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Click for Quincy, California Forecast

~whisper softly ciao baby~

~Ya'at'eeh!!~ (Hello- Diné, The People - Navajo)  Greetings and welcome to my home.  I'm speaking to you from the beautiful Northern Sierra Nevada Mountains and Plumas National Forest where the land meets the sky and the eagle and raven fly free.  It's an honour to have you as my guest!  (This place is my ~baby~ as it was the first website I ever made.   ~lol~)

~To Meet Once Again~

High above the mountains, silently watching
And between the vales of these hills
A familiar sound in the distance is heard
Our train chants a morning, golden and true
It was love, now until the end of time.

Where rock and sand share our world
In the depths of the mountains shadows
And fashioned in tune distinctly pleasing
My heart takes a picture, willingly...joyfully
I will love you for the rest of my life!

The lustrous mountains pristine appearance
And the aromatic crispness perfumes the air
Melodiously we listen to nature's ambience
It was there our love embraced, to meet once again
May I be with you again...forever!

This is a declaration of our existence...our love
I can hear your heart beat, so far away
Deep within the cliffs of our mountain home
Virtually irrestistable, obvious signs of urgency
I will be with you for the rest of my life!

From our mountains to the oceans
We selfish lover, desires rekindled
Unwillingly to abandon each others embrace
Nourish and treasure for time ever more
To meet there once again, to kiss everlasting!

Written online in Africa room by:
and starhoku
( January, 1998 )

Bob Marley Starhoku's Websites ~The Prettiest Flower In The Garden~
~Poetry by bingo91~ TOUR~Zobedia's AV Rose Garden~

Just For You!

~Guanja and Family ~Song of the Soul~ ~~~Into the Smoke~~~
~My Love for You~~Stargazers~My Brother

~Foolish Hearts~ A. Bahgat

~Guanja's Native American Links~

I enjoyed your company and hope you'll visit again soon.  May your days be filled with light, love and kindness...

~Ayor Anosh'ni~


~whisper softly ciao baby~

~G's Circles

My Family & Friend's Home Pages:

AcidTrance's Movie Avatars and Gestures
Bilbo & Charlee's Avatars
Chevy's Native Av's
xxxChief and Friends Av Paintingxxx
Cracker's Home Sweet Home
Dee's Gestures!!!
Elite's Homepage
Game Over's Homepage
Gofree's Homepage
GT350's Homepage
Love Hurts' Homepage (my cyber son)
Lovely Ladies AVs Painting
Lover's Paradise
Majeed Images Website

The Neuropathy Association
The 'Reflections' of METIS....
~ the ONE poem ~
~Polgara's Pages
PiPpO'z WoRLd
~!Rabatt's Home!~
Rani'z Home
Shady's Web World
A Song for the Net Friends
tigger_007's Homepage
African Chatters Home Page
V & J's Webdesign
Websites by Fielder & Thia

Please Donate Food for FREE to Hungry People in the World at The Hunger Site

Proud Member of ~~Ya'at'eeh ~~ WebRing

Welcome to ~~ Ya'at'eeh ~~ WebRing

~Polgara's Pages

Rose's View


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Columbine High School

Please Visit the North American Wolf Association

Visit Infinite Fish Productions!

~May you walk in balance with Mother Earth~

You are Kindred Spirit

December 12, 1997