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~Dream Pillow~

You are the pillow that I hold and comfort each night,
You are the pillow I talk to
As I turn out the light.
Last night I thought that I heard your voice
And was awake in the blink of an eye.
I looked all around my dimly lit room,
I listened and I thought that I heard you cry;
That one thought truly tugged away at my heart,
I told myself that it was only a dream.
I picked up my pillow,
Held it close to my chest
And I felt your nearness,
Or so it did seem.
As I lay back down,
A thought came to mind,
Did you have a pillow to hold just like me?
And as we slept our dreams had crossed paths,
We were holding each other
And no one could see.
If you have a pillow to hold just like me
And you talk to it every night,
I hope I'm the pillow you hold close to you
As you reach up and turn off your light.


~~Keep it Simple~~~Choose Love~~Poetry by bingo91~

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January, 1998