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~Foolish Hearted Princess, for Now~

Do not worry your dear heart for me,
My foolish heart knows its path.
But this is how it must be, for now.
While I experience the pain and sorrow,
Others may experience love unconditionally.
Is not this foolish heart in love with love?
Is not this foolish heart a giving one?
It is wise to tell me what you know.
In peace, in love, in harmony.
The heart of gold will always glow.
Even when it is but a twinkle starlight.
This foolish heart gives nothing but all.
And understands that this must be, for now.
I believe one day my foolish heart will be ONE.
One, with not a foolish heart be,
But by LOVE unconditionally.
Your foolish-hearted princess, for now.

by starhoku

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September 6, 1998