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~What God Gave Us~

When God made us the heavens
And gave to us this earth,
He placed upon it people
Who really knew its worth.
Some toil and till the land
That lies beneath their feet,
Some sail the seas in awesome wonder,
Catch food for us to eat.
Some work at trades and skills,
Our clothes and shelter make,
Using all the bounties of this great earth;
It is ours to take.
But then there be the people
That rape our land and sea,
Pollute the air that we all breathe;
It is not meant to be.
So gather then these people,
Show them what they've done
And between the two of us
The battle can be won.
Then God will smile upon us
And dry His tear filled eyes,
We've saved the earth He gave us
And He no longer cries.


~What Matters~~To Meet Once Again~~Poetry by bingo91~

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You are Kindred Spirit

January, 1998