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Robo Techno_

The point-of-view shots from Robocop include references to MS-DOS, while the point-of-view shots from Robocop 2 feature a Apple MacIntosh-style interface, with a skull instead of the Apple logo.

The computer that RoboCop looks up criminal records on is actually a Northern Telecom telephone switch.

DIRECTIVE 1 Serve the public trust

DIRECTIVE 2 Protect the innocent

DIRECTIVE 3 Uphold the law

DIRECTIVE 4 Never oppose an OCP officer. This Directive was soon DELETED in the 3rd movie.

These Dir's are from Robo 2, when Robo was being reprogramed by Dr. Juliette Faxx. Robo soon deleted the Directives by electricuting himself..

DIRECTIVE 233 Restrain hostile feelings

DIRECTIVE 234 Promote positive attitude

DIRECTIVE 235 Suppress aggressiveness

DIRECTIVE 236 Promote pro-social values

DIRECTIVE 246 Don't rush traffic lights (repeated below)

DIRECTIVE 254 Encourage awareness

DIRECTIVE 256 Discourage harsh language

DIRECTIVE 258 Commend sincere efforts

DIRECTIVE 261 Talk things out

DIRECTIVE 262 Avoid Orion meetings


DIRECTIVE 267 Keep an open mind

DIRECTIVE 268 Encourage participation

DIRECTIVE 273 Avoid stereotyping

DIRECTIVE 278 Seek non-violent solutions

DIRECTIVE 238 Avoid destructive behavior

DIRECTIVE 239 Be accessible

DIRECTIVE 240 Participate in group activities

DIRECTIVE 241 Avoid interpersonal conflicts

DIRECTIVE 242 Avoid premature value judgements

DIRECTIVE 243 Pool opinions before expressing yourself

DIRECTIVE 244 Discourage feelings of negativity and hostility

DIRECTIVE 245 If you haven't got anything nice to say don't talk

DIRECTIVE 246 Don't rush traffic lights

DIRECTIVE 247 Don't run through puddles and splash pedestrians or other cars

DIRECTIVE 248 Don't say that you are always prompt when you are not

DIRECTIVE 249 Don't be oversensitive to the hostility and negativity of others

DIRECTIVE 250 Don't walk across a ballroom floor swinging your arms

In the scene where Robocop was being reprogrammed by Dr. Juliette Faxx, the following hex numbers scroll quickly up the screen: ``50 45 54 45 20 4B 55 52 41 4E 20 49 53 20 41 20 47 52 45 41 54 20 47 55 59''. Converted to ASCII text, it reads: ``PETE KURAN IS A GREAT GUY''. Peter Kuran was the special effects photographer.

The standard Copyright notice at the end of the film includes a warning that "This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States and other countries and its unauthorized duplication, distribution or exhibition may result in civil liability and criminal prosecution by enforcement droids."

The version broadcast on television features alternate footage of Clarence Boddiker driving around Emil rather than running him over with the car.


$13m (USA) Gross SEK 2,763,089 (Sweden) $53.424m (USA) Admissions 71,021 (Sweden) Rentals $24.036m (USA)
Courtesy the IMDb

"Guns, Guns, Guns. Tonight."
