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~E O Mai, my Sister in Spirit~

Greetings and welcome to a Celebration of Poems and Songs by starhoku, my Sister in Spirit, a kindred spirit, peace messenger and friend to all. May you have many moments of pleasure...


"E O Mai, means to me a feeling of the ONE. You and I are here, together in one breath of life. When you call I will hear, and I will respond, inkind.

I am honored to share this life with all who come in HIS name, and I am also humbled by the many who have gifted onto me their talents, skills, knowledge, humor, and most importantly, their LOVE.
As they have graced me with their presence and kindness, I will honor them by their names here, for all to see. Ka leo o kalani, is the voice from heaven, and as HE has called me. I will inkind, ka hea (call) the gaurdians of the light of peace, in gratitude:

And so it begins, the circle of life continues in the light of peace.

Ancient souls are we, and our many paths ALL lead us home." Piha ko pu`u wai me ke aloha, my heart full of love...........mahalo nui loa (thank you very much).............hoku."

~Guardian's Duty~

Angels escaping the tangible confines,
Beset by ominous rays of sunshine.

Sunshine, but shining on their own,
Shining from HIS heart..........genuine.

A prophecy allegorically conceived in ancient times.

Tranquility is the bond that exists,
In the carnal and spiritual knowledge.

We the custodians of the light of peace,
Are capable of quietude...........isolation.

Implementing, heighten nerves of awareness,
Considering the unexplained, unanswered phenomenon.


Guardians, into the pursuit of daily combat,
Guardians, on a mission of unequaled excellence,
Guardians, accepting responsibility for all creation,

Peace.........Love.......Hope........Harmony..........a guardian's duty!

We are guardians, for the hearts of the multitudes,
A crush of humankind, and creatures great and small.

Of the earth and all SHE holds dear,
Of the universe and all HE holds dear,
A labor of LOVE, and nothing is impossible.

Angels emanating from HIS omnipotent mercy,
Impressive beauty of form and elegance.

Ethereal delectations, hearts for hearts,
A peacekeepers message between hearts.

Guardian angels watching, guardians angels duty.
A labor of LOVE!

~Soul Mates~

The moon blushes in her presence..............serenely.
Her eyes like pools of dancing starlight.
Luxurious, sensuous gratification, her lips entice.
Her appearance casts a shimmering shadow of light.
It permeates the silence as a voice haunts somewhere into the darkness.
The night wind conveys his name, as a whisper in the distance.
She senses him disguised as something not present, not real.
But she can not resist the allure of his bewitching promises.
His voice speaks to her soul, listening she remembers what she has always known.
The love of her life shall forever be..........eternal..........forever.
Speak to me my love, she begs as her soul hungers to hear into the night.
Then an unmistakable flawless sound pierces her soul and she is still.
Her feet grounded to the sand, she is oblivious of the soothing water's touch.

"I love you, beloved. I love you."

The sound echoes and vibrates her sense of
She closes her eyes and searchingly listens again............"I love you beloved. I love you."
The tears roll down her face and a soft mist envelops her...........a kiss.
With every beat of her heart, her love grows potent, intoxicating.
She is aware of only one thing, the rhythm of one heart beat.
They are ONE............ONE spirit............ONE love...........entwind.
Their separation only intensifies...................sympathetically.
Always touching, forever sharing ONE vision.
Together their dreams enliven their transitory state.
Journeying beyond the physical life, enrapturing soul mates.
For eternity their love will endure, the essence of an individual life..............soul mates.
Ascend into the heavenly skies, embarking onto the threshold of time.
No longer can they resist, surrender is

"I love you, beloved. I love you." Eternal...............forever........
"I love you."

~To Meet Once Again~

High above the mountains, silently watching,
And between the vales of these hills.
A familiar sound in the distance is heard,
Our train chants a morning, golden and true.
It was love, now until the end of time.

Where rock and sand share our world,
in the depths of the mountains shadows,
And fashioned in tune distinctly pleasing,
My heart takes a picture, willingly...joyfully.
I will love you for the rest of my life!

The lustrous mountains pristine appearance,
And the aromatic crispness perfumes the air,
Melodiously we listen to nature's ambience.
It was there our love embraced, to meet once again,
May I be with you again...forever!

This is a declaration of our existence...our love.
I can hear your heart beat, so far away,
Deep within the cliffs of our mountain home.
Virtually irrestistable, obvious signs of urgency,
I will be with you, for the rest of my life!

From our mountains to the oceans,
We selfish lover, desires rekindled.
Unwillingly to abandon each others embrace,
Nourish and treasure for time ever more.
To meet there once again, to kiss everlasting!

written online in Africa room by bingo91, ~Guanja and hoku_guest

"From the land of hawaiian rainbows.....a peace of serenity for"

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starhoku II


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~G's Email

My Dear Sister in Spirit,
May the soft winds of heaven continue to shower you with blessings...

~whisper softly ciao baby~


You are Kindred Spirit

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