself. Racing to where Aunt May was last standing, Peter tries to open the door, but it is locked. Though he continues to pound on it, it fails to open. In real-time, the connection is severed and the séance ends abruptly, disappointingly.

In Aunt May's room, Eddie has a difficult time concentrating on the task at hand, prompting Venom to start losing patience with him and his weakness. Eddie argues that Venom is not letting him think, causing Venom to reveal that their symbiotic bond was not a partnership; it was a dictatorship (Venom being the dictator of course). Having said that, Venom orders Eddie to do as he is told.

The séance now over, Anna Watson, Felicia Hardy, MJ, Peter Parker and Madame Web walk through the halls of the hospital, discussing what just happened. Suddenly, Peter stops dead in his tracks, warned of impending danger by his spider-sense. Within seconds, he's pinpointed the source of the danger and he rushes toward Aunt May’s room. When he enters the room, he is shocked to find Eddie Brock sitting on the window ledge, shards of the broken window scattered on the ground. Before Peter can say anything, Eddie reveals that Venom tried to get him to kill his aunt but he just couldn't do it, because she is too good a person. Eddie explains that Venom was inside him all along and he thought maybe he could get rid of him by cutting him out. With that said, he lifts both his arms up and tells Peter that he's literally cut Venom out of his system. To Peter's utter shock, Eddie's arms are lacerated and bleeding profusely. Before Pete can react to this shocking revelation, Eddie climbs on the window ledge and throws himself out the window. Quickly, Peter dives toward the window and hastily shoots a couple of web-strands.

A short time later, Eddie awakens in his hospital bed, shocked to be alive, his arms bandaged where he cut them. As he sits up, he realizes that he is chained to the bed to prevent his escape and/or trying to commit suicide once again. Sitting in a chair in the corner, Venom speaks up and explains that Spider-Man saved his life after he jumped out the window. Realizing that he was unable to get rid of Venom, Eddie resolves to accept the fact that he is not going away, especially now that they both know who is in charge.

The end...for now.