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Above is a pic of the Robo TV series Bubble Bath container. -Thanks Mike Pitt

Hi there. It's James Grandy here, the Owner & Webmaster of Robo Central. I am looking to trade either and original movie theatre poster of RoboCop 1 (1987) OR a copy of the Robo 1 Soundtrack. For somebody who has something that I wouldn't mind having, it could be anything! So E-Mail me!

RoboCop TV Series Car

RoboCop Movie Car

Original Robo (1987) Movie Poster for sale from the RoboCop Central web site. For a "good" trade or $30 CAN. or $20 US. !ONLY!

E-MAIL Robo Central at the E-Mail address at the bottom of this page, for ordering info, and questions.


RoboCop Central is selling Limited Edition (not sold in stores) CD's of the RoboCop 1 (1987) Soundtrack. The RC soundtrack from RoboCentral includes: -It's own individual Robo Jewel Case, -Sounds in between the songs depicting some of the memorable moments from the film, -It's only $10.00 US or CAN

!To purchase please E-Mail James Grandy at the E-Mail address at the bottom of this page!


ROBOCOP AF $ 30 [4]

ROBOCOP AF and ED 260 $ 100

ROBOCOP AF and ROBO 1 [ car ] $ 150

ROBOCOP AF,ROBOCOP AF with Gatlin Blaster and

ROBO - 1, ROBOCOPTER,ROBO-COMMAND [ Robocop AF ] ,ED-260,"Torpedo" Thompson & "Claw"

Callahan ,and " Vandals " Toxic Waster and Scorcher. SOLD AS SET $ 450


NIGHTFIGHTER ROBOCOP in mail in box $ 30 [7] "Torpedo" Thompson & "Claw" Callahan set $ 35/T

ROBOGUN Robocop ripoff Plastic Water Pistol (Yellow) $25


To Purchase or for Purchasing information please E-Mail: John Kachmar

Place your ideas on how the next RoboCop movie should be about. Your note must be no more than 2Kb in size. E-Mail with Subject "Robo4 Idea"

First they should bring Peter Weller back (im sorry but R.John Burke was OK but he sucked pardon my french) well anyway's Robo should have his arm upgraded with a canon like on Robo A.C. and it should be Robo versus terminator.


Have Madigan move to the Precinct where Robo works. Have wife die, son captured by Bodakker. Then Have Robo get a device that enables him to travel back in time. He goes back to save Lewis, Nancy, to stop Bodakker and to save himself! Eventually, he learns that because he was turned into RoboCop, he was able to save other lives, so he assassinates himself as Murphy, then returns back, with Nancy saved, Jimmy Back, and Boddaker back into the dead, and realizes, "There's a Future to this Life".

--Deniz Cordell

First of all Paul Verhoeven should come back one more time to give RoboCop the look it was meant to have(a bleak,urban satire). I love Weller and I think he did a better job than anyone would ever do in that role but he IS getting a little old(almost 52), but I think it would be interesting to see someone try. It should certainly stick to the 1st movie by being original and not have not have any more new concepts like "extra weaponry" and "jetpacks". I would love to see a Robo VS. Terminator if it was done right. But all of that behind: "PLOT DOES MATTER"


I think orion should keep Peter Weller in the movie because he did the best! The ED-209 sequences should make him move like he was a real object or computer generate him. And the villan should be Johnson!!!

More STUFF! Coming Soon

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