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~~Peaceful Sleep~~

Last night as you lay down to sleep
Were you at peace in your heart?
Into whose care did you ask your life to keep?
Did you reflect on your day from the start?

Ahh, peaceful sleep
Your mind closes its eye
Your body sinks to a quiet state
You lay there asleep 'til morning is neigh
Awake to the songbirds or the smile of a mate

As you sit now awake
You look at the sun
Another day dawned
On with your life
You forget how you slept
There's work to be done
And you dress to face daily strife

As the years come and go
You start to think
"Will I awake in the morning or expire that night?
Did I find peace in my heart?
With God as my link?
Did I wrong a soul and not make it right?"

So tonight as you ready your body for rest
Think not of tomorrow and what it will bring
But think of this day
Did you meet the test
And God willing
Awake to hear the birds sing?


A Pilots Bond~Love Your Fellow Man~~Poetry by bingo91~

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For those of you who are having problems getting to ~Poetry by bingo91~ at, I have listed his poems below.  I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience and am consulting my "guru" as to why!  Thank you for your patience and understanding.  ~smile~

~Choose Love~
~Dream Pillow~
~~Keep It Simple~~
~Love Your Fellow Man~
~To Meet Once Again~
~Your Mountain~
~~Peaceful Sleep~~
A Pilots Bond
~A Talk With God~
~What God Gave Us~
~What Matters~
~World Peace.....Now~

~G's Circles

~Native American Links~

~World Peace.....Now~

The Poetry Cafe

You are Kindred Spirit

November 6, 1998