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~Abstract Beauty~

Majeed Images

An abstract beauty, a surreal mosaic vision,
In this age of incessant rapid growth.
Unassuming she is simple and tangible,
Possessing a mystical quality.
Emotions significantly contributing profoundly,

To her identity as an individual human being.
She, has silently cultivated a connection,
That bridges the order of reality and spiritualism.
Fashinoned by complex forces illustrating willingness.
An intergrative awareness of humankind's phenomena.

Encouraged or discouraged, protecting all she holds dear.
A revelation finding and fulfilling her destiny.
Prophetic convergence determinded and on a quest,
To delight in who she is, and where she is going.
An artistic and poetic soul flourishing,

Like the omnipresence of the ocean's splendor,
Strongly influenced by nature's declaration.
Emphasizing, the ever changing role of women,
Celebrating her uniqueness and humanistic attributes.
Enhancing the holistic beauty from within.

by starhoku

 starhoku's Websites 

~G's Circles

~A Prayer for Mankind~     ~A Love Story~     ~Angel Words~

~World Peace~   ~World Peace.....Now~


Abstract Beauty image
Majeed Images

You are Kindred Spirit

June 4, 1998