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[RoboCop vs the Terminator: Round Two. By Sean Martin. Based on a story written for Dark Horse Comics by Frank Miller.]

Part Three, Chapter One.

Chicago, the future. The war rages on in an effortless fight against the machines. Soldiers die by the hundreds around the world. But in the past, it takes one soldier against one machine.

Present day. Chicago. The Cyberdyne building stands tall and shines in the moonlight. An old Station wagon is parked in front of the building.

At the front door, John and RoboCop stand with a hand-held computer linked to the door’s security card slot. John holds out a link device with a tiny hole on the end.

“Give me your data probe.” John says to the cyborg.

RoboCop holds out his hand, and with a sudden jerk, his data probe pops out. John puts it on the spike and RoboCop does his duty. With a beep, the lock turns green, and the door is open. They push through the door to find a security guard with his gun drawn out and point it at them.

“This is official police business. Please stand aside.” RoboCop proclaims.

The security guard puts his gun at his side, but keeps it out.

“Thank you for your cooperation.”

* * *

The terminator known as Steve has now exited onto the Chicago Turnpike, speeding 50 miles over the posted limit. They must not succeed It is imperative that they fail. They must be stopped at all costs. The terminator’s foot falls heavier on the pedal as he pushes the Geo’s speed to the limit. A siren, and a flash of blue and red light consume the highway. The terminator slows his car to a stop in under a minute. As he pulls on to the side of the road, the police cruiser catches up and stops behind the Geo. The cop exits his car and walks up to the drivers’ side door slowly with his hand on his revolver. A police officer must remain cautious in this situation. Expect nothing good from a man driving 65 miles over the limit. His partner exits the car with his gun drawn and ready for anything. This cop is shivering in his uniform. The cop proceeding towards the car has his hand rapped around the gun now. “Driver, turn off the vehicle and step out of the car with your hands where I can see them.” As he says this, he draws his gun and has it at his side. The terminator steps out with his hands in plain sight. The cop by the cruiser cannot see what is happening, so he moves to the other side carefully. The terminator stands there looking at the cop. The cop sees the man’s face and is very disgusted. “Problem, Officer?” The terminator belches. “What the fu---?” “Oh, my face. Yes, I was on my way to the hospital. I was beaten up pretty badly.” The terminator says and steps closer. The cop twitches and raises his gun at the man. The terminator stops in his tracks. “Com’re. Take a closer look.” Then the cop backs off a little. Time to stop fucking around. the terminator thinks. Then he leaps for the cop and rips his throat out with his metal teeth. Suddenly, the cop at the cruiser opens fire on the man who had just bitten off his partner’s throat. He unloads everything in his gun. After ejecting the clip, he fumbles for the other one. Too late. The terminator grabs the cop’s hand and crushes it. He screams and tries to punch it. The last resort for a man who is about to die the hard way. His hand rings with pain, the his head caves in on itself, with the help of the terminator’s hands. Then his lifeless body drops to the ground and the terminator steps over it and gets into the cruiser. This car should get him there faster than that piece of shit Geo. He closes the door and then peels off over the corpses.

* * * The security guard sits at his desk with duct tape holding him there. “Can you thermal-scan the place for anyone that would trip the alarm?” John asks the cyborg. RoboCop looks around and doesn’t see anyone. “No one.” “Good.” John says as he puts the tape over the guard’s mouth. “Now, you be a good boy. And when this is all over, I’m sure you won’t remember a thing.” Then he pats his chest. John and RoboCop walk back through the halls and disappear from sight.

to be continued...

Robocop vs. the Terminator: Round Two copyright of Sean Martin 1998. Unofficial story of RoboCop and the Terminator. RoboCop copyright Orion Pictures 1987. The Terminator copyright of Hemdale Pictures 1984/Carolco Pictures 1991. Permission given to print out only one copy for personal use.
