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Meet ~Ganja!  He loves to play "dress up" -- you name it and he’ll wear it ... just keep scrolling!

Feeling ~Irie~!!

The day ~Ganja came into my life!

On Wednesday, January 18, 1995, I spotted this picture of ~Ganja in our local newspaper.  I had already picked out his name; I was just waiting to find him and make him a member of my family.  He had been found huddling under a tree in two feet of snow off of Feather River Highway #70.

My little ~Ganja is one of the best little partners anyone could ever wish for.  He’s very sensitive and especially loves children.  When we drive into town, he rides shotgun in the front seat with his nose perched against the windshield.  During the summer, he enjoys swimming with ~Mufasa, our other little partner, in Spanish Creek that runs behind our cabin.  His favorite past time is playing dress up.  ~Ganja is in touch with both his masculine and feminine sides, so when he wears his scarf, he becomes "~Ganjalina" and sings this song:

"~~My name is ~Ganjalina and I’m an old fisherwoman of the sea.  I’m waiting for my huzband who is out fishing, fishing for tuna, the chicken of the sea.~~"  ~LOL~

When he and ~Mufasa want a biscuit (we call them "goodies" at our house), he performs his happy dance on the kitchen floor by going in circles and tapping his toes on the tile.  With each circle, his eyes light up and he gives off a big old grin.  :-)

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~G's Circles

Animal Spirit Guides for Your Website.

Navajo Times on the Web

Please Visit the North American Wolf Association

I can't find the URL to his webpage... help!


You are Kindred Spirit

July 13, 1999